Red sand dust

Chapter 689 Confused

It is also appropriate to specially choose a day when the wind and sand have calmed down a bit to carry out outdoor teaching activities.

The sandstorm weather in the Kingdom of Wind is so annoying. Fortunately, the strong wind blowing from the southwest sea this season is not that strong.

After life became a little better, the villagers were more enthusiastic than before about sending their children to school.

Especially this kind of display-type public event, as long as the weather is not particularly bad, it can always attract many villagers to watch.

Daimaru walked into the school grounds without disturbing anyone. He walked directly through the dense crowd and came to the front.

"The Godaime...why didn't you come?"

At this moment, the drill had already begun, and Daimaru arrived a little late.

"I've been here before, I'm in a hurry to leave..."

Temari stepped out from the crowd, sending a few young ninjas who were nervous about Daimaru's limitations to maintain discipline, and stepped forward to answer.

"What is more important than teaching and educating people..."

Daimaru couldn't help but mutter a few words,

"What exactly?"

"There's something going on with Elder Longsha, probably involving money and manpower from the south..."

"I have warned you a long time ago to quickly establish an advisory group to directly serve the Kazekage. In the past, we only had the government affairs of Sunagakure Village, but now we have to deal with the troubles of Awaji Village..."

Awaji Village is still in a semi-autonomous state now. In the future, the resident population will increase and the number of affairs will be so numerous that it cannot be completed by Kazekage alone.

The small and refined governance model of the past can no longer keep up with demand.

Although Feng Ying is not the king, he is actually not much different. In the future, there will always be helpers from think tanks, cabinets, or prime ministers to assist him. It is not possible to rely on those elders.

"Keep your voice down and calm down your emotions..."

Temari couldn't help but pull Daimaru's sleeve to remind her,

"You must have the consciousness of a big shot. You just scared those juniors..."


It seems that his reputation for having a bad temper has really taken root among the people. If Temari hadn't been here, few people would have had the courage to come forward and reply.

"Gaara probably thinks it's okay if you're here!"

"All right!"

This kind of trust, or valuing, is also a reflection of Daimaru’s true status.

"The Shadow Guards have retreated, so your soldiers will maintain order in the future?"

"How can it be as bad as you said?"

Temari retorted dissatisfiedly,

"Even if my subordinates are not as good as the first-line ninja army, they are still well-trained ninjas..."

Although the elites have been "pinched" away by other more important departments!

"Everyone has his or her own duties, I understand!"

Just because the strength is low and the quality is low does not mean that it is useless. Sand Hidden Village is so big that there will be more places to employ people in the future. Those who are temporarily lagging behind also have a place to play. As long as they are willing to work hard, they will have a chance to get ahead.

"Not only that, the village plans to reorganize into a new security department based on the system of Konoha Village?"

"Aren't you afraid of bad luck?"

The Uchiha family in charge of the Konoha Village Security Department was exterminated and has not yet been reorganized.

Temari glared at Daimaru angrily:

"There is nothing we can do about it. Gaara was called away just now. Is it probably related to this?"


Daimaru suddenly became interested,

"Tell me more carefully?"

"The rights and responsibilities need to be clarified, and it is closely related to the merger with Awaji Village..."

Temari spoke softly.

The internal security of Sunagakure Village is mostly handled by the Shadow Guards directly under the Kazekage, with assistance from other departments.

Law and order is also part of the security issue, there is no doubt about it.

However, the emergence of Awaji Village triggered turmoil in the division of power in Sunagakure Village.

The most important responsibility of the Shadow Guards is to protect the Kazekage. If the part-time job of maintaining public security is extended to Awaji Village, the Shadow Guards must be greatly expanded, and their powers and responsibilities will undoubtedly increase greatly.

In the future, Awaji Village will continue to develop and grow, and its scale will far exceed that of Sunagakure Village. Even the more prosperous Naruto Village will be merged and managed, and the Shadow Guards will expand to incredible proportions.

It is understandable that the authority of the Kazekage Fifth Generation is stable, but it is unacceptable to expand the Shadow Guards. The cake is so big, and we cannot let the Shadow Guards take away all the benefits!

"It is actually a good idea to cut off the power of maintaining public security from the Shadow Guards and form a special security department..."

Daimaru rubbed his chin with great satisfaction, feeling that there were still many management talents among Suna Ninja.

It is not appropriate for the security power, or judicial power, to be controlled by the leader's "guard battalion".

In the past, Sunagakure Village was relatively poor. It was common for one person to hold multiple positions. It was also common for department assistants to handle matters that were not within their scope of authority. It was a waste of money to save money!

But now, seeing that it wants to become bigger and stronger, rules must be established.

It will definitely not work to be as vague as before.

"It was Elder Fuyi who made the suggestion..."

Temari said quietly.


Daimaru was stunned, then smiled bitterly,

"Abominable internal friction..."

A correct motion will not be so pure if it is linked to partisanship.

No matter how good the advice is, once you doubt the motives of the adviseer, all kinds of scrutiny will be cast on you, and you will argue over and over again.

Add in the troublemakers who oppose for the sake of opposition, and this matter still needs to be discussed!

"I'll ask about it later. Someone should give me some face..."

It will definitely work out. Politics, after all, is the art of compromise. Once the quarrel is over, Daimaru will join forces with Gaara to make the final decision.

"Boss Temari, from now on I will be a serious senior official..."

"Even now!"

"Okay! Don't be distracted, everyone below is watching..."

Daimaru reminded, unable to hold back his laughter.

"This kind of exercise is just a formality. Those are the outstanding and decisive geniuses of the same year. They have been booked by various legions for a long time..."

The second-line department is less attractive. Although there is no danger, the treatment is still much worse than that of the first-line ninja army!

"Determined to kill? You may have some misunderstanding of this word..."

Daimaru chuckled and said,

"What Sand Ninja lacks now is not a master of 'decisive killing', but a more comprehensive and comprehensive talent..."

"how come?"

Temari was obviously unconvinced. As a typical traditional sand ninja, although she was not lacking in kindness and love, she was also very cunning and cruel when dealing with the enemy.

Under Temari's fierce gaze, Daimaru explained,

"Killing those who should be killed is called decisive killing; killing those who may or may not be killed is brutal and ruthless; killing those who should not be killed should be called indiscriminate killing of innocents! The first kind of character is considered an advantage! The second The second type of people are mostly arrogant, incompetent, arrogant and incompetent people who rely on killing to maintain their prestige; the third type are completely murderous villains..."

The biggest problem with the Sand Ninjas is that they confuse the first and second types and use the word "Decisive in Killing" to flatter themselves. As for the very few bastards in the third category who claim to be decisive in killing, it's okay not to mention them.

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