She hurriedly shook her head, for fear that it would come true if she thought too much.

"Sanbao, although your idea is correct, if your husband asks you this question, then your answer must be zero."

Mo Ruyue sighed, she now began to feel that it was not a good idea for her to teach the babies.

But if I want to find a temporary teacher, I don't know what rumors will spread in the village.

There is a lot of right and wrong in front of the widow, who made her bear such an identity now.

"Mother, I don't understand."

Sanbao said suspiciously, "I think that what my mother did is not wrong, the truth taught in the book is not wrong, and the answer I think is not wrong. Why is this answer wrong in the eyes of the husband?"

At his age, he can't understand more complicated things, such as this society, people, conventions, and rules.

It was only now that Mo Ruyue understood that teaching and educating people was not easy, and even if she herself could not hand in a satisfactory answer sheet, how could she teach the babies well.

It seems that she still needs to find a teacher, and she can't find one casually. After all, for Mo Ruyue, she hopes that the babies can receive an orthodox education, and hope that they can keep their original appearance.

The first day of teaching ended in stumbling.

Mo Ruyue gained a new understanding of the children's intelligence and learning ability. She found that she still underestimated her own children. The content of the previous lesson preparation was too simple, and it was not enough for them to learn.

When preparing to cook dinner in the evening, Mo Ruyue decided to make a good meal.

Recently, she has been going out early and returning late. The three meals at home are basically prepared by the babies. Even if she is at home occasionally, it is a simple meal. It has been a long time since she had cooked a good meal for the babies.

As soon as the five babies heard that Mo Ruyue was going to have a good meal, their eyes suddenly widened, and even Dabao, who had never been very emotional, was full of energy in his eyes. .

Qinjia Village is in the mountains, and the most important thing is game. While providing game for the restaurant in the county, Mo Ruyue has also cooked various game delicacies at home, but she is going to change it today.

At this time, in the big tank she bought, there are more than a dozen river fish, which she ordered in the county town in the morning, and asked the store to help deliver them in the afternoon, just in time to cook in the evening. cooking.

Through the relationship of the "Guanglailou" Shaodong's family, Mo Ruyue even got a few good sea fish, which is rare in the inland city. If it wasn't for the fact that Mo Ruyue once gave the Shaodong's family a tiger, this time the sea fish She couldn't feel any fish skin either.

"Mother, are you only going to eat fish tonight?"

Sibao is most interested in cooking. Hearing Mo Ruyue say that he wants to do a whole fish feast, he will go wherever he goes like a little tail, and he will ask various questions from time to time.

He looked at the fish in the tank, don't say, mother said it could come in handy, and it really came in handy, so many fish were placed in it, and they were still alive and kicking, and they didn't suffocate.

"Yes, tonight, mother will use fish to make a delicious table, but the whole fish feast can have more than a hundred dishes, and there are less than a dozen dishes. Although there are six of us, we can't eat that much. I thought it would be enough to do five or six sessions."

While talking, Mo Ruyue began to prepare the ingredients.

Since it is a whole fish feast, the main ingredient is naturally fish. The most basic thing is to clean, remove the scales and remove the internal organs. These steps are strongly requested by the Four Treasures to participate.

Even though he is only six years old now, he has already mastered the knives, and he handles the ingredients in a similar manner.

Mo Ruyue let him do it. She also re-selected the cook. It was fast and sharp, but she had to be extra careful when using it.

As for the choice of dishes, Mo Ruyue prepared three cold dishes: egg skin fish roll, fried fish sticks and sesame fish cake, while the hot dishes were squirrel fish, tomato fish fillet and beard fish steak.

These three cools and three heats are all taken from the famous "Baiyangdian Whole Fish Banquet" in the previous life. There was originally a soup, but Mo Ruyue did not plan to use the soup of "Baiyangdian Whole Fish Banquet", but chose grass carp instead. soup.

Grass carp soup has the functions of heating and neutralizing qi, expelling wind and dehumidification, benefiting intestines and eyesight, strengthening spleen and stomach. Now that the body is heavy with moisture in summer, drinking grass carp soup can just remove dampness and replenish the body.

Other hot and cold dishes, except squirrel fish and grass carp soup, are made with whole fish. After the fish scales and internal organs are processed, they all need to be cut into pieces or strips and marinated with various seasonings for a while.

When Mo Ruyue was handling the fish pieces, she also demonstrated to the Four Treasures first. Some of them just added less seasonings or adjusted a few flavors. She only needed to make a call, and the Four Treasures immediately started to operate, which saved Mo Ruyue. quite a bit of time.

While the ingredients were being marinated, Mo Ruyue started to make the most time-consuming grass carp soup.

Heat the frying pan to fry the fish, put the head first and then the body, keep it still for two or three minutes after putting it in the pan, so that the fish skin can be set and not scattered, and then fry the other side.

After the fish is fried, add the onion, ginger, and garlic to stir-fry, then pour in the water, cover and bring to a boil.

During the simmering process, Mo Ruyue made the cold dishes again and again. When Sibao told her that the fish soup was boiling, she walked over and opened the lid, and the fish soup had turned tender white.

"It's amazing, how did this soup become like this?"

Sibao has never had a fish soup like this.

In the past, when Dabao came back from catching fish, they were roasted and eaten by everyone. I never thought that I could stew soup. Even if I wanted to stew, the stove at home was controlled by "Mo Ruyue".

Well, it will be robbed too, so they hardly ever open fire at home.

"Grass carp and crucian carp can be boiled into a milky white soup, and the essence of the fish is melted into the soup. Not only is the meat tender and delicious, but the soup is also very delicious."

Mo Ruyue spoke, but the movements of her hands did not stop.

She turned the stove down, added a small amount of salt and white pepper to the soup, then added the chopped side vegetables, carrots, and mushrooms into the pot, and continued to simmer over low heat.

Before re-covering the lid, Mo Ruyue picked out the ginger slices and scallions in the pot, and the celery leaves left on the plate were to be used as garnishes to enhance the flavor, and put them in after the fish soup was out of the pot. of.

This soup is not difficult to make, and it is even extremely simple compared to other more complex soups.

"Four Treasures, mother made this soup just now, have you seen it?"

Mo Ruyue knew that Four Treasures wanted to be a cook in the future, so she deliberately brought him with him when cooking, so that he could watch and practice more.

Although Mo Ruyue now insists that the babies should go to school, she has never felt that being a cook is inferior to others. The four treasures are so talented that she will definitely become a famous chef in the future.

At that time, the same money will come rolling in, who is not a cash cow.

Four Treasures thought back for a moment, and immediately responded: "Mother, the Four Treasures will meet!"

"Oh, then tell your mother about it. Before dinner, she will ask questions and spot checks."

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