Red sand dust

Chapter 749 Chapter 748 Reaction

Nara Shikaku, who understood what the Fifth Hokage was worried about, closed the document in his hand and answered patiently:

"I have spoken to Maji in private, and he has nothing to hide! Sand Hidden Village is located in the interior of the Kingdom of Wind. There are deserts along the way. The roads are restless and the sky is full of wind and sand. Except for ninjas, few daimyo and nobles are willing to go there. Eat sand there..."

In this era, there were no such things as national highways, provincial highways, and high-speed railways. Crossing the vast sea of ​​sand by horse-drawn carriage to go to Sunagakure Village to watch the Chunin Examination was really an ordeal.

According to the plan, the third test will be arranged in mid-July. At that time, in the Kingdom of Wind, it is so hot that locals don’t want to go out. The sun is very hot during the day, and it is easy to get heat stroke and sunburn. It is windy and sandy at night, and without protection, one At night, it is common to experience cracked skin, bleeding from the corners of the mouth, dry eyes and sore throat.

The sunny Konoha Village had to consider choosing a slightly cooler time to hold the third trial, and always pay attention to the viewing experience of the guests.

"Sunagakure Village currently does not have the ability to hold such a grand event. However, most of the people involved in the first and second trials are ninjas, so there is no such scruple..."

This kind of logic makes sense, and the reasons are impeccable. If there are indeed no hidden dangers, Tsunade is ready to agree to this seemingly abrupt suggestion.

"Do you have any other ideas, Sand Ninja? Tell them all together..."

Xiaochun asked after going to bed.

"The details are still unknown. Their initial plan is to place the first trial in Awaji Village in the south of the Wind Country. The second trial will be grouped into the relatively dangerous 'Demon Desert', and the qualified candidates will take a rest in Sand Hidden Village. , they will be sent to Konoha Village together..."

Tsunade waved her hand and interrupted Nara Shikaku's explanation:

"We'll discuss the details later. If you don't have any objections, then we agree to Suna Ninja's suggestion and we have to start making some changes..."

If the location changes, the examiner will be different, and the auxiliary examiners in each village must be selected separately. These cannot be ignored.

Sunagakure Village does have selfish motives, but in the Joint Chunin Examination, there should be no ill will towards other villages.

"For those Genin in the village who are always hanging out in the Country of Fire, it would be a good thing to go to the Country of Wind to see the world!"

In Sunagakure Village, "The Tale of Bamboo" has been staged for more than three weeks, and the finale ended perfectly two days ago.

After a short period of fermentation, a short rest, and lessons learned from the first performance, Chaoyan and her friends began the second round of performances.

The excitement is still there.

There are many new viewers who come here because of its reputation, and there are also sincere admirers who want to watch it a second time.

Most of the villagers in Sunagakure Village have positive comments about "The Tale of Bamboo", and there are not many truly malicious detractors.

Its popularity did not reach the level of crowds, which Daimaru had expected.

In many fantasy novels with time-travelers and reborn beings as the protagonists, it is actually very difficult to find a section that plagiarizes one or two classic works from previous lives and makes them popular.

The popularity and dissemination of culture are indispensable to the right time, place and people. A classic ten years later may not even be understood if it was released ten years ago. No matter how good a masterpiece is, it will inevitably look "rustic" many years later. .

What's more, in another world, the historical background is completely different, and the people's preferences and appreciation levels are very different. How can it be possible to win the love of the public casually?

Fortunately, the demands of the villagers of Sunagakure Village are not too high nowadays, and the core of "The Tale of Bamboo" is still very good.

Of course, the so-called connotation and elegance can only be experienced by a very small number of people. The vast majority of the audience relishes the stage scenery and the beautiful sound and light effects.

"The Tale of Bamboo" and Asagao became famous, but they were not a big hit or a blockbuster, but they managed to get off to a good start.

Together with the other three friends, they gradually gained confidence.

In addition, to Daimaru's surprise, several of the soundtracks played by Kashiwagi were quite popular, especially "The Street Where the Wind Lives" at the end, which is full of beauty and regret. It is really the right song for the land of wind and sand. the appetite of the villagers.

The timbre of the ocarina is more vast and profound, without the sadness and melodiousness of the erhu in the original song. On the contrary, it is even more appreciated by the deeply touched Sand Ninjas.

He gave a rough sample of the music according to his own preferences and asked Kashiwagi to figure it out on his own. If he didn't understand, he asked the music teacher hired by Kurama Yakumo for advice. Unexpectedly, he made a mistake and got an unexpected surprise.

"Since Chaoyan was recognized by everyone, Xiao Baimu has also successfully made a name for himself..."

The little guy who always likes to sit on Daimaru's shoulder and spin his parasol happily seems a little embarrassed.

After studying for a period of time, everyone from the teacher to the audience understood that Xiaobaimu was talented. With her excellent talent for illusions, she was really well suited to the music art that required sensibility and empathy.

However, Xiaobaimu is also a little too naughty. Even in formal performances, it is easy to get immersed in it. It is not that she is a legendary soul musician, but she likes to play as she pleases.

Although there are occasional masterpieces with a flash of inspiration, most of them are just self-entertainment and willfulness.

Ordinary viewers have average appreciation and are difficult to detect. Although Daimaru has no musical ability, he can still hear whether the tone is accurate and harmonious.

"Father, when can I perform on stage?"

"Isn't it good to play behind the scenes? Look at Chao Yan, how tired she is!"

Smoothing the corners of Xiaobai Mu's wrinkled skirt, Daimaru said with a smile,

"Kurama Yakumo didn't arrange any music lessons for you?"

"Sister Yakumo has been a little busy recently. Not only do she have to do experiments, but she also spends time on special training. I heard that she has to take some exams, which is very hard..."

"I see!"

After saying this, Daimaru understood that even Kurama Yakumo was invited to take the Chunin Exam. This year is another year of "demon dancing", even more exaggerated than two years ago.

Daimaru couldn't help but feel sorry for those candidates. The difficulty level in previous years was definitely much lower than this year. They should have had great hope of advancing, but they probably had no chance.

"If you want to perform on stage, it's not impossible, but you have to exercise restraint..."

It is Xiaobaimu's nature to have a strong desire for expression, and Daimaru will not deliberately suppress it. However, it is not advisable to succumb to instinct and reduce self-control.

"Okay! Father, when I learn a few more good tunes, let Xi Yan dance with me and we can perform together, okay?"

"Then you have to think carefully about how to persuade Xi Yan..."

Daimaru will not interfere too much in private arrangements. As long as it does not conflict with the general direction, it may be beneficial for the little ones to develop their own abilities.

When "The Tale of Bamboo" reaches further influence, it's time for Daimaru to take the next step.

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