The strongest talent

Chapter 221 The Strongest Sword

"The surveillance system was compromised by hackers?"

In the living room on the first floor of the villa, Qu Shilong listened to the report from the person in charge of the security center, his wrinkled face showing an unprecedented solemn look.

Qu Shilong knew how powerful the central computer of the Hongdu Group was, and it cost a lot. He invited American computer experts to install and debug, purchased all accessories from abroad, and established countless strict firewalls. The guarantee for the perfect operation of the group.

At that time, the American computer expert promised that no hacker in the world would be able to break into the Hongdu Group's electronic system unless state agencies or superpowers took action. And previous facts have also proved this. Those mercenaries and evolver teams who have a grudge against the Hongdu Group... No one has ever been able to start from this aspect, and no one can carry out electronic attacks on the Hongdu Group.

until today!

The most frightening thing is that this hacker not only conquered the monitoring equipment of the villa, but even spread rapidly, affecting all electronic equipment related to the core computers of the Hongdu Group. However, the smart watches of all members of the Hongdu Group have experienced various failures. Even Qu Shilong's own smart watch has been unable to carry out any communication.

Even the situation in the security center was informed by the person in charge in person, rather than through remote communication - things happened so suddenly, happened so fast, that Qu Shilong was unable to react for a moment. come over.

The military has no reason to deal with the Qu family, the Huaxia Qi family, the Luo family, the He family... all the big forces have no reason. Who has so much energy to conquer the central computer of Hongdu Group? !

"A Cheng, A De, A Yong!" Qu Shilong sat on the mutated animal skin sofa in the living room of the villa, his old voice filled with murderous intent: "Be prepared, we should be able to see that person soon. 'Hacker'. He shouldn't be very strong, there is no need for a truly strong person to use these methods."

Qu Zhendong looked at his grandfather next to him, then at the three bodyguards "A Cheng", "A De" and "A Yong". His heart was calm and he admired his grandfather very much - his grandfather was right, if it is a holy level The above strong men can just be killed directly, and the Qu family has no ability to resist.

The person who takes action this time will first conquer the communication system and isolate external contact. There will definitely be other actions later. With these three bodyguards here, as long as you are not a saint-level expert, you have nothing to fear!

The bodyguard "A Cheng" is an eighth-level peak fighter. He is 1.92 meters tall, with broad shoulders and a broad back. He wears a pair of S-class alloy finger tigers on his hands. His face is like steel, and his lines are extremely hard. He was once a mercenary who specialized in taking bounty missions. He traveled abroad and went to the primitive jungles of Africa and major bases. He hunted mutant lord beasts in the surrounding dangerous areas and became famous.

Ade is an eighth-level peak elemental master with huge mental power. His weapon is an animal crystal ring, worn on the thumb of his right hand. The inlaid animal crystal is dark red, with a phantom of a flaming ape hidden inside. It was the eighth-level mutant lord beast "Fire Angry Ape", a mutant beast unique to the African jungle. Its arms almost hung to the ground, its body was extremely thin, but its tail was very thick, and its surface was burning with blazing fire.

The last bodyguard "A Yong" is an eighth-level peak spiritual warrior. He holds an S-level alloy sword in his right hand and wears an oval shield on his left arm. It is also inlaid with beast crystals. It is an eighth-level lord beast from the dangerous area of ​​Africa. "Steel-armored Alligator" possesses extremely amazing defensive power.

Three bodyguards, three major professions, are the most standard bodyguard configuration. Qu Shilong's three old bodyguards, "Lao Ge", "Lao Yan" and "Lao Yu", were no longer useful. With the rapid development of Hongdu Group and their growth, they were already in a semi-retired state until the "doomsday" "Catastrophe" broke out and was killed by Yuan Qing in the Lingyang danger zone outside the Kyoto base.

Now these three bodyguards were recruited by Qu Shilong at a high price to ensure his personal safety - three eighth-level peak powerhouses who had cooperated with each other for many years and had a tacit understanding, and they had settled countless assassinations for him. He has no doubt that as long as it is not a saint-level powerhouse, even a few teams of eighth-level mercenaries will not touch a hair on his head!

"King of Heaven, you are worrying too much." Ade released his mental power, like a vast ocean, covering the entire villa. His voice was a little low and hoarse, but it also contained strong confidence: "No one invaded the villa, that hacker should just give our computer To create a little trouble and want to assassinate you, no one in Jian Base has the guts."

Qu Shilong said nothing, and there was a twinkle in his old eyes.

Who says the assassin must be from Jianji? Moreover, even the Ji'an base has a branch of the Heijiang Martial Arts School, and the director is a saint-level powerhouse! However, the Hongdu King, who is also at the Ji'an base, has deliberately managed it. The relationship between the Hongdu Group and the Heijiang Martial Arts Branch will naturally not be too bad. The martial arts branch director has no reason to take action against the Qu family.

However, today, someone finally started to take revenge - to be precise, he had already tasted the taste of revenge a long time ago. His lower abdominal dantian was forcibly destroyed by Yuan Qing!

"Xiaodong, don't be afraid." Qu Shilong stretched out an old palm with bulging veins, covering the back of Qu Zhendong's hand, patted it a few times, and said with a calm smile: "If it weren't for the iron-blooded wrist, Hongdu would It won’t be as big as it is now, and I won’t have the final say in the Qu family now! When you take over Hongdu in the future, grandpa will arrange the most powerful bodyguards for you, and our strategy doesn’t have to..."

He didn't finish his words - on his wrinkled left wrist, the red indicator light of the smart watch flickered slightly, and the virtual screen appeared uncontrollably and automatically, displaying four large scarlet characters: Blood debt must be paid with blood!

Swish, swish, swish!

The three bodyguards, Acheng, Ade, and Ayong, turned their heads almost at the same time and looked out the floor-to-ceiling window of the villa's living room.

A muscular figure, wearing a green and black camouflage combat uniform, riding an aggressive-looking alloy motorcycle, leaped past the ten-meter-high villa wall. The motorcycle landed on the ground, and the rider took off his helmet, revealing short and medium-black hair. Half of the hair covered his right eye, leaving only his left eye and dark cheek exposed.

This driver has a thick beard, bright eyes, a sword in his hand that is steady, and a slow and firm pace.

He walked step by step, and with each step he took, the fighting and killing intent in his body increased by one point. When he walked to the artificial lake, his body seemed to be burning with substantial flames. The surface of the sword in his hand shone with silver light, and his body even faintly flashed with azure thunder and lightning.

"This person is..." In the living room of the villa, Qu Shilong stood up from the sofa, his two cloudy eyes vaguely filled with doubts - this assassin gave him a somewhat familiar feeling, as if he had been somewhere before. I have seen him before, but from the outside, he looks very strange, or in other words, he has no distinctive features. He is somewhat similar to most bearded mercenaries.

Qu Zhendong stood next to Qu Shilong, his heart couldn't help but beat wildly - this feeling was so familiar, so familiar that he would never forget it. Although his appearance has changed, his body shape, temperament, and murderous intent... there is no mistake, absolutely no mistake, he is Yuan Qing!

"Qu Shilong." Yuan Qing has already passed by the artificial lake and is still moving forward. His voice is like the snow-capped mountains that have not melted for thousands of years, revealing the deep cold: "I have been waiting for this day for too long, and now one second Zhongdu doesn’t want to wait any longer—I’ll give you a chance now, and you can give me a reason not to kill you.”

In front of Qu Shilong, three bodyguards stood side by side, blocking their sight.

The King of Hongdu, the shrewd old man who built the Hongdu Group almost from scratch, narrowed his eyes slightly through the gap between the bodies of the three bodyguards, looked at Yuan Qing's face carefully for a while, and smiled lowly: "Do you want a reason? I..."

"You can't give it!" Yuan Qing growled: "There is no reason why I won't kill you, Qu Shilong, you deserve to die!"

The moment the word "death" fell, Yuan Qing began to charge.

His speed has never been so fast, and his killing intent has never been so strong. Even when he faced the tide of mutated beasts and fought bloody battles with his comrades, he was not so crazy. His feet stepped on thunder and lightning, and the ground in the courtyard of the villa exploded violently under his feet, and his feet were scorched black.

Since entering the sixth level, he has never exploded with such terrifying speed. He is like a ray of light, rushing in a completely straight line; his will, spirit, body, vitality... everything about him is condensed into the knife in his hand. For this knife, he fled to Qingyuan Base, fled to Kyoto, fled to Africa, and fled for a full year and a half.

A year and a half of patience, a year and a half of anger, the grudges of a year and a half ago, the life-and-death hatred of the four members of the Wolf Fang Team, all attributed to this one sword!

"Qu Shilong, die!" Yuan Qing rushed to a position fifty meters away from the living room of the villa and swung the knife.

This is his unreserved sword. It is a sword that uses 200 times the basic force method, contains thunder and lightning, contains the impact of will, contains the determination to kill, and uses the combination of spiritual energy and body to cut it. The color of this sword light is extremely beautiful and complex. It seems to contain all the colors in the world. It is like a river, like a river, like a dragon.

It is a spark that sets the sky alight, a spark that sets the prairie ablaze, a river of starlight, the result of Yuan Qing's three months of training in Africa, and a great gift prepared for Qu Shilong - so what about the three eighth-level peak bodyguards, they are not saints level.

As long as you are not a saint, you will die!

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