Working Prophet

Chapter 424 Li Yu’s exam questions

Li Yu noticed that the information showed that Hao Xiaoxiao was expelled from the university because of cheating in the organization, not cheating. Although the two sound similar, the severity is obviously not the same.

In fact, if you are caught cheating in a general university, you will be given a warning or a serious warning. If it is more serious, you will be demerited, stay in school for observation, and very few students will be directly expelled.

"What happened during your junior year of college?"

"I hacked into the educational administration system and changed the results of the final exam." Hao Xiaoxiao said, "Since you agreed with me to participate in the interview, you must have taken a fancy to my ability in this area."

Li Yu was noncommittal, "If you just change your own grades, it shouldn't be to the extent of organizing cheating."

"I also changed the grades of other people in the class."

"Why? Did someone pay you to do it?"

"No, the professor's course final assessment has always been in the form of course papers, but he doesn't go to see those papers in person, they are all handed over to his graduate students for marking and marking.

"There are a group of girls in our class who have a good relationship with that senior sister. They often treat her to dinner, and their test scores are adjusted up. On the contrary, some people's scores are lowered.

"However, that senior sister was very measured. She didn't give high marks to particularly outrageous papers, and she didn't give very low marks to papers that should have high marks. It just fluctuated a lot on the original basis, so Even if you go to the Academic Affairs Office to appeal, it will be useless to review it again.

"I only found out about this incident by accident, because I couldn't get angry, so I entered the system and changed my score."

Hao Xiaoxiao paused, "If you are looking for a very powerful hacker, you may have found the wrong person. Although my grades in the class were not bad before I was expelled, it was just not bad. There are several people who are better than me in the class alone." Yes, there are more in each grade.

"I was able to hack into the school's educational administration system, but I just happened to find that there are other websites on the server, and I found an unauthorized access loophole. And that loophole has existed for many years, and no one would have discovered it before me, they just didn't move. It’s just my thoughts on this aspect.”

"Then what happened to your first job?" Li Yu continued to ask.

"The company clearly has money in its account but does not pay the suppliers. It delays as long as it can, and many small suppliers are dragged out of bankruptcy.

"One of the suppliers was very poor. His wife was seriously ill and urgently needed money for medical treatment. I joined the company oa to help him complete the process. There was no technical content either. I was the one who maintained the system."

"Where's the second one?"

"They looked at my resume and wanted to hire me to do something immoral, and I was fired if I didn't agree."

It can be seen that Hao Xiaoxiao didn't really want to talk about this, but reiterated, "I am not the kind of hacker you imagined, I will not help you hack into any system or database, and I will not send extortion emails like other hackers .

"I just want to stay out of trouble and do a job I'm good at."

"Are you dissatisfied with your current job?"

"Of course, otherwise I would come here to apply for the job." Hao Xiaoxiao tapped the ground with her right foot in a rapid rhythm.

"How much do you still owe now?"

Hao Xiaoxiao was silent when she heard the words, and said after a while, "About six or seven hundred thousand, this is one of the conditions for private reconciliation."

"The salary we offer is actually not high."

"I know, but people like me who have been expelled from the school and two companies one after another, and are not particularly skilled, have no other options. Moreover, you also provide weekends and weekends. I can go to another part-time job with the extra time. Work." Hao Xiaoxiao said.

"Is that so... I understand your situation pretty much." Li Yu said, "You should have met other candidates just now, you are all excellent, but the company currently only has one vacant position.

"I want to know which of you is more suitable for this position, so I have an exam question for you."

"What test questions?" Hao Xiaoxiao asked.

"I would like to ask you to help me investigate a person. The specific information has been sent to your mobile phone. The location is in City G. In three days, the round-trip air ticket company will reimburse you. In addition, there is a budget of 2,000 yuan that can be freely arranged. , please be sure to send the investigation report to my mailbox within the specified time, those who are overdue will be automatically eliminated.

"Afterwards, I will make the final choice based on the results of the assessment and your personal background." Li Yu looked at Hao Xiaoxiao after speaking, "Do you have any questions?"

Hao Xiaoxiao opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything in the end.

He just nodded silently, and left Li Yu's office like the previous candidates.

In this way, there is only the last interviewer left.

The crippled man had already gone up to the second floor early, waiting in the corridor, and when Hao Xiaoxiao went out, he went straight in.

"Lai Zhenfa." Li Yu looked at the information in his hand.

"It's me." Lai Zhenfa sat down on the chair opposite the desk and grinned, "Boss, did you just come back from a business trip?"

"Oh, how did you tell?"

Lai Zhenfa pointed to Li Yu's neck, "You've been tanned here, the weather in City B has been bad in the past few days, the sun hasn't been seen much, and the temperature is low, everyone covers themselves tightly, thinking It's not easy to tan your neck, so you must be on a business trip to the south, boss."

"Good observation and reasoning skills."

"Thank you boss for the compliment." Lai Zhenfa grinned almost to the back of his head, and he was always quite proud of his abilities, so he recommended himself.

"Ms. Zhang told me that your company wants to recruit another human resources specialist to be responsible for background checks. This happens to be my strength."

However, Li Yu's next words poured cold water on him, causing the smile to freeze on his face.

"You were down there just now, were you plotting against other candidates?"

"I... don't quite understand what you mean."

"You hinted in front of other people that Hao Xiaoxiao was hired, just to affect her interview performance. Then you provoked Zhang Hai to file a complaint with me. Regardless of whether this is true or not, I have nothing to do with Zhang Hai and Hao Xiaoxiao. It won’t leave a good impression.”

"I didn't do that," Lai Zhenfa complained, "You thought too badly of me. I just like chatting with people."

"It doesn't matter, this is also a skill." Li Yu extended his hand, "Thank you, Mr. Lai, for taking time out of your busy schedule to come for the interview. When you go out, you can ask Miss Zhang to reimburse the round trip expenses."

"Am I being eliminated now?" Lai Zhenfa looked a little ugly, "But I clearly meet the job requirements better than other candidates."

"There is indeed nothing wrong with you in terms of ability. The main reason is that I personally don't like people who smoke in the office area." Li Yu said calmly.

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