Yang Han guessed right. The second ticket sold for a higher price, reaching 40 million yuan, and the third ticket sold for 42 million yuan! They were bought by an old rich man from China and a rich man from the UK respectively.

Those who didn't buy it and didn't increase the price were mostly waiting and watching. Because they know that there will be a second time for space travel, and they are waiting for the second opportunity to sell tickets.

"Perfect, today's product launch was successfully held, sales exceeded 10 billion, thank you all for your support." Du Xingyu said in the live broadcast room, but this time, the audience was dissatisfied.

"Bullshit, I can't support it at all!!!"

"It won't be broadcast anymore? I just came!"

"I heard that this live broadcast sells rockets and aerospace planes, so I came here to watch!"

"Anchor, please continue to bring goods, please!"

"You guys are so fast, I didn't even buy it!"

"Everyone, everyone!" Du Xingyu said, "If you still want to buy a rocket or a space plane, you can go to Xingyao Company to place an order. If you want to travel in space, you can go to the official website of Chengfeng Space Company to check the information."

"Today's delivery is over. Thank you for your cooperation! See you next time!"

After Du Xingyu finished speaking, he immediately turned off the broadcast.

A group of viewers who haven't had enough of watching are scattered on the Internet, posting their own experiences.

"I just watched a live broadcast selling rockets, selling billions in an hour!"

"The most powerful anchor in the history of selling goods, probably not as good as him in the world! He has brought goods worth over 10 billion!"

Someone else made it into a joke and posted it online: "My Double Eleven shopping cart: Dragon rocket, Star 1 space plane, space travel tickets!"

"The mysterious rich second generation bought a space travel quota. Who is he?"

On the day of Double Eleven, which was full of information, Du Xingyu made his way to the top of the hot spots list with the news that he brought tens of billions of goods!

The first place in the live broadcast sales list is also firmly occupied by Du Xingyu with sales of more than 10 billion.

"This is called traffic!" A certain big star sighed helplessly when he saw the list. Normally she always thought that she was the top traffic in the country with tens of millions of fans. It wasn't until she saw Du Xingyu bringing goods today that she understood what it means to be someone outside the world, and there is a world outside the world!

On the same day, Teacher Ma was interviewed by the news and specifically mentioned Du Xingyu. He said: "Space business is the future trend. I am very happy to see young people in our country making contributions in this area!"

"In the next few years, Du Xingyu will set a record of goods delivery that only he can break. We look forward to next year's Double Eleven, where we can see more space products!"

Du Xingyu's delivery and promotional activities were very good. One of his delivery was equivalent to a network-wide promotion worth tens of millions for China Aerospace, Xingyao Space Technology and Chengfeng Space Service Company!

Not only in China, this matter has spread in the United States, island countries and Europe.

On YouTube, Du Xingyu’s live video of selling rockets has received tens of millions of clicks abroad. There are even foreign Internet celebrities who worship Du Xingyu as God and call him the God of Internet celebrities!

Du Xingyu himself was not interested in caring about this. After bringing the goods, he returned to the Aerospace Research Institute and began to promote the design and manufacturing of the lunar base.

"We have completed the preliminary design of the lunar base, the complete 'Guanghan Palace' lunar base!" Du Xingyu showed the design drawings he designed and improved to the team. "After the demonstration, construction can begin."

"According to this design, we need at least about thirty people, plus some automated machinery! It will take three years to complete." He Jingcheng said, "In the past two months, we have sent fifteen aerospace experts who are proficient in engineering and manufacturing. Officers went up and delivered some mechanical equipment and supplies.”

The Taiyin has not stopped in the past two months. It started immediately after maintenance and sent people to the moon. Now is an important moment for the moon to seize territory, and not a minute can be wasted.

Three round trips sent fifteen Chinese astronauts there. Now, they have built a small cave base on the moon that can be lived in for a year, and have started construction of a lunar base.

"Thirty people are still too few. It is best to have several engineering teams working on the moon together." Du Xingyu said, he was more eager than others.

"Our current living conditions on the moon cannot allow so many people to go there!" Liu Yuan said, "Each astronaut must have a life support system, including air, water, food, energy, etc. Thirty people is the current limit. "

"I have a design." Du Xingyu controlled the computer in the conference room and clicked on several design drawings, which showed a small ecological warehouse.

He said: "This ecological capsule is made based on the life space module of the space station, but it is smaller and does not have any power system. I call it a 'life capsule'. A life capsule can basically meet the needs of two to Living conditions for three astronauts. Under normal operation, it can be maintained for about three years!"

"The life capsule is lightweight and can be used to send five life capsules to the moon at one time using a space plane or a nuclear-powered rocket! With this, we can send a large number of manpower to the moon in a short period of time and build a lunar base!"

Everyone looked carefully at the design of the life capsule. Some of its principles were similar to the life space module, but it was much simpler to manufacture than the life space module and the manufacturing cost was not high.

"Okay!" Xiong Ming slapped the table, "This thing is good. As long as there are more of us, we won't be afraid of anyone in terms of infrastructure!"

"Yes! I think this plan works!" Cao Liang said.

"This matter will be implemented immediately, and I want to report to the superiors!"

While China is accelerating the construction of lunar bases, other countries are also speeding up their pace. The United States launched another lunar landing spacecraft and left six American astronauts on the moon to build a small lunar base.

The Russians also have four astronauts stationed on the moon for more than half a year. The European Space Agency's moon landing date has been determined. The island countries and India are still rushing to work. If other countries have the ability, they will develop it. If they don't, they will come to China or other countries. Discuss lunar cooperation projects.

But seeing the rockets and spacecrafts of several major countries keep flying into the sky, some countries can't sit still! They can't even make rockets. By the time they have the ability to go into space, the moon will be carved up!

Furthermore, major countries also have disputes over the development of the moon.

As a result, some countries called on the world to renegotiate the Moon Agreement and standardize lunar exploration, resource development and related systems.

This call was agreed to by all countries, and the United Nations decided to convene a meeting in two months to formulate a new "Moon Agreement" together with all countries in the world.

"In 1979, the United Nations established the Moon Agreement." Cao Liang was giving a meeting to everyone at the space agency. "At that time, it was stipulated that the moon was the common property of all mankind and no country or individual was allowed to occupy or develop it alone. .”

"Of course, such words are all bullshit."

"The moon belongs to whoever has the ability to develop it. Any agreement is nonsense!"

Everyone laughed. International agreements can only restrain small countries.

"But sometimes we have to be superficial, otherwise other people will have opinions." Cao Liang continued, "This time the "New Moon Agreement" is probably set in accordance with the "Antarctic Agreement". The scientific research station can radiate The area belongs to the country where the scientific research station is located. Therefore, how many resources our country can obtain on the moon depends entirely on our performance on the moon!"

Thanks to Tian Zhengyou, Xiaoxian, get out, and let me stay with you till the end of the sea.

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