Red sand dust

Chapter 595 Northbound

"Always take your time!"

Daimaru was a little dissatisfied, but Miss Saya felt that it was a success.

Some steps only require a few sentences to be said, but are extremely difficult to do. Collecting heroic souls is competing with the Pure Land for power. Although the world of the dead in the ninja world is very loose, there are always people who can use it to reincarnate in the dirty land, seal away the corpses, etc.

But this kind of illegal thing should be done less often.

The regeneration core carries Daimaru's most superficial chakra, and the artificial elf is simply developed from Miss Saya's own mental fragments. To put it bluntly, it is a simplified version of the two people working together.

At present, it seems that the effect of fusion is okay, but this is because Daimaru is relatively strong. It is hard to say whether others have this ability.

He controlled the puppet and performed several ninjutsu that had been engraved internally. There was no sense of sluggishness and it was more flexible than using chakra thread.

"It can be used as a supplement to traditional puppetry, but it cannot completely replace it. Although the puppet silk thread has been simplified, it is still subject to the artificial elves of the 'Cradle Garden'..."

Daimaru commented quite objectively.

This thing feels like those various platforms in the previous life, trying to find ways to let a large number of people use it, improve and strengthen itself, and then shift the subject and guest, and then you can control the users.

Of course, a truly smart wise man will use a "psychic puppet", but he will not use it as the foundation of his own strength.

"Try promoting it first and see the reaction of the puppet masters in the village..."

Daimaru also thought that the past method of directly implanting regenerative nuclei into other people was too crude; it might be more practical to subtly collect wool and feed it to her own 'cradle garden' to cultivate artificial elves like Miss Saya. Sex, so Daimaru also tried to see if he could hitch a ride. Catching a master to knock him out, and then planting the regeneration core without anyone noticing, thinking of eating a big fat man in one bite, is really not as stable and long-term as a steady flow of water.

After the arrival of the new year, not only Yakushi Kabuto, but also Uchiha Sasuke and Kaoru could feel that the leader Orochimaru's physical condition was deteriorating rapidly.

The soul's three-year recovery period is far from over, and the body has already begun to experience a more serious rejection reaction.

He couldn't help but cough more and more often, and even occasionally coughed up blood. For a strong man like Orochimaru, this was already a serious injury.

"Kabuto, get ready and get out of here!"

"I will obey your orders!"

The information on the Uzumaki Family Namendo has been collected almost, and it is time to take some substantive actions.

"My is he doing now?"

"Everything went well, even a little too well!"


A somewhat surprised Orochimaru asked,

"What's wrong?"

"That's not true! It's probably because Deidara put too much pressure on Sasuke, causing him to practice extremely hard!"

“It was so easy at first, but you did the right thing!”

Dragging his exhausted body, Orochimaru struggled to get out of bed, and walked out slowly, followed respectfully by Kabuto Yakushi.

"Deidara's curse seal is so effective. Have you investigated what's going on?"

"The blood samples before and after were compared, and no abnormalities were found!"

After many experiments and finding nothing, Kabuto Yakushi had to admit that Deidara, whose strength had grown by leaps and bounds, was probably born to fit the curse seal.

"Only Chonggo can surpass him in terms of curse seal ability!"

In the southern sea area in the afternoon, a warm sea breeze had begun to blow at this time. Orochimaru, who was standing calmly at a high place, looked at Deidara, who had a stooped body and a face like a blond ghost, at a speed far exceeding normal. Deftly dancing in the light of Uchiha Sasuke's Kusanagi sword and the crackling arc of lightning.

It's not advanced physical skills, it's purely relying on superior physical fitness and instinct to fight. Even so, he can still fight inextricably with Uchiha Sasuke.

"The nerve-wracking thing is that as long as you use real fire, it's easy to get carried away, completely forgetting your own explosive ninjutsu, and fighting like a wild beast..."

Kabuto Yakushi asked tentatively,

"Lord Orochimaru, should we try to restore Deidara's consciousness? Otherwise, his powerful fighting ability will be a waste."

In fact, there are still ways to control it, but the combat power of a strong man like Deidara is really terrifying. He will be killed if he is not careful. Whether it is the insidious Garuda or self-destruction, as long as he wants to, he can It can turn into a map cannon and level a dozen kilometers in radius.

"Let's wait until we get to Tian Country! Now, we just need him to be a good sparring partner!"

On the other side, Uchiha Sasuke, whose clothes were stained with a lot of dust and had blood stains on his face, looked really embarrassed.

If the explosive clay can be perfectly integrated into the fighting style, not to mention the current Uchiha Sasuke, few people in the ninja world are sure to win.

Fortunately, Uchiha Sasuke is good at thunder escape. Ninjutsu such as Chidori style and Chidori Senbon developed by Chidori can really restrain the performance of explosive escape.

Although Uchiha Sasuke felt that the improvement was too small and was a little anxious, Orochimaru was still quite satisfied. After scanning the surroundings, he frowned slightly and asked:

"Where is Xianglin? Isn't she very enthusiastic about assisting Sasuke in his training?"

"Not feeling well, sick, recuperating?"

"Consumption of too much chakra?"

It would be understandable if his body was weak due to the rapid recovery from Uchiha Sasuke's injuries.

"Not only that, it seems that I really suffered from the wind and cold! I also felt strange, but I didn't find anything abnormal. It's just a common overwork. If you replenish your energy, you'll be fine!"

"I hope so! Go to the Uzumaki family's Namendo, maybe she can be of use! Also, Kabuto, prepare some suitable sacrifices."

If there was a chance to regain his hands, Orochimaru was still prepared to give it a try.

In the basement a few hundred meters away, Xianglin, who was covered in cold sweat, looked at the arm covered with light golden mesh patterns with trepidation. This weird pattern continued to absorb the chakra in the body and spread to other areas of the body, even if Even with the Uzumaki family's physique, it was a bit too much.

"What the hell is this?"

The anxious red-haired girl did not dare to tell Orochimaru or Kabuto Yakushi about the abnormality in her body. Those two guys, who had absolutely no compassion for normal people in their hearts, might be interested and move themselves onto the test stand and slice them into pieces. Made into specimens.

Being valuable is the basis for your survival here, but being too valuable is the way to death. Didn't you see Deidara's fate? The young talents who were once all-powerful are now little better than experimental animals in cages.

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