Red sand dust

Chapter 775 No one knows

Because the climates of the Land of Wind and the Land of Fire are so different, this year's joint chuunin exams need to be held in advance, especially since the exam venue for the second exam is set to be the extremely dangerous Demonic Desert.

It really has to be held in the hottest month of July like previous years. The terrifying high temperature in the Demonic Desert, the sandstorms that blow from time to time, and the depletion of food have caused extremely ferocious snakes, insects, and beasts. In such an environment, you still have to compete with other people. It was also too cruel to those fledgling genin candidates.

After careful consideration, the first and second trials will be moved forward to early June, and then moved to Konoha Village for the third trial.

"So, today is the last surgery!"

After pulling out the last infusion needle from Gaara's body, Daimaru said with some relief.

"Is this enough? It always feels a bit unreal..."

Gaara, who has recovered his ability to think and speak, but still has no feeling below his neck, makes a dry sound in his throat,

"There should still be time to perfect it, and it doesn't hurt to have one more chance for surgery..."

"It's not enough to go too far, so let's stop here!"

Daimaru shook his head and rejected Gaara's suggestion of seeking stability.

"You still need some time to recover. Candidates from other villages will arrive in Awaji Village half a month in advance. I need to watch, and you have to come out to entertain the representatives of each village and the examiners who come to support..."

It would be inappropriate to hold an event on Daimaru's territory and not take charge of the overall situation as a local coward; Gaara would have a lot of social activities in the future, and he might also be in danger. Not quite right.

"Oh well!"

Knowing that Daimaru's suggestion made sense, Gaara stopped insisting.

At first, he agreed to create a spare body for his resurrection just in case.

Next, the Kazekage Godaime, who was unable to move, watched helplessly as Daimaru drew the blood extracted from his own body into strange patterns on the spare body, which were then absorbed and disappeared by the dark golden mesh pattern on the surface.

"Come and infuse your chakra into it..."

Daimaru helped Gaara up and put his hand on the backup body's forehead.

"The body's information has been backed up. Next is the chakra rubbing. The creation of the backup body is completed. Finally, I will establish the unique connection of your souls..."

Gaara, who was already a little weak, began to look a lot paler again as the chakra in his body continued to be depleted, and his cheeks, which had regained some color, began to regain their color.

At the same time, Daimaru took out a purple-black energy ball, implanted it into the backup body, and completely integrated it with Gaara's chakra, and then split it into two parts, one part entered Gaara's body, and the other part stayed in the backup body. Waiting for the moment to be activated.

Ten minutes later, Daimaru said to Gaara who was shaking:

"That's it!"

There is no need to complete it all at once, just gradually provide vitality and improve it.

After taking a short breath, Gaara looked at the humanoid figure that was covered in a black substance with complicated eyes and moved slightly under Daimaru's control.

"It feels very strange, as if a strange organ has grown in the body. There is a strange feeling. After careful exploration, nothing is found. This is the first time I have experienced this kind of vague feeling..."

Daimaru shrugged:

"It's normal. You are no longer a pure human being, but your soul and thoughts are still the same. Your mental state has not adapted to the mutated body. It will get better after some time..."

The soul and body influence and match each other. Changes in one of them will inevitably affect the other.

How can ordinary human beings have the chance to come back to life? A spare body or something, is this something a mortal should have?


Gaara was stunned for a moment, then he laughed and said,

"As a Jinchuuriki, I can't be considered a complete human being..."

"Because of chakra, the classification of life species has become a big problem! However, in my opinion, 'human' is not a narrow definition, but a class of intelligent creatures with a sense of racial belonging. The general term, general mutation, at most it can be regarded as the emergence of a human subspecies in the ninja world..."

The blood descendants of the Otsutsuki clan who have integrated into the ninja world are a good example.

Normally, the relationship between the soul and the body is a carrot and a pit, but with the chakra that connects the two in a leap-forward way, the original very serious reproductive isolation becomes unreliable.

It is no longer possible to use the word "chaos" to describe this phenomenon.

Chakra is like an invisible virus carrier, carrying information about another life and affecting the biological environment from time to time.

And this change is not limited to biological characteristics, but also includes some extremely strong ideological concepts. For example, the reincarnation of Asura's chakra will be affected by "love" and "understanding", and the reincarnation of Indra The body is more inclined to respect strength.

After thinking for a while, Gaara, who understood what Daimaru meant, looked a little better:

"Not purely human, but still considered a member of the human race..."

Daimaru patted Gaara on the shoulder:

"I used to be a little confused, and it was only recently that I came to understand why those aliens such as psychic beasts, ninja beasts, zerg, Umibo masters, and mountain gods with extremely high intelligence are so keen on getting involved and competing with humans. Survival strategies such as cooperation, symbiosis, and integration are ubiquitous. The existence of chakra has changed the model, but the essence is not different..."

If Daimaru hadn't time-traveled into a Sand Ninja, but had become a member of a certain psychic beast on the verge of extinction, he might also be thinking of ways to establish a relationship with a potential Ninja, and then subtly absorb and assimilate it. Or completely merge into a subspecies.

“Cuckoo bird nest parasitism?”

Gaara looked at Daimaru in surprise, as if he understood for the first time what dangerous things this guy who kept calling himself 'little brother-in-law' was thinking about.

The so-called 'nest parasitism' refers to a special reproductive behavior in which some birds lay eggs and do not hatch them themselves. Instead, they lay the eggs in the nests of other birds, and the other birds incubate and raise the chicks on their behalf. This kind of breeding The advantages of this approach are obvious. It can maximize the reproductive success of the bird, because the evil bird does not bear the responsibility of raising the chicks and has the ability to lay more eggs.

Among them, cuckoo is the most typical and worst one.

Daimaru shrugged, did not answer directly, and smiled nonchalantly:

"Human beings are much more complex than birds. Not only are they powerful, but they are also intelligent. It's not necessarily clear who wins and who loses..."

What you think is the magpie's nest that you occupy may end up just becoming the nourishment for others to strengthen themselves.

The future is far away, and there are always people who understand, silently guarding the borders for "humanity" in corners that no one pays attention to, even fighting enemies who know nothing about them and expanding their territory.

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