Yuya's expression did not change, his indifferent gaze looked straight ahead, and he could clearly see that a very large private steamer appeared on the vast blue sea in front of him.

A very large flag is hung on the main rail pole of a private steamer.

The banner was painted with the symbol of the Draconians........

Hoof prints of the Draconians!

These Tianlong people are not ordinary luxury, the size of a ship alone has already surpassed the naval warship at Yuya's feet, and the value of this private steamer will definitely not be less than 800 million Bailey........ Even more expensive.

The two ships were approaching each other, and the other recognized that it was a naval ship.

After about a few minutes.

Two ships stand side by side on the sea.

This luxurious steamship of the Draco people, at least........ It is twice the size of the navy's warships, and such a huge ship makes many navies on the warships speechless.

Of course, Yuya must not be surprised, he has seen all the bigger ships.

Let's say, Moonlight Moria's spinnaker of horror.

The ship was the size of a small island.

"Is it finally here? let's go over, lest the Draconians say anything more. "

A deep voice sounded from behind him.

Yuya looked back and saw Vice Admiral "Fire Mountain" walking next to the warship, and then jumped up slightly, easily jumping onto the huge steamer of the Celestial Dragons.

"We don't need to drive a warship, just take their ship, and the ship of the Draco is quite large, enough spare room for us to live in, it can be regarded as a tour........ As long as you don't touch pirates. "

It seemed that Yuya's doubts could be seen, and the peach rabbit next to him explained in a low voice.

I see.

Yuya was stunned.

After hearing Peach Rabbit's explanation, Yuya understood that this time he was following the Draco people closely, not as simple as escorting the ship.

He didn't have a problem with that, so he just took a ride with the wind.

He looked up at the ship.

Yuya jumped slightly.

Suddenly it soared into the air.

Walking on the moon step by step, he walked to the ship, and finally landed firmly on the deck of the Tianlongren steamship, his eyes scanned around, and he found that on this ship, in addition to himself and the four people of Peach Rabbit, Fire Mountain, and Ghost Spider, there were some other strong people.

His gaze was not far away, on the bodies of the two men in black.

The two men were dressed in neat suits.

Although the momentum on the body is restrained.

But Yuya can still perceive it clearly........ The majestic blood hidden in the other party's body, the strength of these two people is very good, no matter how weak they are, they will not be worse than the ghost spider, which is equivalent to the elite vice admiral of the navy.

When he contacted the other party's outfit again, Yuya suddenly remembered.

He remembered that in One Piece, there was nothing but the navy.

There is also an agent organization called CP........

It is also the official power under the command of the world government.

As for whether the CP organization can be comparable to the Navy Headquarters, Yuya doesn't know too well, but he knows that this organization is definitely very strong, and there may even be a high-end terrorist combat force at the level of a few admirals.

Let three vice admirals, one rear admiral, and two CP powerhouses escort them.

The pomp and circumstance of the Draco people is not ordinary.

And even within the Celestial Dragons, they are divided into two different Celestial Dragons.

One is mixed with the blood of ordinary people.

One is pure Heavenly Dragon blood.

A guy who can have such a big pomp and circumstance, should he be a pure-blooded Draconian, right?

It is highly likely that it was an inbred Draconian.

I hope it's not a brain-dead.

At the same time, the agents of the two CP organizations also focused their eyes on Yuya and the others. Although both sides are departments of the world government, in fact, the two departments do not trust each other very much.

Although it is not a hostile state, the relationship is not very good.

I have to say that the balance of the five old stars.

It's a good game........



Soon the two CP agents noticed Yuya, who was very strange compared to acquaintances such as Lieutenant General of the Fire Mountain, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, and Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit.

In particular, Yuya's age looks really not ordinarily young.

Two CP agents even wondered if he was an adult.

"CP0, Senior Agent, Buck Hanley. "

"CP0, Senior Agent, Vierstov Wiljackson Moss. "

Two CP0 agents approached and introduced themselves with cold expressions.

As for whether these two names are real names........

Only the two of them know.

"Yuan Yuan, Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters. "

"Fire Mountain, Vice Admiral of the Admiralty. "

"Ghost Spider, Vice Admiral of the Admiralty. "

"Yua, Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters. "

Since the other party is so "polite", Yuya will not give the other party any look, after all, he is not the kind of person with a bad personality.

Agent CP0 named Buck Hanli (referred to as Hanri) suddenly looked at Yuya, frowned and asked curiously, "Can I ask this Major General Yuya, may I ask you........ Uh, are you an adult?!"

"Nope. "

Yuya replied very neatly, he was indeed not an adult.

Hanli: "........"

Moss: "........"

Even the CP0 agent, who was very calm, was now making waves in his heart, and Li had an unbelievable disbelief in the eyes of both of them.

Not........ Minor rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters? Is this a second lord?!

But it doesn't look like it!

Although the two of them are not in the navy.

But after all, they are all under the command of the world government.

They are still familiar with the ranks of the navy, and the gold content of the rank of rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters is not only something that the second lord can get, plus the marshal of the Warring States period has a good reputation, it is impossible to let his relatives become a rear admiral casually!

After all, the rank of rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters is not for wholesale sales!

It is for this reason that it is also possible.

The two of them were a little confused.

Why is a minor a rear admiral?What the hell are those people in the Navy doing?!And how come CP0 doesn't have any information about this guy?!

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