Big dreamer

Chapter 84 7-star array

Taoist Luo asked Ma Simo to fetch seven lit candlesticks and place them around the confession case to form the shape of the Big Dipper.

For a moment, fireworks were flying in the courtyard, making everyone feel convinced.

Ma Simo's expression became calmer when he saw that Taoist Luo had arranged everything in an orderly manner.

Taoist Luo stood solemnly in the middle of the seven candlesticks. He raised his hand and bit his finger. With a silent movement, seven drops of blood flew out and landed on the flames of the seven candlesticks.

With a "Puff" sound, the flames of the seven candlesticks suddenly doubled in size and burned fiercely.

Ma Simo couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw this.

The mages he invited in the past few days were all acting like a big show. This was the first time he had seen such genuine magical powers. It seemed that his family was truly saved.

Ma Simo was excited, and his eyes when he looked at Luo Daoren suddenly changed.

"Huh...this activation of the seven-star magic circle will cause a huge loss of essence and blood. After this incident, Pindao will need at least three years of meditation to recover." Luo Daoren staggered and said with a long breath.

"The Immortal has lost so much cultivation for my Ma family's affairs. I am willing to donate another two hundred taels of gold to make up for the loss of the Immortal. But you must get rid of that ghost." When Ma Simo heard this, he immediately said.

"Don't worry, layman Ma, the seven-star formation has been deployed. No matter how powerful the ghost is, it can't escape from Pindao's palm!" Taoist Luo bared his teeth slightly, and his white teeth reflected the surrounding firelight, which was very bright.

Shen Luo stood aside, hurriedly lowering his head and sullen face, holding back the smile in his heart.

The aura of Taoist Luo's body did not decrease at all. Where did his cultivation come from? As for the sudden increase in the flame of the lamp, it was caused by the seven rays of mana that Taoist Luo took the opportunity to shoot out when he shot the blood droplets.

If I hadn't been a monk in the Qi Refining Stage and could see something fishy in it, I would have been like Ma Simo and others and cried foul about it. Taoist Luo usually has a cold look, but he is so skillful in extorting money.

Taoist Luo took a short rest and then started drawing talismans at his desk.

Shen Luo saw that Taoist Luo was drawing a talisman that was quite similar to the ghost-expelling talisman, and he was busy observing it. However, Taoist Luo painted very quickly, and his brushwork was even more dazzling, one after another with almost no pause.

In just a few moments, I drew more than twenty pictures.

"Post these talismans in all the rooms of your house and in the courtyard, make sure there are no omissions, and call everyone in the house here!" Luo Taoist left one talisman on the confession, and handed over all the others. Give Ma Simo a solemn order.

Ma Simo did not dare to neglect, and immediately called a few servants to put on the amulets separately. Then he called the whole family, young and old, and servants to the courtyard. There were twenty or thirty people, including Ma Simo who was already there. The seventy-year-old mother was carried out softly.

After Luo Daoren waited for everyone to arrive, he turned over his hand and pulled out the sword that had been hanging on his back. It was a mahogany sword.

The wooden sword has a deep red body with clear texture. From a long distance, one can feel the strong evil-dispelling righteousness emitted by the sword body.

"What a mahogany sword!" Shen Luo's eyes lit up.

He has read a lot of miscellaneous books, and has some understanding of the Taoist sword, which is the most commonly used tool to exorcise evil spirits. He knows that the peach tree is also known as the "Dragon Subduing Wood", which has the effect of cutting down evil spirits and controlling ghosts. The older the tree, the better the color. The deeper it goes, the stronger its ability to exorcise evil spirits.

The color of ordinary peach wood is mostly light yellow, and it may only turn into pink after more than 30 years. To reach deep red, it must be century-old peach wood.

What's even more rare is that Daoren Luo's peach wood sword has no inscriptions on it at all, and the centuries-old peach wood energy contained within it has not been damaged at all. It is definitely a ghost-killing treasure.

Taoist Luo took out a red talisman from his chest and put it on the hilt of the sword. The peach wood sword suddenly glowed with a layer of red light. The power of the peach wood to exorcise evil and the power of the talisman merged together, suddenly raising the sword several times.

A powerful wave of mana rippled away from the sword, causing the air nearby to buzz and tremble.

When everyone in the Ma Mansion saw this scene, they all exclaimed in exclamation, and everyone stared at it intently.

Shen Luo also secretly admired it. Compared with others, he could feel the amazing aura exuding from the Taomu Sword at this moment, which was several times more powerful than when he activated the talisman.

Of course, it is also because his current magic power is too weak and he is far from stimulating the full power of the talisman.

Luo Daoren inspired the power of the Taomu Sword, but did not use it immediately. He suddenly waved to Shen Luo.

"Master Luo." Shen Luo was slightly surprised and walked over immediately.

"Take this thing and stand aside." Taoist Luo took something out of his arms and handed it over. It was a three-foot-long yellow flag.

There is a Tai Chi diagram on the top and bottom of the flag, and seven five-pointed stars are drawn in the middle, which also looks like the Big Dipper. However, it is a common seven-star flag in Taoism. There is a yellow talisman attached to the top, which emits the slightest fluctuation of mana. It is obviously It's a talisman.

Shen Luo was secretly shocked that Taoist Luo was rich, so he agreed, took the seven-star flag respectfully, and stood beside Taoist Luo as promised.

At this moment, the servants came back and claimed that they had put all the talismans in place.

"Just step aside and wait. Just wait and see." Taoist Luo nodded, waved his hands for everyone to move away, and stepped forward step by step.

He spun around several times and suddenly shouted loudly. He held a sword flower in his mahogany sword and stabbed it out. The tip of the sword touched the talisman on the confession.

All the runes on the talisman suddenly lit up, blooming with bright red light.

An invisible wave erupted from the talisman, rippling rapidly towards the surroundings, and all the candles around the confession also lit up.

At the same time, groups of dazzling red lights bloomed everywhere in the Ma Mansion, but the talismans posted in the house also lit up.

For a moment, the entire Ma Mansion was shrouded in groups of red light.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the courtyard held their breath and dared not breathe.

At this moment, the talisman posted in the center of the left courtyard suddenly flew up and landed in the corner of the courtyard. There was a lush bamboo forest here. There was also a big locust tree deep in the bamboo forest. The branches and leaves were lush and the tree age was at least forty or fifty years.

The talisman flew to the locust tree, burned without wind, turned into a ball of red fire, and then fell to the ground like lightning.

There was a muffled "bang", and the fireball suddenly exploded, turning into sparks all over the sky, but the bamboo leaves and dead branches on the ground below were all blown away, revealing a dark abandoned wellhead.

The sound of running water sounded in the well, and then a black gas slowly emerged from it, exuding a murderous aura.

In the main courtyard, Taoist Luo's eyes lit up, and he blew out a breath of white air, which sank into the Seven Star Banner.

The yellow light on the banner immediately became stronger, and the seven-star pattern was fully lit up, shooting out seven yellow rays of light, covering the ground in front.

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