After coming down from the camp, Daxingtai Yuwentai also changed into a light riding outfit, and, surrounded by the generals and soldiers, rode his horse into the hunting ground.

Yu Wentai looked around, looking for prey, and soon noticed a small commotion caused by Li Taichi's entry.

When he saw Li Tai hit a rabbit in the grass with an arrow from a distance, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but raise his finger to point to the young man who was galloping again in the distance and said with a smile: "This young man is strong, handsome, skilled, and his style is really good." It makes people think about Wishful Young Time! Whose general is this?”

He Basheng, who was nearest, heard the words and rode forward with a smile: "This young general's name is Li Boshan. He comes from the family of Sikong Li Wenmu, but he is not proud of his family qualifications. He is well-mannered, clever, and has great skills." If you call me in your spare time, you will surely see more of the beauty of Zhangqi.”

"What kind of boy do you think the Grand Master praises you so highly!"

Yu Wentai was surprised when he heard this and wanted to take a closer look, but the young man was already galloping away on the school field.

He looked back and pondered for a moment, then searched among the generals who followed him, beckoned several Hui Cengma to come forward and asked: "Is this Li Boshan the writer who wrote the book in Tongguan?"

"It's this person!"

Shuhui first glanced at Zhao Gui, who was looking a little embarrassed behind him, and then said to Yu Wentai: "The last general also often gathers with this young man to discuss current affairs. I dare to report what the Lord and Grand Master He Ba said about quality, beauty and honesty. "Xu, if the Lord summons you to the palace to inquire, you will be amazed!"

Hearing that the two generals spoke so highly of this young general, Yu Wentai was really interested. He turned his eyes and saw Gao Zhongmi who was behind the generals. He raised his hand and said, "The scenery in the east and west are different. Please come in and enjoy the game with us!"

After hearing this, Gao Zhongmi felt flattered and a little sad, but he still hurriedly rode forward.

Seeing Da Xingtai showing obvious curiosity towards a young general, everyone present could not help but express their feelings.

Yu Wenhu, who was originally in the formation of the personal soldiers, had a flash of anger in his eyes. Seeing the generals still riding horses and leisurely in Daxingtai, he couldn't hold back. He directly ordered dozens of followers and left first. The escort team then rode towards the direction where Li Tai and his party were hunting.


There was a sharp sound in the air, and the unstringed arrow grazed the back of the prey, and was shot into the grass.

Li Tai felt that there were only a dozen arrows left in Hu Luzhong, and he couldn't help but feel frustrated. Except for the amazing shot when he first entered the scene, he had made almost no shots in the past half hour. Also, because he shot too wildly, he lost a dozen arrows, which were picked up by some nearby safari team.

"This hunting ground is not good. There are too few active big animals!"

He rode his horse to pick up the arrow where it fell, looked around, and said with a slight complaint, turning a blind eye to the prey hung on the horses of his entourage.

"Yes, this hunting ground is too close to the center. The prey that is surrounded and driven from all sides are picked up from all sides. There are really not many that can escape to the center."

Li Yan raised his hand and shot an arrow through the badger that had just escaped under Li Tai's arrow. He then said with emotion that he got off his horse and picked up the badger with its belly pierced, without damaging Master Lang's eyes at all. The slap in the face hurts.

When Li Tai saw this, he snorted coldly and turned his face away. He just saw a pheasant that was startled and was flying low above the grass.

He roared first, and when the followers nearby were disturbed by this and turned to look, he calmly raised his bow and stringed it, and shot another arrow in the air. But before anyone could shoot, he drew another arrow and shot it, hitting the pheasant's wing.

When the attendants picked up the arrows and prey, Li Tai glanced at the pheasant with scratched wings and still flapping its edges, pointed at Li Yan's head and frowned: "You can't hunt with just clumsy strength. Look at the belly of your prey." They were all shot through, and the feces and blood were all mixed together, so how could they manage the food?"

Li Yantou scratched his head when he heard the scolding, and the joy of hunting was immediately reduced by half.

Next, Li Tai probably mastered some touch and skill, and his hunts gradually increased. However, their hunting ground is indeed too close to the central area, and there are not many large beasts.

After wandering for a long time, he finally saw a deer. Li Tai excitedly ordered his followers to chase and intercept it. As they walked closer, they saw that the deer was about to cross a ditch. Everyone finally caught up with the big living creature, but they couldn't let it escape, so they all drew their bows and shot at it.

"I've got it, I've got it!"

Seeing the deer fall into the ditch, one of the entourage raised his arms and cheered. It was the young man Yang Yu who begged Li Tai to take him to the Grand Parade.

This young man has great ambitions and is determined to do more shooting and win the opportunity to be rewarded in front of a big show. He is indeed quite good at archery and horseback riding, and he ranks among the best in their team in hunting.

Yang Yu finally hit the giant object, dismounted, cheered and rushed towards the ditch. When he was approaching the ditch, a stream of arrows suddenly came from the opposite side.


Li Tai quickly shouted a warning, but Yang Yu finally got smart and threw himself forward. The arrow passed over his back and landed in the grass.

Several horsemen on the other side were also running towards the ditch. Seeing this obvious provocation, Li Tai quickly waved his hand to signal his followers to gather together. He clasped his bowstring and rode his horse towards the ditch. He asked people to help Yang Yu who fell to the ground. Mount your horse.

"You have crossed a line!"

The weapons, equipment and mounts of the cavalry on the opposite side were obviously better than those of Li Tai and his party, according to the evil man on the other side of the ditch who complained first.

"Nonsense! The ditch is clearly the boundary, and the prey falls in the ditch!"

Yang Yu was naturally reluctant to give away the prey he had obtained, so he glared and argued. At this time, the deer that had been hit by the arrow and was still alive struggled to move a few inches to this side of the ditch.

Li Tai winked at Li Yantou with a sullen face, and Li Yantou turned over and dismounted, drew his saber and walked towards the ditch to collect the prey.

Seeing this, the riders on the opposite side looked even more disdainful. Seeing Li Yantou was about to bend down to pick up the prey, one of them sneered and said, "You thief is so brave, do you know who our lord is? Have you heard of Lord Shuichi and Yuwen Cheqi?"

When Li Tai heard this, his face changed slightly. He originally guessed that the other party might be Zhao Gui's subordinate, so he went forward to provoke.

Although Zhao Gui was in a high position and had great power, he was not afraid of these people in this public hunting occasion, but he did not expect that these people were actually Yuwen Hu's subordinates. That was really unsolvable. It was okay to offend Zhao Gui, but if he offended Yuwen Hu, then Yuwen Tai would not be able to save him.

"Yantou, come back!"

After a brief pause, Li Tai called back Li Yantou. Facing the mockery and laughter from the opposite side, he ordered again: "Throw all the prey into this ditch. Please forgive me!"


Li Yantou and others were very angry after hearing this, but Li Tai shouted in a deep voice: "Throw it down!"

While speaking, he threw all the prey on his horse into the ditch, and the rest of the followers had no choice but to do the same.

He bowed slightly to the opposite side, and then turned his horse to leave. After encountering such a bad thing, he really had no interest in hunting. Since you want to fight for power without following the rules, you can have fun by yourself. I dare not play.

However, before he walked far, a shout came from the other side of the ditch: "Li Lang, wait!"

Yuwen Hu rode his horse from a distance, and when he came close, he first called out to Li Tai who was about to leave, then whipped several subordinates who had just provoked and mocked him, and angrily cursed: "You dogs, how did I teach you in the past? Now you are relying on my name to act arrogantly outside, get off your horse quickly and apologize!"

When Li Tai returned and saw this scene, he couldn't help but have doubts in his heart. He was naturally happy to know Yuwen Hu, the future powerful official of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, but he didn't understand why Yuwen Hu knew him and played this trick in front of him with his subordinates?

"When I was traveling with the Grand Chancellor before, I heard several elders praising Li Lang's name and deeds. I also want to be close to talented people, so I remember Li Lang."

Yuwen Hu first beat and scolded his followers, and then smiled at Li Tai across the ditch: "The grass is sparse and the land is vast over there, so it is inevitable that the harvest will not be rich. I don't think Li Lang's riding and shooting skills can be fully displayed. Why don't we come here to hunt together?"

Li Tai thought about it and nodded in agreement, leading his followers across the ditch. He was also a little curious about Yuwen Hu's intentions. If it was just to show goodwill and recruit him, then there is no need to bother you. I will take the initiative to approach you, and we will work together to wipe out your uncle!

When Li Tai rode his horse closer, Yuwen Hu looked him up and down, and then suddenly sighed: "Li Lang may not know that I have been friends with you for a long time. At the beginning of the year, the letter from Tongguan was submitted by me to the Grand Secretariat. All the comments by Li Lang were from my heart, which was really touching!"

When Li Tai heard this, he suddenly realized something. Looking at Yuwen Hu's fake smile, he suddenly felt a little bit of bad taste in his heart. He waved his hand and said modestly: "Boshan dare not call himself a talented person. All the previous words were based on feelings. There are relatives in Jinyang who sigh that the Eastern bandits are mean and treat the relatives of the Western Court officials like slaves..."

"Hey, this, Li Lang, do your relatives say whether there is a virtuous woman named Yan among these members? That is me, Amodun..."

Looking at Yuwen Hu's anxious face, Li Tai couldn't help but sigh. No matter what Yuwen Hu did in the future, this filial piety did not seem to be false. But he didn't know the specific situation of Yuwen Hu's mother now, so he didn't dare to make up a story, and just shook his head and said he didn't know.

Yuwen Hu was disappointed when he heard this, and repeatedly told Li Tai that if he restored contact with his relatives in the east, he must help him find out about his mother's recent situation.

The hunting ground across the ditch had many ditches and forests, and there were indeed more prey than Li Tai's previous hunting ground.

But Li Tai didn't draw his bow to shoot again, but just cheered with his followers to drive away the wild animals. It was really that Yuwen Hu was a bad guy. If someone hunted a few more rabbits than him, he would be resentful for many years.

In the end, it was Yuwen Hu who felt a little embarrassed. He ordered his subordinates to drive a gray deer and surround it, and said to Li Tai with a smile: "We had a great time hunting today, but Li Lang didn't get much. I'll give you this deer to cheer you up!"

He didn't really have a bad impression of Li Tai, but when he was delivering a letter to the Xingtai, his uncle commented that he was not as knowledgeable as Li Tai. He also heard Heba Sheng and other generals praising him so much before, so he felt even more resentful and wanted to kill Li Tai's limelight.

After getting to know him, Yuwen Hu found that this kid was knowledgeable and interesting, and the Longxi Li family was a famous family in the world and had a wide range of connections in the Eastern Dynasty, so he wanted to show his goodwill to him and ask him to help find out the whereabouts and situation of his mother.

Hearing Yuwen Hu's words, Li Tai was naturally not polite. Looking at the deer fighting left and right in the encirclement, he held his breath and concentrated his mind, drew his bow and shot an arrow that hit the deer's eye socket.

The force of the arrow caused the deer's head to swing sideways, and then the whole body was thrown into the air. After landing, it twitched slightly, and the male deer died.

"Good shot!"

Seeing this scene, Yuwen Hu couldn't help but applaud and watched Li Tai slowly put away his bow. He couldn't help but say: "Li Lang's shooting skills are indeed impressive, but it's a pity that the bow is too weak. I will go home and choose a good bow for you, and we will go hunting together again!"

After hearing this, Li Tai smiled and agreed. Anyway, you are the best, and no one dares to challenge you.

After a night of hunting, they returned to the camp to count their gains. Li Tai and his party accompanied the prince to study, so naturally they had no chance to win the first prize.

But it was not all without gain. The stag he shot was rated as the best kill and had to be offered as a sacrifice, so he was rewarded with ten pieces of silk.

(In ancient field hunting, the top kill is the heart, which dies the fastest, and is used as a sacrifice. The second kill is the iliac area, that is, the front and rear bones and joints, for the guests. The lower kill is the abdominal intestines, which are the slowest to die. The flesh and blood are filthy and serve as food for the cook.)

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