Working Prophet

Chapter 452 Opportunity


"Yes, I asked someone to investigate a little. The priest in the town did send the cursed people to a manor outside the city and they were not allowed to leave." Jude said.

"But they obviously don't have the ability to completely remove the curse, because people in Cornucopia are still trapped by the curse from time to time, and even nearby towns have begun to be affected."

"Such a powerful curse?" Ilea asked in surprise.

"If this is true, then we should leave here immediately." Ferdinand said with a serious expression.

"I will send people to buy food and supplies in a moment. When the things arrive, we can set off and rest in the next town, or we can go further."

"Okay." Ilea said, "It seems that this vacation can only be canceled temporarily. Let's make it up in a safe place."

The female lord has already made a decision, but later encountered some troubles in the process of recalling the manpower.

Two of the Bathory guards remained missing until after sunset when they slipped back to the tavern.

As a result, as soon as he entered the door, he saw his lord and Sir Ilea of ​​the Arias family sitting behind the wooden table in the center of the hall.

The expressions of the two guards changed slightly, and the laughter on their faces immediately disappeared.

But Ferdinand didn't reprimand them, he just asked where they went.

At first, the two only said that they went to drink, but after Ferdinand's repeated questioning, they finally admitted that after drinking, they went to other places to have some fun.

"Aren't there no girls in the taverns in this town?" asked Jude.

"That's right, but then we met a man at the cockfighting ring. He said he could help us find girls, and the price was very cheap, only half of other prices, and the two of us could go together..."

"I'm not interested in details." Ilea paused, "Do you remember what that girl looked like?"

The two guards looked at each other after hearing the words, and after a while, one of them cautiously said, "Didn't you say that you don't care about the details?"

"Answer the question." Ferdinand said.

"Well, she's beautiful...with some amazing breasts."

"And with great enthusiasm," another guard added, "very wild, acting as if he didn't intend to see the sun again."

"Besides the normal physical characteristics, is there anything special about her?"

"I remembered that her skin was a little red. I asked her what happened, and she said it was pinched by the previous customer."

"That guy must be very rude to treat such a beautiful woman so harshly."

After the guard said the last words, he saw Ferdinand's face suddenly darken.

Then the head of the Bathory family said, "Get them, make an empty room and take them there first."

The two guards had their swords taken away while they were still in a daze, and then they were escorted away.

Ilea comforted, "The situation is not necessarily that bad. We don't know how the curse spread. Maybe they are fine."

Ferdinand frowned and remained silent.

Then Miss Rabbit thought of something again, and her eyes lit up, "If you calculate the time, Merlin should be here tomorrow. We can ask him for help then."

"But we have already left the Western Territory. This is the territory of Julius, the god of earth and grain." Ferdinand said.

"It doesn't matter, Saturday's power is everywhere." The female lord said, "Merlin will find a way."

Facing the unknown curse, the head of the Bathory family was a little helpless at this time. He hesitated and said.

"I will first ask them to pray to Bisiya. If Bisiya does not respond to us, I will ask the prophet Merlin for help."

Ilea didn't force herself after hearing this.

It was already evening after all this trouble, and there was no way to leave the city, so the female lord asked the hotel proprietress to make food. After everyone ate in a hurry, they returned to their respective rooms to recharge their batteries.

The female lord originally wanted to wait for Li Yu and fed the ancient spirit in the electronic pet egg for a while.

But now the little games inside are no longer so attractive to her.

After playing for a while, the girl felt sleepy. After yawning a few times, she finally fell asleep leaning on the bed.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw that familiar figure again, dressed in black, sitting at the wooden table, reading a knight novel.

"Merlin." Miss Rabbit said, rubbing her eyes.

"Victoria." Li Yu responded using the girl's Christian name without looking up.

"We may be in trouble, Merlin."

"Well, let's wait until you put on your clothes to talk about anything else."

After hearing this, Ilea quickly put on her stockings and robe, and then said, "What's weird, we didn't know there was a curse until we lived in this town called Cornucopia."

"What kind of curse is it?" Li Yu closed the "Grand Expedition" in his hand.

"It is said that it is a terrible curse that can devour people's flesh and blood and eat bones." The female lord described what she heard last night to Li Yu vividly.

"Two of Ferdinand's guards may have been haunted by this curse."

Li Yu recalled the contents of the "General Practitioner's Diagnosis, Treatment and Prescription Manual" and said after a while, "It sounds a bit like a curse called syphilis."

"What can you do?"

"If it is really syphilis, it can be eliminated as long as it is not infected for too long." Li Yu said.

This time he set off for the royal capital. Considering various situations that might arise during the trip, Li Yu asked Xiu Shi, who was on holiday, to carry the "General Practitioner's Diagnosis, Treatment and Prescription Manual", as well as some medicines.

Among them is the penicillin needed for the treatment of syphilis, and there is a lot of it.

Miss Rabbit was overjoyed when she heard the words, "I knew that this little curse is no match for you at all!"

Li Yu didn't think so. Syphilis was no small curse. Its power was obvious to all. This virus was speculated to have originated in the Americas and was introduced to European countries with the great voyages, and then began to wreak havoc.

Nietzsche, Beethoven, Wilde and others were all infected with syphilis. Until the 21st century, Li Yu remembered seeing small advertisements for the treatment of gonorrhea and syphilis genital warts on the telephone pole in front of his home when he was a child.

Li Yu didn't know who brought syphilis on Bratis Road, but from Ilea's description, the virus had spread from Cape Plenty to other places.

It seems that the production and extraction of penicillin should also be put on the agenda.

However, Li Yu is also keenly aware that this may also be a rare opportunity for the weekend education.

"You said those patients were locked up in a farm outside the city?"

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