Chapter 114 The King of Heaven finally activates and a devastating attack comes! [Please subscribe].

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded among the right people,

“Three of you, Lord Im invites you.”

The person who spoke was the Supreme Commander of the Knights of God, Ancient Saint Fegalandu Green.

He looked at the three five old stars with a hint of schadenfreude in his eyes, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.


When the three five-old stars heard Master Yimu’s call, their hearts tightened and they felt a little out of breath.

The three five-old stars got up and left the room of power, and came to the underground palace of Pangu City. They all knelt down in front of the palace. In front of the Void Throne, the underground palace was dark. There was no one on the Void Throne, but suddenly, a figure was sitting on the Void Throne, and it was the king of the Celestial Dragons, Im.

“Attend Im-sahib.”

The three five old stars all lowered their heads and fell at Im’s feet respectfully.

“Mars and Saturn are dead.”

Im’s cold voice sounded, and an icy cold air suddenly appeared in the palace, like a sharp blade, gently scratching the skin of the three five old stars. The heads of the three people were lower, almost touching the ground.

“There are weeds in Mom’s garden, but you can’t cut them off”

“Now he actually wakes up Mu in advance, disturbing Mu’s sleep.”

“Not only that, but I also let Mu watch a good show yesterday”

“The eight hundred years of pride and majesty of the Tianlong people were trampled under the feet of a mere pariah.”

“Is it because you are too incompetent, or because I don’t know people well, and I misjudged you in the first place?”

Yimu’s words went straight into the hearts of the three five old stars, making them dare not refute and even more unable to refute. They quickly asked for mercy. It was our incompetence that disappointed Lord Yimu.

“Please forgive me, Lord Im, and we are willing to die to atone for our sins!”

“Huh, of course you deserve to die!”

Im gave a cold shout, and an invisible force suddenly burst out from Im’s body. The three Five Old Stars felt that there were three mountains pressing on their backs, making them unable to move.

There was a loud bang, and the three Five Old Stars At the same time, they were completely crushed by the huge force, leaving three large human-shaped holes. Poof!

The three Five Old Stars vomited blood, and their internal organs were severely damaged. I don’t know how many bones were broken. The key thing is that their injuries have not healed on their own.

Their immortal bodies seem to have lost their function at this moment.

In the underground palace, Im’s size has become extremely huge without knowing it, and there are four pairs of eight wings behind him.. Im’s whole body exudes an extremely evil and strange aura, and his eyes are extremely scarlet, like a sea of blood.

“Please forgive me, Lord Im, and we will do our best to atone for our mistakes.”

Mercury Topman Wuchuli Saint was lying on the ground, begging for mercy with difficulty. His voice was hoarse, and he kept vomiting blood while speaking.

“Please forgive me, Lord Im!”

Venus Izanbalon·V·Saint Nasthuro and Saint Jupiter Shepard Ten Pit also begged for mercy.

The powerful Wulao Xing had no power to resist in front of Im, as if he had turned into a baby and could only be slaughtered by Im.

“snort. Im snorted coldly and withdrew his invisible power.

The three five old stars breathed a sigh of relief and slowly crawled out of the pit.

After climbing out of the pit, the three of them were still kneeling on the ground, their faces almost Sticking to the ground, not daring to raise his head and look directly at Im

“Mu already knows about that untouchable’s past. He has become a relatively stubborn weed in the past 800 years. Mu wants to deal with him personally.”

Im returned to his human form, sat back on the Void Throne, and said calmly.

“Yes, as ordered!”

The three five old stars responded respectfully.

“Is the energy source ready?”

Im asked

“Yes, Vegapunk has already made one and installed it, but we don’t know how powerful it is yet?”

Venus Izanbalon·V·Saint Nashoulang respectfully replied

“If you want to give it a try, let’s use that untouchable as a target.”

“Where is his kingdom?”

“In the southern sea of the new world, the Kingdom of Custer, this is the map.”

Jupiter Shepard Ten Peter took out a map, and it flew up automatically and fell into Im’s hands.

Im didn’t know where to take out a pen, and on the map it represented the Kingdom of Custer. A cross was drawn on the island. Nothing changed in the underground palace, and nothing happened.

But at the moment Im wrote, the sky above the island where the Custer Kingdom was originally located suddenly became cloudy. For a moment, it was shrouded in large dark clouds, the wind suddenly rose, and a terrifying sense of oppression emanated from the clouds, as if there was a huge beast hidden in it.

“Is it finally here?”

High above the distant sea, Long Yi has transformed into a steel dragon, suspended in the sky.

Reynold stood on the head of the steel dragon, and behind him stood Hawkeye, Enel, Yamato and Robin.

Reynold De looked at this scene with an expressionless face, and silently sent a signal to ten Devil Terminators through the alloy armor.

“What it is?”

“What’s wrong? What happened?”

Yamato stared at the sudden change in climate, confused.

“Something appeared in the clouds.”

The eagle’s eyes stared at the clouds high in the sky with sharp eyes. His eyes were like knives, as if he could tear through the clouds and see what was inside.

“There was indeed something, and it appeared in an instant”

“It’s huge, comparable to a large island. It’s incredible that something so big can move so fast!”

Enilu’s expression was extremely solemn.

“Do you know what that is?”

Eagle Eye looked at Reynold and asked.

Although it was a question, his tone was very sure.

Because before the climate changed, Reynold had already taken them to wait here. And not long ago,���Nord also removed the entire Kingdom of Kast.

Not just the residents of the kingdom were moved, but the entire island was taken away with them.

Reynold’s series of actions showed that he knew what was about to happen. A sneer appeared on the corner of Renaud’s mouth, and he said lightly:”Just wait and see, you will know what it is right away?”

As soon as Renaud finished speaking, he saw a dazzling green light emitting from the clouds high in the sky, as if there was a green star. The sun is hidden in it. The next second, countless red lasers fell from the sky and hit the vast ocean below.

Each laser beam is extremely thick, with a diameter exceeding tens of meters. boom! boom! boom! boom!

Wherever the laser hits, the sea is torn apart, leaving behind bottomless trenches. The seawater was evaporated, splashing into the sky, and then quickly dissipated and directly vaporized.

Immediately afterwards, the laser began to fall faster, and countless laser beams poured down like a heavy rain.

At the beginning, Reynold bombed the two five old stars with a super electromagnetic cannon, which could fire 21,600 electromagnetic energy cannons per minute. But now, the frequency of laser falling is obviously much higher than that of Reynold.

Moreover, the power of each laser ray is extremely terrifying. Even the Yonko pirates or admirals will be instantly killed if attacked from the front. Looking from a distance, this scene looks like a god standing in the clouds, covering the sea below with devastating super firepower!

Because it was shrouded in black clouds, the entire sea area lost its light and looked extremely dark.

However, there is a laser rainstorm at this moment, and the sky and sea are as bright as day, even more dazzling than the sun.

The area where the Custer Kingdom was originally located has been completely covered by laser rays……

If any living thing exists, it will be ablated and vaporized by laser rays in an instant, and will be wiped out without leaving any trace.

Eniru, Yamato, and Robin looked at the scene in front of them dumbfounded. Cold sweat instantly spread all over their bodies, and beads of sweat continued to roll down.

The three people’s mouths were dry, their throats were itchy, their mouths were open and their jaws were almost dislocated. The shock in their eyes was beyond description, and the fear in their hearts could not be described in words. Although Hawkeye’s expression did not change, his clenched fists and trembling shoulders showed the unrest in his heart.

No one will be afraid of the power of the King of Heaven as long as he sees it with his own eyes.

No matter he is the four emperors, generals, or the world’s greatest swordsman, they are no exception. boom! boom! boom! boom!

The terrifying explosion power and shock wave condensed together to form a super sphere the size of an island, which exploded with a bang. In an instant, the shock waves accumulated by countless laser rays were all released, as if a small sun exploded. The dazzling light instantly enveloped the sea area within a radius of dozens of miles, and continued to spread farther away.

Immediately afterwards, shock waves followed, tearing the sea apart and setting off huge waves hundreds of meters high, rushing in all directions. The terrifying huge waves and tsunami covered the sky and the sun, like mountains rushing across the sea…….

Anything that stands in the way of the tsunami will be ruthlessly destroyed and crushed into powder!

The sea began to shake, and the God of the Ocean was roaring, as if he had been severely injured and was venting his anger.

Reynold and others were also within the coverage of the shock wave. When the invisible shock wave rushed over, it was like a huge mountain was hitting them at super fast speed. Long Yi quickly bent his body to surround Reynolds and others. At the same time, his back deformed and stretched out the turbojet device to offset the shock wave of this terrifying cloth.

The shock wave lasted for a long time. Finally, when the laser rays stopped attacking, the shock wave subsided and the light dissipated. What appeared in front of the eyes of Reynolds and the others was a huge sea eye.

The ocean area hit by the laser has completely disappeared, leaving only a huge bottomless eye of the sea, like a black hole. Just looking at it makes people feel creepy and frightened.

“this….this….This is…..”

Eniro, Yamato, and Robin were stunned, speaking incoherently, and their faces were so pale that they could hardly speak. What appeared before everyone’s eyes was a giant hole with a diameter of more than 80 kilometers.

The diameter of the island where the Custer Kingdom is located is about 70 kilometers, but the diameter of the sea eye left after the bombing of the King of Heaven is more than 80 kilometers in diameter. If Reynold had not moved the Custer Kingdom away, the Custer Kingdom would have completely disappeared from the world at this moment. Endless sea water poured in, forming a whirlpool around the giant cave.

Billions of tons of sea water are injected, but it is just a drop in the bucket and cannot fill the eye of the sea at all. The sky was filled with lightning and thunder, like a scene from hell after a doomsday disaster.

The sea roared, and the rock formations deep under the sea were struck.

The shock waves generated by Uranus will cause major earthquakes and tsunamis around the world.

The first to bear the brunt are the several islands adjacent to the Kingdom of Castel, such as Tania, Morgue, and Sartintoli. There are a large number of humans living on these islands, and now they are all the people of Reynoldmore.

Reynold would naturally protect their safety, so he arranged for the Devil Terminator to guard them in advance. With the power of the Devil Terminator, it is completely possible to intercept the tsunami and protect the safety of several islands. The impact of the King’s attack will take a long time to subside. And the sea eye in front of me will never disappear.

Not only that, but it will soon be discovered that sea levels have permanently risen by a significant amount..

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