Red sand dust

Chapter 478 A life of constant compromise

When it comes to making money, Daimaru can't help but get excited.

Temari couldn't understand. Although Daimaru was born in a poor family, but now he has made millions, and even though he still owes a lot of foreign debt, he shouldn't be so enthusiastic about business.

Even a greedy ninja who likes to amass and want to make a fortune would start by completing tasks that pay well. But Daimaru is different. It seems that he has never thought of relying on ninja tasks to accumulate wealth.

"Compared to a ninja, you are more like a businessman who is good at management. You make so much money, can you spend it?"

"Well, that's a problem..."

Poor people find it extremely difficult to make money to support their families, but when you have a lot of money, how to spend it correctly is the most important thing.

If you use it well, it will be a guarantee for your career to reach a higher level. If you use it poorly, it will be a scourge that invites disaster.

"In this regard, I'm still not as good as you. After all, I've never been truly rich..."

Taking into account the huge debts, Daimaru's net worth is still negative. Coupled with his less successful past life, there are far more days when he is short of money than when he has plenty of money.

"You just have too many ideas. After completing one thing, you can start the next one, and there will be no such pressure..."

"It's true that I was a little anxious..."

Daimaru always felt that time was running out, and wanted to arrange things as soon as possible, but in the end, he was stuck with a hammer and a stick, and it was difficult to let go of any of them easily.

Forget it, he is greedy, but his background is shallow and he does not have enough subordinates to help him, so he has to squeeze out a few friends.

As for those subordinates, they are far from being able to take the lead.

Temari sighed:

"You are too big-hearted! Do you know how good your workshop's business is now? If it were two years ago, the previous generations of Feng Ying would have been unable to help but rob..."

Making money is secondary. The key is the series of interest chains supported by this industry, which can leverage the structure of the entire village and expose the flaws of the intricate factions.

Relying on the rough machining of puppets and the production of standard parts, a large number of middle- and low-level puppet masters and craftsmen are supported as a profession.

Most of the toy merchants who followed the trend also made money.

There are no such things as intellectual property rights and patents in the ninja world. If you accidentally learn the core technology from others, you will have to consider yourself unlucky.

If in his previous life, Daimaru had taken up legal weapons and sued those people, he would have been able to live a comfortable life for the rest of his life with the compensation he received.

"If you give up such a profitable career, go to the south coast to clear up wasteland and plant trees, and let your neighbor sister who has nothing to do with you take charge of the overall situation, aren't you afraid that others will line their own pockets?"


Daimaru giggled,

"Sisters Saya and Shanai are rich and don't lack for a little bit of profit. Saya is also one of the small bosses, so it's understandable to let her sister take charge of the overall situation! Also, I trust them..."

"You're going to suffer a loss one day if you're like this..."

"Who dares?"

Daimaru raised his fist and grinned,

"If you dare to steal my uncle's money, see if I don't beat him to death..."

"You're amazing, right?"

Temari rolled her eyes at Daimaru angrily. This big idiot who liked to bully people since he was a child has never changed. He had restrained himself for a while, just because his fists were not strong enough and his reasoning was not convincing enough.

Now, the guy who has regained his former "state" may show his bad character from time to time.

"So, you haven't answered me yet. If you like money so much, why are you so keen on things that don't make money?"

Ninjas are the wealthiest class with the most spending power. Most of the customers at the laundry opened by Daimaru's mother are also ninjas. Opening up wasteland and planting trees requires a lot of investment, but the output is small, and it is easily affected by natural and man-made disasters. How can you make money quickly by harvesting ninja leeks?

Daimaru asked with a smile:

"Aren't you happy observing plants?"

"It's really good, but..."

Temari was a little hesitant. The black pine landscape trees were quite artistic, the strange-shaped Populus euphratica was also very interesting, the fruitful Elaeagnus angustifolia, the sweet desert walnuts and the golden melons were all good things.

Planting in the desert is not easy, but achieving such results proves that Daimaru is not just a whim, just for fun.

"I really like to watch plants and green mountains and rivers, but you don't have to do these things specially! You know that those dreams are just illusions and cannot be realized! It's better to spend your energy on things that are more suitable for your identity as a Suna ninja. Regarding the matter..."

"Suitable for the status of Suna Ninja?"

Daimaru chuckled and shook his head,

"What should I do? Make a lot of money to improve my family's situation, work hard on tasks, marry a wife and have children, and work hard for the prosperity of the family?"

"Although it's a little one-sided, there's nothing wrong with it, right?"

Temari replied somewhat against her will.

"Yes! We are all trying to live 'correctly'! But, everyone is always a little different..."

As the sun set in the west, the wind gradually became louder. The gusts of wind swirling on the roof even picked up the ends of Temari's hair and hit her face, making her feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Sometimes, I also envy you. Although my family is not rich, it is still simple! Even if something goes wrong, I can always face it with a smile and work hard to solve the problem..."

Seemingly remembering some past events, Temari sighed with emotion,

"In the past, I tried hard to be an excellent daughter, an excellent sister, and an excellent ninja. I had high expectations for myself and was very confident! Unfortunately, the reality is always not so satisfactory! I recognize my own limits and constantly adjust myself. Lower your expectations, and in the end, you will give up completely one day! When you are no longer good, you will place your unfulfilled wishes on others, such as: find a good husband, give birth to a gifted child, and cultivate a good Outstanding geniuses, continue to look for the shadow of those dreams in them..."

Daimaru listened quietly to Temari's rare complaint, and then suddenly asked:

"Now, have you given up?"

"How can it be so fast? I am still seventeen years old in my prime..."

Temari raised her eyebrows and glared at Daimaru, who seemed to be laughing, with some disapproval.

"There is still hope..."

"Although it is important for a person to work hard, one must also consider the right time, place and people..."

Daimaru nodded sympathetically,

"When it comes to dreams, it's better to be ambitious. Otherwise, if you realize them, the rest of your life will be boring! It's hard to have clear waters and lush mountains. Why not just plant a tree for a small goal... Should we consider a two-pronged approach? For example, I'm very good at it. …”

"It's still a small target... just you?"

Temari stared at Daimaru as if she were a fool. Compared with planting trees together and having children together, how much progress has it made? When did being an expert at planting trees become a specialty that attracts girls?

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