Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 98 Like me, a young man

The next day, Li Tai got up so early that he didn't even have time to do the regular morning exercises before he went out and got on his horse and rushed to Huazhou City.

He was still thinking about the fish-fishing tricks of the Taiwan staff that Xue Shen recorded yesterday, and specially arranged for his family to prepare two shortbread cakes to take to Tai Mansion to eat, but he couldn't help but eat them all on the way.

After all, strictly speaking, his body has not completely gone through the growth stage. Even if he does not do high-intensity physical activities every day, he still eats a lot. The restaurant doesn't care about the food, so it's hard to keep using public funds to order food.

He had just arrived at Tai Mansion, and from a distance he saw Pei Kuan already looking up in front of the door. He quickly stepped forward and dismounted, and said with a smile: "Pei Kuan is really diligent when he joins the army!"

Pei Kuan didn't have time to chat with him, so he pulled him towards Tai's mansion. By the way, he told him what happened when Da Xingtai came last night, and urged him to go see Da Xingtai as soon as possible.

After saying this, Pei Kuan saw that Li Tai's expression was a little serious, and he couldn't help but asked in a low voice with some anxiety: "Li Lang, the document you left yesterday, don't have any secret taboos that cannot be written in writing?"

"No, no, it's just some rules and regulations for Taiwan government officials. I'm just worried that the idea will not be fully realized. I originally planned to ask two soldiers to join the army today to review the details, but I didn't want to submit it to my superiors, so I will inevitably feel flustered."

After hearing this, Li Tai quickly said that the matter was not serious, but it might be more difficult to fish in Taifu in the future.

He was also a little surprised. Before, Yuwentai had left him idle in the countryside and ignored him. Why did he suddenly become interested in him and come to check on him on his first day at work?

This hot and cold attitude makes people a little confused. I have never been so anxious when falling in love before.

But no matter what his mood was, since the boss said it, he had to go, so he could only pack up his mood and go straight to the Taifu meeting hall.

This time, he didn't wait too long. He was summoned not long after the visitor entered the room.

Li Tai walked up to the hall with sweat dripping. After entering the hall, he looked around and found that there were already several people in the hall. When Yu Wentai, who was sitting at the top, saw that he was still panting, he said with a smile: "The horse is in good condition. Strategy, I made a little plan yesterday, which kept me and all the gentlemen awake at night. There is a new horse from Hexi in the stable, which is so willful and neighing that it disturbs people. I will punish you for taming it!"

Before he could say anything in court, he was given a famous horse from Hexi Province. Li Tai was greatly encouraged for a moment, "I am inseparable from Moyu!"

In addition to the unstoppable Su Chuo, there are several officials present, including Lu Tong, Dou Yi, Cui Yanmu, and others. Although they also hold court positions, they mainly work in the Taifu and are also important members of the Taifu team.

Lu Tong was a native of Wu County, Jiangdong. His ancestors lived in Hexi. He joined Yu Wentai's army as early as when he was still serving as the governor of Xiazhou. Dou Yi and Cui Yanmu are not well-known respectively, but Dou Yi will have a son-in-law named Li Yuan in the future, and Cui Yanmu now has a niece-in-law named Duguxin.

With such a lineup, if it were a blind date, Li Tai would definitely be happier.

The people in the hall had obviously been talking for a long time. When Li Tai arrived, they were already dining. Yu Wentai raised his hand to signal him to sit down first, and asked the waiter to bring a simple working meal.

Li Tai was not polite, grabbed his chopsticks and started eating. Looking at Yu Wentai's eager inquiry, he thought since this performance should last for a long time, it was better to fill his stomach first.

After finally waiting for Li Tai to finish his meal, Yu Wentai said: "The method Li Canjun described in the court yesterday was very thought-provoking. But the meaning is not complete, which makes people curious. Can this be done?" Are you having doubts in the hall?"

"Since Daxingtai has made inquiries, I am bold enough to speak out."

Li Tai sat upright, recalling what he had written yesterday, and first made a succinct summary: "In ancient times, the most difficult thing to do when establishing and promoting government was that the law must be implemented and the words must be believed! If the construction fails, the government will be in ruins. If you are lazy and do not take exams when appointing officials, the officials will be mediocre and lazy. According to what I have observed, there are six common mistakes in being an official: greedy people value goods, timid people lose authority, mediocre people have no talent, lazy people damage ambitions, and complicated people waste the people and are impetuous. Those who are careless..."

The outline of his examination method naturally copied the spirit of Zhang Juzheng's examination in the Ming Dynasty, but the specific content was adjusted. After all, the two eras spanned thousands of years, and their systems and social backgrounds were very different.

At the very least, the Ming Dynasty already had a mature and large bureaucracy and talent pool, as well as a relatively sound supervisory system. But what did the Western Wei Dynasty have? A red heart?

Therefore, Li Tai's discussion of the content of the examination method is not about examination, but about success. Let's work hard to improve the rules and regulations first and get this thing done, and then sit down and continue to discuss whether things are done well or not.

Check-in at work and standardize office procedures. Things are divided into four categories: drama, important, free, and casual. Each thing needs to have a deadline that must be completed.

As Li Tai narrated, Yu Wentai also continued to express his own opinions and raise his own questions.

One of the things he was most concerned about about the examination method was Li Tai's proposal for the Daxingtai Office to draw up an agenda, and then hold a regular meeting every ten days to determine the urgency of the matter, and then send it to Cao Cao for handling. Such a plan plan.

Li Tai was not surprised by Yu Wentai's focus, because it involves the essence of the operation of power, that is, how is the highest power manifested?

Is it the power to take away human life or death?

It seems that Yu Wentai was not so presumptuous that those who obeyed me prospered and those who went against me perished. He was said to be a powerful official in the Western Wei Dynasty, but in some details he behaved like a irritated little daughter-in-law.

Is it single-handed control of money, food and population?

The money and grain are hidden in the warehouse. If you say you are stupid, maybe the rats in the rice warehouse will eat more than you. As for the population, it’s time to farm and weave. If one day the mulberry farming goes out of control, you will see chaos in minutes.

Is it the supreme potential?

Not to mention that now that the Three Kingdoms are separated, Yuwentai can only barely maintain it. Even in the Western Wei regime itself, Yuan Baoju is the real emperor. No matter how powerful Yuwentai is, he can only sit on the sidelines.

If the plan provided by Li Tai can be implemented successfully, it will mean that Yu Wentai will decide the allocation and investment of social resources controlled by the entire ruling system. Everything will be done in the Bafu, and he will not only be able to decide which things can be done and where. Something cannot be done, and Yuwentai can still firmly control the progress of the matter.

If this procedure can be formulated, it can further isolate the Western Wei Dynasty and allow Yu Wentai to gain greater control over the political power.

The content of the examination law has been extended to this point, and its significance is no longer limited to attendance supervision, but the redistribution of the power structure of the political power.

Judging from the changes in the organizational structure, it is actually a step further than Zhang Juzheng's examination method. Zhang Juzheng is also strengthening the authority of cabinet ministers, while Li Tai's regular meeting plan is to directly remove the emperor from national administration, which is a response to the current hegemony. Direct enhancement of government powers.

Li Tai didn't want to dedicate it to Yu Wentai before, not only because he didn't want to stand on the opposite side of the fishing crowd, but also because he wanted to keep it for himself. Who can say that he will not become the new leader of the Bafu in the future?

Since this plan has been discovered by Yu Wentai in advance, Li Tai simply continued: "When the country establishes affairs, hundreds of sects and thousands of people are involved, and all things are consulted, and they must be examined. Only when the law follows one sect and the principles are clear, can it be But the officials and the people are doing their own thing. The difficulty of the country's current situation lies in the lack of material resources. Everyone in the dynasty and the government in Taiwan should share this concern and take care of it!"

He did not describe the assessment method in detail. One reason is that the Western Wei regime did not have a complete supervision system at all. Officials in various places often gather together with local party members and relatives. Do you want them to monitor and report each other? Just kidding!

What's more, even if these officials find out, what should they do? Did the Western Wei regime have so many talent reserves?

Secondly, Li Tai didn't want to stand on the opposite side of the masses as soon as he entered the industry. It was not his own business, so he could just stop there and not worry about adding bricks and tiles to the Yuwen family's hegemony.

Therefore, he only proposed one important criterion for passing the examination, which is to take fiscal revenue as the first goal.

When Yu Wentai heard this, he couldn't help but push forward the case. He pointed at Li Tai and sighed: "Li Boshan has a comprehensive plan and a broad view. It is rare to be able to simplify the complex and build strategies based on reality. It is really rare and rare." ah!"

As he spoke, he looked at the people in the hall and said with a smile: "The reason why everyone has doubts before is that this method seems to be impressive, but it is complicated but not necessary. Now Li Canjun comes to the hall to discuss in depth, whether it can alleviate your doubts." ?”

When everyone heard this, they all smiled and nodded. They could see that Daxingtai appreciated this examination method, and each of them was thinking about what changes it would bring to Xingtai politics after its implementation.

As the core members of Bafu, they naturally hope that Bafu's general power will be greater, so that more power can be allocated to individuals.

The only thing that is a little hesitant is to take fiscal revenue as the first assessment target. Everything is in the ambiguity of importance, beauty and ugliness. Only the grain and silk figures are the most clear and impressive. Once it becomes the main assessment content, there is only a little room for maneuver. Smaller.

Therefore, everyone's subsequent discussions were also focused on this aspect. They felt that the assessment standards should be relaxed. At least moral character, hometown aspirations, etc. should also be emphasized, and officials should not be expelled blindly for profit.

After listening to everyone's opinions, Yu Wentai nodded in agreement and immediately asked Su Chuo to prepare a form and summarize the contents in a letter to the court.

As for Li Tai, because he initiated this formal provision, in addition to the good horse he had been rewarded before, Yu Wentai also ordered him to be rewarded with old things such as saddles and bridles that he had used before. He went down to the hall in person, patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: " How can the brave men in the world shrink because of their immaturity? Li Boshan is as courageous in making plans now as I was when I was a young man, which is really commendable!"

When Li Tai heard this, he was excited and thanked him repeatedly. It was only after waiting for a while that I was sure that there was indeed no other reward. I couldn't help but sigh, Yuwentai, you really won't be able to have a good meal in your life.

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