The big guy who passed through quickly took the scumbag script

Chapter 637 First-class magic stick vs silly roe deer essence 1

Xihe opened his eyes, facing a small face with snot bubbles, wrapped in rags, held in his mother's arms, fluttering his little fists, crying out of breath: "Wow - wow -"

Hoarse at the top of his lungs, the devil's voice pierced through his ears, Xihe couldn't help but take two steps back.

The woman was so anxious that tears were about to fall, she patted her son: "Really Yuzhen, the baby has been crying for three days, can you help me take a look?"

Xihe: ...'Real Yuzhen'?

What is this shameful name? Just ask her to call her Taoist priest.

This is a slightly shabby middle room. The table is uneven and there are stones under it. The Sanqing is offered on the table, and incense candles are lingering in the furnace.

There is a circle of people in the house, an old man with deep wrinkles like gullies, a woman with cloth strips on her head, a man in straw sandals... The sun is hot outside the window, and the vegetation is flourishing.

Xihe quickly ran through the original owner's life in her mind, and stepped forward to gently stroke the child's head.

The warm stream of light swept across, and the crying of the little guy immediately became quieter: "Don't worry, Layman, your child is just asleep, and there is nothing wrong with it. Let Pindao grab some medicine for him, and he will be cured after drinking it for two days." .”

The deliberately suppressed voice was rough and unpleasant, and everyone in the room was stunned by the hand she showed.

The woman hugged the child, her face full of excitement: "Thank you Taoist, the Taoist is kind!"

Her husband bowed his hands again and again: "Thank you, Daoist, thank you... Daoist, what kind of medicine do you think this needs?"

Xihe waved his hand and looked at the apprentice standing in the corner: "Yuanbao!"

Holding the package and wearing a gray robe, the straight boy ran over immediately, took out a piece of wood skillfully, and handed Xihe a piece of black charcoal: "Master, please!"

With a pretty baby face and two big bright eyes, he stands out from the crowd of distressed villagers.

Looking at the board Xihe: ...

It seems that the original owner has reached the end of his rope.

The most valuable thing in her whole body now is the standard outfit she is wearing, and this outfit was abducted by her from a member of the staff some time ago.

Of course, the robes worn by the young disciples were also ripped off from the servants at Yuanwai's house.

After taking the charcoal pencil and drawing a few herbs for treating fever on the wooden board, Xihe handed it to the little apprentice: "Go and pick it up."

The little disciple looked at Xihe suspiciously, not understanding why her treatment method this time was different from before, but he must listen to what the master said, and the little disciple replied loudly: "Good master!"

Picking up the package on his back, he got out of the crowd and disappeared without a trace.

The farmer who just chased to the door:? ? ?

He subconsciously looked at Xihe, and the people in the room were startled by Yuan Bao's speed, and then he was overjoyed: "The Taoist priest is indeed a master of Taoism, even the apprentice is so powerful!"

"This grandson of Lao Li's family is very lucky to meet the Taoist priest!"

Xihe put her hands on her knees, closed her eyes and sat quietly, her face burning. Originally, the original owner wanted to demonize the child's illness to deceive people.

Doctors pay attention to seeing, hearing, and inquiring when seeing a doctor, and the original owner, a little liar, also played it very hard. First, he looked at the child's face and marveled at his appearance as a feudal lord.

When everyone in the Li family was pleasantly surprised, they lowered their eyebrows and narrowed their eyes: "Your son is originally a Wenqu star in the sky, and he was supposed to be reborn in a wealthy family, but he didn't want to be thrown into your family by accident... Now Yan Jun wants to plunder him and reincarnate , even if Pindao is a disciple of the Sanqing, it is extremely difficult."

When the Li family heard this, they were frightened out of their wits.

This is the only seedling of their old Li family!

Quickly kowtowed, his big head hit the ground, begging the original owner to save him.

The original owner was full of embarrassment, and the Li family immediately took out the money, ten yuan, twenty yuan... The east family borrowed fifty yuan from the west family, and the original owner reluctantly said: "Forget it, since we met, we have a destiny with the poor." .”

He took out the mahogany sword and pretended to play in the house for a long time,

Finally, pretending to be out of breath, he took out a crumpled talisman paper from his bosom, and asked them to burn it into talisman water and drink it up.

The Li family worshiped it like a treasure, but the talisman was a fake talisman, and the Taoist priest was also a fake Taoist priest. The child ate dirty things and died instantly.

Everyone in the Li family was dumbfounded, and went to find the original owner, only to find that the person had already fled.

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