Angelina's pupils dilated little by little. She tried her best to see just now, but she could only see an afterimage of Azu's extremely fast dash.

I can't see his movements clearly!

Master is so fast!

Angelina breathed heavily. She thought she knew enough about the strength of her motherland, but now she realized that what she saw was just the tip of the iceberg.

Looking at the fallen Big Eater, 'Midnight Clown' Brad had a completely different mood.

It’s over!

Without the Big Stomach King's 'different-dimensional projection' to restrain me, the energy beams from my motherland would kill me!

No, calm down.

Brad, it's not time to despair yet.

I can use 'substitution' and 'illusion' to get rid of the people of my motherland!

Thinking of this, Brad started running fast, but he was not good at speed, so he could only run faster than ordinary people at best.

Azu looked at the flying clown and waved his hand: "Xiao Na, get out of here as quickly as possible."

After saying that, he didn't look at the results. He flew up into the air, and then his eyes quickly lit up with golden light, like the midday sun, bright and intense!

As the capillaries near Azu's eyes were illuminated, the temperature in the air rose sharply.

The expanding heat made the air roar, making a loud noise like thunder.

Brad was frightened while running, and felt as if a volcano was about to erupt behind him!

The clown just looked back, and his eyes felt as if they were stabbed by countless silver needles. The pain made his vision blurred and tears welled up.

He knew that the energy gathered by the people behind him was too strong and the heat emitted was so hot that even he, a superhuman being, couldn't bear it, so his eyes hurt and tears welled up.

Brad yelled, colorful lights surged into his eyes, and then phantoms appeared on the ground.

The clown creates an illusion.

Countless figures, one clown after another, flew in all directions, trying to prevent Azu from locking his true body.

"Ha, idiot."

The corner of Azu's mouth raised, and if he no longer suppressed the energy, the hot and violent energy in his eyes erupted like a volcano erupting.


The huge noise attracted the attention of Colonel Yuri and others in the distance.

They raised their heads and saw a brilliant golden beam of light falling from mid-air. The beam of light poured down like a waterfall.

It exuded astonishing heat and had the momentum to burn everything. The moment it touched the ground, it set off a huge wave of fire!

Like a tsunami, the fire wave spread in all directions, turning everything into ashes wherever it went.

The burning process is skipped directly and the result is presented!

The many figures that Brad transformed disappeared into the waves of fire. When the high-temperature flames and shock waves caught up with him, Brad shouted 'no' in despair.

Flames and shockwaves rushed right past him.

The body of the 'Midnight Clown' instantly turned into charcoal, then broke apart from head to toe and exploded with a bang!

The wave of fire swept through the entire town, even spreading to the highway outside the town, and finally stopped before hitting the army, Starlight and other superhumans.

Looking ahead, the earth was dark and devastated.

Starlight swayed and sat down on the ground, but then screamed and jumped up.

The ground was now like a reddish iron plate. Even a superhuman like her couldn't bear it. As for the soldiers, it was even more unbearable.

They didn't dare to stop until they were two kilometers away.

In the sky, Azu said "Huh": "The incident is not completed yet?"

"Well, it's over for Brad and his circus though."

"But those night servants haven't cleaned up yet."

He looked around and soon saw a dark crowd.

Night servant!

After those things rushed out of the town, they were already heading along the highway to the city in the distance, towards New York.

In addition to that part, there were also some night servants who scattered in twos and threes and ran in other directions.

Azu ignored those who were alone, and only cared about the group of night servants heading to New York.

He rose high into the sky, made a few adjustments, and then roared away.

at this time.

On the interstate heading to New York, due to threats from the ‘Midnight Clown’, the Department of Security set up roadblocks here early.

Next to a tank, several soldiers were hiding on the back side of the vehicle.

"Does anyone know what's going on in Silver Tree Town now?"

"I don't know. Even if there is a situation, the superiors will not tell us."

"That's right, we are just the top soldiers."

At this time, a soldier standing on the tank said "Hey" and then said: "There is a situation."

As soon as he finished speaking, the radio started ringing.

"I just received a notification from Colonel Yuri. The situation in Silver Tree Town is out of control, and mutant residents are coming towards us!"

"These residents are very dangerous, they are highly aggressive and possess extraordinary physical abilities."

"Try to shoot them in the head when fighting, that's the only way to make them stop!"

Listening to the repeated broadcast, a soldier secretly smoked and his cigarette fell to the ground.

"Oh my God."

"Oh my God!"

The soldiers on the tank shouted: "Here they come, they are coming!"

Immediately, a soldier climbed onto the tank, grabbed the telescope and looked ahead.

Just on the highway, he saw a series of dark figures, all of which were running at an alarming speed.

And no matter whether they were men, women, old or young, their eyes shot out red light, just like humanoid beasts.

The number is extremely large, at least there are nearly two thousand people in it!

"What a joke."

Putting down the binoculars, the soldier glanced at the roadblock. They were just a squadron, only about a hundred people.

How to stop these mutated monsters?

Seeing that the black torrent was getting closer and closer, soldiers were already praying. Some soldiers even took out the photo of their beloved girl from their hats and kissed it.

But at this moment.

The soldiers heard a loud noise from the sky, and then a blue shadow fell from the sky, hitting the road ahead like a meteorite, causing the earth to shake.

"People of the motherland."

"He is from the motherland!"

"We are saved!"

When they saw the blue figure clearly, the soldiers cheered, and some even threw their hats into the air.

But someone soon questioned: "Can the people of the motherland deal with so many mutated monsters?"

Suddenly, the cheers disappeared.


Those are two thousand monsters, and there is only one native of the motherland. Can he deal with them?

Suddenly, the soldiers' confidence was shaken again.

At this time, they saw the people of the motherland rising into the air and facing the monsters.

Then his eyes lit up.

The next second, two golden beams of light blasted away, sweeping along the road.

When the beam passed through the mutants, a row of mutants fell down, and then exploded into blazing flames along the path of the beam.

Suddenly, a strip of flames more than a kilometer long appeared on the interstate highway!

In this flame zone, those mutants who were not struck by the beam were ignited by the flames and turned into fireballs and torches.

Then he melted, fell, and died in the flames with a temperature of nearly a thousand degrees!

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