One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 394 I have to be careful in the future

The sun is shining, the sea breeze is blowing, and white seagulls are soaring in the sky.


The loud calls of seagulls echoed through the air, adding a bit of serenity to the calm.

If there were no war in the world, the world would be really beautiful.

There are all kinds of incredibly beautiful islands here, rare rare beasts in the world, strange and magical devil fruits, and essential beauties...

Charlotte looked up to the sky and was slightly lost in thought for a while. After a while, he calmed down and looked not far away.

On the deck, a boy wearing a furry winter cotton hat with leopard spots looked frail with his thin body.

At this moment, I was looking into the distance unhappily. In that direction was my hometown and family who were far away.

Yes, very unexpected!

The doctor turned out to be Trafalgar Law's father.

It turned out that Luo's sister was already bedridden due to platinum lead disease, and her father, a doctor, was unwilling to give up his responsibility as a doctor and resolutely stayed in the country.

Of course, it was also for the sake of my daughter. Her sick daughter’s frail body simply couldn’t bear the long journey.

For a father, even though he has superb medical skills, it is so cruel to be powerless.

His mother also decided to keep her husband, and the two entrusted young Luo to Charlotte.

Although the greatness of ordinary people is not noticed by the world, the shining point of humanity is unforgettable for a long time.

Charlotte looked at the young Luo, maybe this is good, the young children don't have to experience those tragic experiences in person.

It’s also a blessing.

But how to treat lead disease? This is a problem. That disease is now a major global disease that cannot be treated.

His eyes were thinking, wondering if Jillian's healing fruit could be used to treat her, but there was little hope.

Roger was suffering from an incurable terminal illness, leaving Gillian helpless.

Platinum lead disease is an extremely rare disease in the pirate world, and there is also something like "Qinglin disease"...

"Rosinandi, why do you think I should bring you back to the Hiberfield family?"

Charlotte changed her words and spoke calmly with her back to Rosinandi.

Faced with the sudden question, Rosinandi shook his head. He really didn't know Charlotte's specific purpose.

The strong man's thoughts are more about doing whatever he wants! So elusive.

"Are you feeling troubled in your heart?"

Charlotte still spoke calmly, seeming a little careless.

Rocinante was stunned.

Confused? have it! He was not sure, let alone understood what Charlotte was referring to?

For a while, I didn’t know how to answer.

Charlotte turned around and looked at Rosinandi, and just smiled slightly, "You will understand!"

Rosinandi looked at Charlotte in astonishment, saying that he was getting more and more confused.

What do you know?

And when he looked at Charlotte's eyes as calm and as deep as the sea, he felt unspeakably uneasy.

It was as if those eyes could see through the deepest secrets in his heart, giving him the illusion of knowing everything. Such a strange feeling made him uneasy.

Charlotte did not continue to speak, just return to Lati Island and leave the rest to Mitis.

Mitis would probably like a job like instigating a rebellion as a naval spy!

Having a gem like Hariri in front is the best proof that naval spies are not incapable of instigating rebellion.

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando!

Admiral's Office!

Porusalino was reporting the battle situation to Cyborg Kong. After all, both Sakaski and Ms. Crane were now injured and hospitalized.

Especially since Ms. He's injury was serious, Sakaski's rough skin and thick flesh were not a big problem. He could just rest for a week.

"You mean that Heberfiler Charlotte took action himself."

Facing Cyborg Sora's inquiry, Porusalino pushed up his brown sunglasses and said.

"Is that so? Marshal Kong."

Cyborg Kong couldn't help but clench his hands as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. He was doubly surprised by Heberfiler Charlotte's attack.

Is there something wrong with such secret information?

Someone leaked the news or the enemy took advantage of the situation and plotted it.

After a while, Cyborg Kong rejected the previous idea. It was impossible for the child adopted by the Warring States to rebel.

He believed in the Sengoku vision.

It can only be said that Silberfeller Charlotte not only possesses super combat power but also has a strategic awareness far beyond ordinary people.

I have to be careful in the future!

And this is something that the other three emperors do not have.

After all, one drinks and fights, one eats raw food, and the other collects...

No matter how you look at it, you don’t have far-sighted strategic thinking!

Cyborg Sora, who came back to his senses, looked at Porusalino. Fortunately, this guy was gone, otherwise Sakaski and Heke would have been in danger of death.

If the navy really loses two powerful combatants, it will not only severely damage morale but also severely damage the navy's strength.

"Go down and rest! Porusalino."


Porusalino rarely looked more serious, and this time he was really shocked.

The emperor of the new world is not something he can touch now, and his combat power is really shocking.

Thinking about it, since the Battle of Edvor, the subsequent events that Hiberfield Charlotte has been involved in are nothing short of trivial.

Kill the Golden Lion, defeat Redfield, break into Impel Down City, invade the Holy Land Mary Joa...

Each of these shocking incidents shocked the sea, and their ferocity can be seen clearly!

It can be said that he is the most active New World Emperor in the past ten years.

There is really no other word to describe it other than brutal.

Porusalino is serious. The Shichibukai system, which was originally strongly resisted by the navy, may be greatly alleviated because of today's events.

Because the navy is really unable to suppress the four emperors of the new world.

It's been such an eventful time.

Cyborg Kong was naturally in a bad mood. Since he took office, the pirates he had led the navy against were all extremely vicious.

He is really old, what will be the future of the Navy?

This made this veteran who has experienced ups and downs for decades feel exhausted.

Especially the high power of this position is also very stressful. The lives of countless navy are in his hands.

A total of eight naval warships were sunk, and more than 3,000 naval soldiers were collectively killed, without even an inch of success being achieved.

Soon, Cyborg Kong became firm. The navy is the justice that protects the sea and will never allow even a trace of confusion.

There were many battles where sacrifices were inevitable and there were more casualties than this one.

The Shichibukai system must be implemented as soon as possible and completed as soon as possible.

Only by dividing the pirates into two levels can the pirates be separated and the increasingly expanding pirate camp be contained.

Both sides are pirates. How many people die is a matter of pirates. If the Shichibukai dies, another one will be replaced. There are too many pirates in the sea.

Thinking of this, he immediately asked the navy soldiers to collect information on all powerful pirates and determine the target as soon as possible.

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