CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 72 I dare to use P250 like this. I don’t even dare to think about what I can do with AK! (Pl

After VP completed a comeback in a strong start, the economy of both sides reversed instantly.

However, Tianlu still showed strong performance in the follow-up. In the next Qianqi ECO, he almost defeated VP with a short gun. In the end, NEO relied on a wave of smart bag stealing to save the day.

After putting down the thunder pack, Tianlu continued to fire a wave of hard shots. This time XCC stepped forward again. Sha Ying hit three times in a row, forcing the endgame to be 1 vs. 2.

Fortunately, MICHU and Xu Beifang cooperated smoothly and successfully defeated XCC and removed the thunder bag.

The score came to 3:1.

"Okay, the first key round of the second half is here! The fifth round of this game is also a good opportunity for Tianlu to chase points." The old handsome guy said, "Because we have seen that although VP won the first few rounds , but they dropped too many people, and now they basically have no deposit. If they can win this point of Tianlu, then VP will have to ECO in the next round."

VP also knows the economic problems they face, so they are under a lot of pressure at this point.

Pasha looked at the small map and began to lay out the tactics for this point:

"Nice, follow me to the middle lane. You can hide behind the sandbags in the middle lane later. NEO will still go to B, but if you have a chance, you can send someone to hang in the pipe, so that both the middle lane and the B area are covered. benefit."

"Byali, guard A alone, remember to guard against rushes."

After listening to Pasha's instructions, Xu Beifang rushed directly into the middle with the AK47, and casually threw a smoke bomb into the bandit area, depriving the opponent of his vision.

Then he hung up behind the sandbag, waiting for the information released by his teammates and the opponent.

"No one controls the map outside B, be careful in area A." NEO said in the voice.

According to the early arrangement, he and MICHU advanced towards B outside very cautiously.

Successfully obtained the information of no one outside B and sent it to NEO into the pipeline.

When pasha heard this, he still didn't cover zone A, but he switched from the middle to the small coil in A. This position can cover zone A at any time.

Tianlu's map control was methodical, and their advancement speed became very slow and careful when entering the spear game.

On the map of Mystery of the Dead City, there are still many tricks that CT can do.

Whether it's the counter-clearance in Hall A or the sniper pushing back against the blue door, they are all difficult points to guard against.

Fortunately, after careful image control, they found no anterior compression CT in area A.

"Are you going to explode the bomb directly next? Or what should I say?" The kid asked inside the blue door.

MO watched the smoke bombs dissipate in the middle and explained his thoughts: "Come back and hit the middle, but don't worry yet. Someone just broke the pipe. Someone may have gotten in. Come back and burn the pipe."

"After burning the pipe, let the XCC go to the middle of the mountain shelf and see if we can seize the opportunity and make the first kill. If we can't catch it, we will just hit A in the middle with a wave of explosive bombs."

"Forget it, let XCC take a look at the middle first, and then burn the pipe to clear the middle with props. The middle and A will speed up and double team." MO adjusted the order of the attack.

Everyone in Tianlu immediately started to take action.

With a flash bomb that blinded the sniper position in the middle, XCC was mounted up the mountain and got the gun position in the middle.

After waiting for a while, no one appeared in his sniper lens.

As time passed, Tianlu simply started a wave of attacks.

Pipe fire, smoke in the middle, combined with the flash DD, jump directly into the middle and search everything under your feet.

BnTeT also jumped down, ready to shoot at any time from behind.

MO, who was acting as a cushion, turned around and returned to the center.

NEO was forced back by incendiary bombs and forced to return to the packaging point.

When Xu Beifang and Pasha heard the sound of explosive bombs, they both stood ready and prepared for gunfire.

Pasha took the sniper rifle and slowly moved to the left, preparing to take a look at the left side of the center.

The moment he saw DD, Pasha's sniper flicked slightly, but the shot was too hasty and missed.

"Nice, I'll help you with the hook, and you can fight!!" Pasha wasn't in a hurry either. Now that they were on the same side, he didn't necessarily have to fight.

As soon as he finished speaking, a flash bomb blinded him and Pasha, but DD and MO were also blinded at the same time.

Tianlu was always so particular about the flash bombs he bought and refused to let the other party enjoy them alone.

Xu Beifang hid behind the sandbag and regained his vision. Then he looked up and saw a bandit who wanted to use a spinning jump to trick the pasha gun.

Immediately shoot a shuttle at his back.

"Da da da……"

[Nice used AK47 to kill DD]

At this time, BnTeT also discovered that there was a Lao Liu hidden in the sandbag, and immediately turned around to fight back.

But Xu Beifang is faster! !

"Da da da……"

[Nice used AK47 to kill BnTeT with a headshot]

After knocking down two in a row in the middle, Xu Beifang glanced and didn't see anyone following him, so he ran directly to area A to make up for the defense, and there was also a firefight there.

But as soon as Qian Dao took two steps, gunshots were heard from the rear right, and bullets swept him to death.

"MO finally defeated Nice, but the situation on the frontal battlefield was not ideal. Byali took care of the kid alone."

"Originally, if the middle wave could be played, it would be a wave of A in the middle, but a wave of 3 in the middle was caught by Nice alone. Now the formation is out of touch." Xiaobo said, "If it weren't for MO's spirituality, If he hides to the left, I think Nice can beat him."

MO's hiding indeed resulted in a death, but it also isolated Xcc in Area A. Now the two of them can only fight on their own.

XCC is a great sniper, so this time he did not follow the main force to the middle, but came to the blue gate, preparing to keep up with the kid's rhythm.

As soon as the kid died, he immediately pressed the silent step button, preparing to seize an opportunity when the other party thought the "blue door was safe".

A flash bomb exploded in A, turning MO completely white.

XCC, who had quietly come out of the blue door, immediately pulled out to help. At a glance, he saw Byali peeking to the right, and quickly hit the opponent with P250 to kill him.

"The blue door touched my face!" Byali let out a painful cry.

This timing was so disgusting. The counter-clearance that had been communicated within the VP team had just begun. He also saw the all-white bandit from A, who was about to fire, but was stopped by the bullet behind him.

"XCC's kill saved MO's life. In the endgame of 2 vs. 3, MO is still taking the initiative. He has to bring back the number of people!"

"MO took advantage of the moment when the smoke cleared from the police house and pulled him out. He didn't expect that there were two people in the direction of the police house. Although the big sniper Pasha had an empty shot, NEO caught him. These Xcc are in trouble."

"It was another 1v3 in XCC. He had a big sniper shot and didn't even have a good gun position. It was really desperate."

"When I came out of the mirror, I was killed by Pasha with one shot. There was no suspense."

Xiaobo shook his head: "There is no way. This 1v3 can only be an active attack, but Pasha also knows that there is a big sniper here, so he will hold on to you. There is no problem with your big sniper hitting the rifle, but the big sniper hitting The big sniper is just looking for death."

"Fortunately, Tianlu can continue to play long-range games after putting down the trap and receiving financial compensation from his consecutive defeats."

The score reached 4:1, and everyone in VP was in a good mood. After winning three consecutive rounds after the comeback, their feelings gradually improved.

But then, Tianlu directly used a wave of CSGO classic tactics in area B - rushB.

Xu Beifang was originally planning to press forward at the second moment, but he was already moving forward, preparing to dodge his teammates.

He caught the opponent's flash bomb head-on, and it was all in vain and was taken away by the opponent.

MICHU at the B package point was able to withstand two, but with a 3-on-3 return defense, it was really difficult to hit a position like B area.

In the end, this round was overturned by Tianlu.

"Good!" Xu Beifang couldn't help laughing after losing for a moment, "We have won so many games in a row, and if we lose one point, we will have no money."

Others were also more or less happy, and the whole room was extremely happy.

But after laughing, they also discovered some gaps between themselves and the world's top teams.

If Team A had been allowed to play in the previous rounds, the current economy would probably be as low as 10,000 to 6,000.

There are still too few firearms that they can keep after winning the round. They are constantly dying and consuming, so naturally they don’t have any good firearms to buy economically.

The complacency they felt after gaining the early advantage disappeared at this moment, and they finally felt their lack of strength.

The overall strength of this team is lacking.

"Let's bet on a 4A heavy defense. It makes sense for everyone to have a handful of P250. It's a good idea to exchange for one." Pasha brought into the other party's thinking. In the previous ECO, they bet on the heavy defense area B. The other party was facing the same battle situation. They may turn around and cause trouble in Area A.

He thought for a while, bought another flash bomb, and added: "MICHU, you can also buy a flash bomb. Later we will conduct anti-clearance in Hall A and give one real and one fake anti-clearance flash."

When the countdown ended, everyone in VP came to Area A and each found their position.

Pasha kept grabbing the flashbang behind the red box, quietly waiting for his opponent's move.

Tianlu was very tough by default and didn't reveal much information in the early stage.

Pasha randomly threw a flash bomb into Hall A when the round time came to one minute.

"Nice, come on, let's get closer." After throwing the flash bomb, Pasha walked quietly to Xu Beifang's side, and together they arrived at the corner of Hall A, waiting for the opportunity.

"MICHU, don't worry. The opponent should be preparing to hit A directly. When the opponent's props are released, you can clear them. Nice, let's go in together. If we can hit each one, it's P250. , even if we kill one person, we will still make a lot of money this round."

The previous flash bomb was just to confuse the opponent, but the next flash of MICHU was the real killer.

"It's over, is this pasha so cunning now?" From God's perspective, Xiaobo's scalp was numb, "Tianlu has been very careful when facing this ECO. The first wave set up guns far away to prevent you from attacking. Anti-Qing.”

"Now that the anti-Qing movement is over, they have moved closer to set up guns. I never thought that the second wave of VP's anti-Qing movement would be real!"

The old handsome guy speculated about the next situation: "Now the time has come to test the details of Tianlu. Will anyone dodge in the second wave of counter-Qing? If someone dodges, then this wave is harmless, but if no one dodges... …”

"Pasha is still waiting, waiting for the moment when the Tianlu props are released, and when he catches the wave of offensive postures, this is the experience of veterans."

When MICHU saw the opponent's props flying towards him, he immediately took out the flash bomb and threw it directly towards Hall A.

"Did it!!"

Xu Beifang and Pasha quickly ducked and rushed directly into Hall A.

Xu Beifang rushed into Hall A and saw the two opponents were completely white, and immediately pursued them with P250.

Three shots directly knocked out the MO that was closer, and then focused fire with Pasha to knock out the white BnTeT that was far away again.

Two consecutive kills in the upper right corner instantly made many Tianlu fans in the audience feel a thump in their hearts.

It won't be overturned by ECO again... it should be... impossible.

After getting two kills in a row, Xu Beifang quickly picked up MO's AK47 while changing ammunition.

"Guard the blue door, there's a mistake on our side, don't let others steal our side!!" Xu Beifei shouted loudly.

A flash bomb flew in at the entrance of Hall A, and Xu Beifang hurriedly hid in the bunker.

Pasha accidentally turned around to dodge and was shot away by Xcc.

"1 versus 1 in Hall A, the situation is acceptable. Although the mine bag fell in Hall A, Nice only has an unarmored AK. As long as Xcc takes care of him, there is still a chance for this point."

As soon as Pasha died, Xu Beifang no longer stayed behind the bunker.

He knew that the other party was a powerful sniper, and he couldn't let the other party take his position to death, otherwise he wouldn't have any chance.

Holding the AK, he actively moved to the right without stopping.

Xcc peeked out from the entrance. The big sniper was originally aiming at the bunker on the right side, but he didn't expect that Xu Beifang had already come out and hurriedly got rid of him.

But Xu Beifang kept moving to the left without stopping, and he missed the shot.

Seeing the opponent's empty gun, Xu Beifang knew that the opportunity had come, and immediately squatted down and fired.

Although he has no armor, it doesn't matter if the opponent is a sniper rifle.

[Nice used AK47 to kill Xccurate with a headshot through the wall]

"The gang hall is gone. There are still two spears here. You can come and pick them up!" Xu Beifei shouted excitedly.

This time he made the right bet.

This type of play that deceives the opponent's preview is very detrimental to the opponent's shooting skills.

Once the opponent's marksmanship catches up, his move is a pure gift.

But if the opponent fails in the first wave of follow-up, it will be his turn later.

He knew that the opponent was a big sniper, and it would be difficult for him to kill him instantly with one shot.

If he fired directly, it might be enough to cripple the opponent. In this case, he chose to bet bigger. As long as the opponent had an empty gun, his chance would be next.

There were still 30 seconds left, and Tianlu fell into silence.

This large wave of troops was all wiped out. The imps in the blue gate couldn't get out, and the DDs in the back couldn't catch up, so they had to save their guns for a while.

VP once again completed a comeback against Tianlu in the ECO round.

The Tianlu fans in the audience had painful expressions. They couldn't believe that this small chance of ECO's comeback happened again!

[What is XCC doing! Can this gun be empty? 】

[Tianlu has the ability to send money]

[ECO is being overturned every day, I don’t even know what they are playing]

[Nice is really a treasure of Tianlu]

"Tianlu, what are you doing with the plane!" The old handsome guy complained helplessly in the commentary box, "Tianlu's grouping has prepared the frontal firepower to the extreme."

"As a result, the pure Maginot Line of defense was directly penetrated."

"Nice now dares to kill like this with a P250, but I can't even think of doing anything with an AK!"

After dinner, I coded again. I posted 10,000 words first and at least 6K more in the afternoon.

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