British 1986

Chapter 376 Duel!

"I, I, you." Andrew was so angry that his hands were shaking, and he pointed his right hand at Allen, not knowing whether to continue scolding or what to do.

He feels very confused now.

"Humph, the Parker family is not the only one who cares about family honor. The honor of my Hill family is something that a dog like you can slander?"

Allen's voice became colder and colder. He waved and directly called the two policemen who had been standing beside him, a little helpless.

"You have also seen that I just came to deliver a gift, and I was insulted by Mr. Andrew. In view of his behavior, I want to duel with him to wash away his insult to my reputation."

Allen spoke as if he was requesting, but his manner was as if he was giving an order. After speaking, he waved his hand, motioning for the two policemen to step aside, and then took off the white gloves on his right hand. , and was thrown directly at Andrew's feet.

Andrew stared blankly at the white gloves thrown by Allen. How many years has this ancient ritual not appeared in Britain?

What's this?

This is an invitation to a duel!

The opponent throws his white gloves at you and invites you to join him in a duel.

This is the most barbaric, bloody, and cruel way to resolve personal grudges, and is especially suitable for use between nobles.

It’s not that you can’t avoid fighting.

But if a party who receives an invitation to a duel avoids the fight, it will be regarded as a sign of cowardice!

Especially for a noble, if faced with such an invitation to a duel, even if he is still in the hospital bed, even if he is about to die in the next second, he has to get up and accept it!

Even if he died, it would be a hundred times better than avoiding the battle!

This kind of old-fashioned duel has not appeared in Britain for decades. In the past, members of Parliament made a special proposal to ask the British King to abolish this barbaric behavior.

Although other European countries have long abolished the practice of dueling, Britain has its own national conditions here, which is different from ordinary European countries!

Although there is no clear provision to abolish dueling in Great Britain, with the development of the times, no one has used dueling to resolve personal grievances.

Today, I didn't expect that Allen would use this kind of rules again to play aggressive generals.

Andrew looked at the white gloves that were thrown at his feet. If he dared not take it today, his name would be stinky throughout Britain from tomorrow. Even for a century, he would be the laughing stock of the entire British aristocracy. .

Although Andrew is not a noble, he is a descendant of a noble. If a descendant of a noble does not have the courage to accept a duel, then he is still a descendant of a noble?

If he dares not to accept it today, all his future plans will be ruined!

He won't even have the chance to be canonized as a nobleman in the future. A person without courage will not be given a title no matter who comes.

Andrew's hands were trembling violently as he looked at the tall and strong Allen. This man was still in his youth and strength, but he was already in his fifties. If there was a fight, it would definitely not be the young earl. opponent.

But if he doesn't fight, his plan to live in ridicule for the rest of his life and work hard for several years will come to nothing!

What a ruthless strategy, he is forcing himself to choose a duel!

Andrew stared into Allen's eyes, and he even saw a hint of amusement in Allen's eyes.

"No Andrew, don't pick it up!"

Kalami watched helplessly as Andrew slowly bent down, ready to pick up the white glove, and screamed.

"Shut up!"

Andrew turned his head. This was the toughest time he had faced Kalami in recent years. He seemed to have completely taken off his disguise and scolded Kalami severely.

This stupid woman doesn't understand the rules among nobles at all. If he dares not to accept it today, then he will have no future after today. Even if he is alive, he is actually dead!

"I accept your invitation to a duel, time and place!"

Andrew picked up the white gloves, held them tightly in his hand, stared at Allen, and asked decisively what the follow-up was.

"Very good! As expected of a descendant of a noble family, you didn't disappoint me. No need to go to so much trouble. I like to be straightforward, so why not do it now?"

As Allen spoke, he raised his right hand and gestured towards the little stone. Two servants carried a long box, moved the box between them with a roar, opened the box with a bang, and found that Five or six long swords of various types.

There are swift swords, katana swords, foil swords, small swords, sabers and more.

Andrew looked at the weapon box brought up by the servant, and his heart trembled. The other party didn't even act, so why did he come here to give a gift?

At this moment, Andrew was very sure that Allen was coming for him.

Who goes out to work as a notary with the police, and also carries this old-fashioned weapon case?

He just thought that according to the modern duel rules, the two of them were going to duel with flintlock pistols, but who knew that Allen directly asked someone to bring a box of swords.

"You are the invitee, you choose first."

Allen stretched out his left hand and pretended to be generous, signaling Andrew to choose the weapon first. He was mainly afraid that Andrew would be suspicious and suspect that he had tampered with the weapon, so he let him choose first.

Andrew put the white gloves into his pocket, squatted down, and glanced at the weapon box. There was an old-fashioned swift sword more than one meter long that was very conspicuous inside.

Andrew took a fancy to this weapon at a glance.

The predecessor of this fencing weapon is the most suitable for duels. Its blade is not too slender and has double-edged edges. It is very suitable for stabbing and slashing movements. In addition, the weapon is long and can offset it well. Lose Allen's physical advantage.

Click, pull out the scabbard.

Picking up the swift sword and taking a look at it, Andrew stretched out his left hand and felt the blade of the sword carefully. He didn't do anything with it. It was a good sword!

"That's it!"

"Okay! You are very discerning. Give me that katana!"

Allen watched Andrew choose the weapon, and directed the servant to hand over the samurai sword that Sony had given him before. It was heavy in his hand. This sword was in his hand. He had never seen it before. As for the blood, he had been waiting for surgery for too long. He didn't expect to have Andrew surgery today.

"How many steps?"

Allen stared at Andrew. Both of them had chosen their weapons. Instead of starting the fight directly, they wanted to determine the distance!

Depending on the weapon, the distance between the two sides also varies. For example, when using a gun, there must be at least twenty steps away.

Only with distance can the difficulty be increased. This is to ensure fairness.

If they are too close, there is a high probability that both sides will kill each other at the same time. In that case, the duel will become mutual suicide.

As for cold weapons, the general requirement is about 8 to 12 steps.

However, this distance is relatively flexible. In the end, cold weapons have to be in close contact, so.

Allen asked Andrew to determine the distance between the two parties to start.

Andrew looked at the road behind Allen. It would be boring to be too far away in this kind of venue now. In the end, the two of them would have to meet each other. He might as well pretend to be brave and said: "Four steps!"

"Okay, very brave!"

Allen narrowed his eyes and gave Andrew a high look.

Four steps, which is about three meters away, the two sides stand still, and each of them will roughly take a step forward to meet each other. In this case, the other party will be holding a swift sword that is good at stabbing, and he will have an advantage. He can Attack first.

"You two, come over and preside over the duel!"

Allen held the handle of the katana in his right hand and slowly pulled out the sword. He threw the scabbard in his left hand to one side. He held the sword with both hands up and down, moved his arms, and raised the sword with both hands in a Japanese style. Mode.

The two policemen who were called to witness were stunned. This was a duel!

They have never seen this thing in real life since they were born. Even in movies, duels are rare.

But I have to say that the people watching this scene are excited.

This is a duel between noble lords!

Although the old guy is not an orthodox nobleman, he is a descendant of a nobleman, so he can barely be regarded as half a nobleman, and the other party involved is the famous Earl of Carmarthen!

The older of the two policemen stood on the side between Allen and Andrew, and said in a high-pitched voice: "321 starts!"


Andrew stared closely at Allen. When the police called, he had already raised the tip of the sword and was in a very standard fencing posture, with his right foot in front and his left foot behind, squatting sideways.

When the policeman started talking, Andrew yelled, and the sword had already stabbed out hard, targeting Allen's throat!


Allen also stared at Andrew closely. He didn't dare to make excuses at this time. He was here to be a villain. If he played with himself, it would be a big loss!

When he heard the beginning, Allen suddenly stepped to the right, holding the knife in front of him with both hands, and raised it with the back of the knife.


The curved back of the samurai sword firmly caught the thrust of the swift sword. Allen used his hands hard and continued to press down on the right front with the help of the skillful lifting.

Andrew's right hand holding the swift sword was pressed by him like this. His posture was very uncomfortable, and he subconsciously took a step forward.

At this time, among the two people, Allen was on the right side of Andrew. Andrew's right hand held the Swift Sword, and his right arm was pressed across his chest by Allen.


Taking advantage of the force of suppressing the opponent's swift sword, Allen held the sword upright with his right hand and backwards with his left hand. This way of holding the sword is the most suitable for exerting force at close range, and it can exert force upward as well as Can exert force downwards.

He pulled back hard with his left hand, raised the katana slightly, and then slashed diagonally, directly hitting Andrew's right arm blocking his chest.



This knife was not cut on the hand, but on the arm. The posture of Andrew's right arm was like a wide open door. In order to show his skills and to stab Allen at the first time, he held the sword with one hand. At this time

He finally paid the price for his behavior.

Holding the sword with one hand would definitely not be able to stop Allen from holding the sword with both hands. After being struck like this, and then slashed downwards, there was a sharp pain in his arm, and the swift sword in his hand fell to the ground.

Allen narrowed his eyes, a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and glanced behind Andrew from the corner of his eye.

Not far behind him, Kalami hugged their two children and looked here with worry. Kalami saw that Andrew had dropped his sword, his mouth was slightly open, and he was about to scream.

Without giving Andrew more time, while the sword was slashing, Allen quickly changed his hands, from holding the left hand behind the back, to the right hand holding it upright, to holding it with both hands, raising the katana high for the first time.

Andrew was slashed on his right arm, the sword in his hand fell off, and he staggered two steps.

When he looked up again, he saw Allen raising his knife and preparing to chop him for the second time.

When normal people face this kind of situation, they will subconsciously raise their hands to block.

Andrew is no exception. He is just a pampered ordinary person. His ability to click the sword is already at his limit.

He quickly raised his left arm to block his head, trying to block Allen's knife. Unexpectedly, as soon as he raised his left arm, Andrew met Allen's eyes.

He saw another hint of ridicule in Allen's eyes. Before he could think about it, Allen quickly retracted the katana he raised. The handle of the knife was pressed to his chest by Allen's hands, and then it suddenly stabbed towards his chest.


Andrew's pupils enlarged instantly. The other party's reaction was too fast. He didn't understand until now. The moment Allen raised the knife just now was to deceive him, just to trick him into raising his left arm to block, and then Expose the chest area.

But it's too late to figure it out now.

He just felt the heart in his chest suddenly, as if it had been rubbed by an ice cube. His heart suddenly went cold, and then it felt like a firecracker exploded in his chest.

All the strength in his body was taken away, and he opened his mouth to say something. Andrew only spurted a little blood foam from his mouth. Seeing Allen staring at him with a sneer in his eyes, his body fell forward.

The blade of a samurai sword is inserted flatly. If it is inserted vertically, it will easily get stuck on the ribs of the chest, but it will not be stuck if it is inserted flatly.

After piercing the opponent, he turned his right hand slightly, tilted the blade slightly, and could feel the rawness of the ribs rubbing against the blade.


Pulling out the knife, before Allen was ready to speak, Kalami screamed and ran over to catch the fallen Andrew.

"No! No you you you. You. Killed him?"

Camilla's eyes turned red when she saw Andrew was breathing out but not taking in. She stared at Allen and asked tremblingly.

"How about this birthday gift for me?"

Allen lowered his head, looked at Karami who was squatting on the ground, holding Andrew in his arms, and asked with a smile.

"Ellen! I won't let you go, I won't let you go!"

Camilla didn't yell, her voice was low, and she gritted her teeth when she spoke. She looked up at Allen with a look of resentment, and her eyes met Allen's.

"Oh? You don't like this gift? It doesn't matter. I have another gift for you."

Allen didn't care about Karami's words. With his left hand, he took out a piece of paper torn from his notebook with short blessings written on it from his pocket and threw it to Karami.

"My people picked this up in the wild yesterday afternoon. I heard that there was a burning car nearby. Hey, I was reading the newspaper this morning. Did something happen to your sister yesterday?"

Karami blankly caught the paper thrown by Allen. The handwriting on this paper was so familiar to her. It was her sister's handwriting, and the content contained her sister's blessings to Old John's "sister" at that time.

"Kalami, I wish you a speedy recovery, and I wish you can farm with peace of mind and be a good farmer."

At this moment, her sister's words seemed to be mocking her. In just one day, she lost her sister and her husband.

And now, Karami is sitting on the ground, just like what her sister wrote on the paper, like a peasant woman

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