Red sand dust

Chapter 323 Generation difference

Theoretically, every ninja is personally recognized by the leader of each village, including graduates of ninja schools who become official ninjas and are promoted to chuunin and jounin, without exception.

There are only a small number of ninjas in Xiao Ninja Village, and each one is precious. There are so many ninjas in the five major ninja villages who are promoted every year. As the shadow of a village, it is not enough to describe how busy he is with so many things to do. How can he have time to meet every ninja?

In Sunagakure Village, only those who are promoted to jounin, as well as talented chunin and genin with background can get the attention of the Kazekage.

In the Sunagakure Village during non-war times, there were thousands of Suna ninjas, including those who had been relegated to the second line and retired for retirement. It would be great if the Kazekage could match the names and faces of one-third of them.

When a talented young Jonin like Daimaru was born, Kazekage, who was busy with his busy schedule, had to find time to give a few words of encouragement. If he didn't make good use of such a good opportunity to attract talents, would he still be a qualified leader?

It is a pity that there is no Kazekage in Sand Hidden Village now, and naturally there is no popular scene of the "son-in-law" meeting his late husband.

The jounin qualification was jointly issued by several ruling elders. To be honest, Daimaru felt a little regretful.

Although there is a bit of an unfair reputation, the qualifications of a Jonin are genuine. No matter who becomes the Fifth Kazekage, they must inherit the political legacy of the elders' co-ruling period, otherwise they will probably have no chance of ascending to the throne.

Maki and others, who inherited the power of the late Kazekage Fourth Generation, had the best military power in Sunagakure Village, but their foundation was not deep enough and they had too few key resources to leverage the intricate factional forces for their own use.

Fu Yi is the most prestigious elder in the village. He has been in business for many years and has contacts with many high-level officials. His biggest shortcoming is that his strength is not top-notch, he has too few strong men, and he is not very powerful.

Having run the Northern Fortress for many years, his handsomeness and leadership skills are not bad, but he has been far away from the core for many years and is not as present as the elders in Sunagakure Village. Some young Suna ninjas are even more sympathetic to this senior executive who has been out of the core of the village for a long time. strangeness.

As for the other elders, Sunagami has always had prestige, but he is a bit too old; Huangsha has good abilities in all aspects, but in general, he is too mediocre. He is quite competent in holding power. Being a Kazekage would be too difficult for him, but ordinary people If he were more powerful, the affairs of Sunagakure Village would not be so chaotic and inefficient.

As for the other elders, Ryuuza is still inexperienced, Dingshi is even more extreme-tempered, and is not good at uniting all parties. Not to mention the rest of the Yuliang people, Sunagakure Village has not yet had its turn for a new generation of powerful elders to covet the position of Kazekage.

Now, these high-level village officials who had their own thoughts gathered together to review the air team assessment task report handed over by Daimaru.

The mission report submitted by Yan Mi was polished by Daimaru and then forwarded.

It is not only a decision-making meeting for the qualitative decision of the air team, but also an evaluation for Daimaru's promotion and the formal award of ninja qualifications to those students.

Different from the inexperienced Yan Mi's report that was like a running list, Daimaru's "optimized" mission report focused on the air combat ninja's maneuverability, assault, fixed-point strikes, and irresistible super destructive capabilities.

It boils down to one sentence: good steel must be used on the blade!

The air combat troops built with a lot of money have a different positioning from those of conventional ninjas.

Because of the characteristics of ninjas and the advantages of air combat troops, air combat troops are obviously special forces that are strong in offense and weak in defense. Using them as a confrontation force on the frontal battlefield is definitely overqualified.

The surgical scalpel's targeted strikes at key locations and strategic deterrence are the main tasks of air combat ninjas.

"Asymmetric warfare?"

Seeing such fresh vocabulary, Huang Sha frowned and asked,

"We already know the advantages of air combat troops, but can it really have the effect you mentioned when used in this way?"

The so-called asymmetric war does not mean that one side is so powerful that the other side cannot match it, but that the difference in overall strength caused by factors such as tactical innovation and excessive technological generation differences is not too great, but the fight is one-sided.


Daimaru nodded and replied,

"The fact is already obvious. It wasn't obvious when we were dealing with the Desert Locusts, but when we were annihilating the bandits, thirteen genin were able to eliminate the group of more than a hundred thieves head-on without any injuries. There were three ninjas among them. It’s very illustrative…”

How many armed bandits can one genin take on?

Due to the large gap in strength, the actual performance is also very different, but to be honest, a team of three genin who have just graduated from the ninja school cannot be one against ten in a head-on conflict.

They are still young and lack physical strength. Those villains who are experienced in fighting are very good at dealing with those fledgling boys.

Every few years, there will be one or two incidents where the genin team fails to encircle and suppress the thieves, resulting in casualties. The situation in other ninja villages is similar.

Genin who are not strong enough have not widened the gap with ordinary warriors. Most chuunin will also be defeated due to the numerical advantage. A chunin like Mizuki who is reasonably strong will not be able to do so under Uzumaki Naruto's multiple It is not surprising that he was defeated by the shadow clone technique.

The young Longsha's receptive ability was slightly stronger, and he nodded with understanding:

"Actually, when we promulgated this task, we were still wondering whether it was too difficult, but judging from the performance of the students, the task was completed very smoothly..."

Yura smiled and continued:

"I think it's not that the mission is too simple, but that the aerial team is really strong. They can attack thousands of miles, hit a target, and then return immediately. In three days, even if a team of chuunin is sent out, it will be difficult to complete it so quickly..."

It's not that the aerial team is stronger than a team of chuunin, but there is a gap in mobility.

In three days, the average ninja could reach the south coast from Sand Hidden Village and find the traces of the thieves, not to mention completing the mission and returning.

This is a huge gap in mobility, and it is also the basis for giving full play to the advantages of air combat ninjas.

"Is this what asymmetric warfare means?"

Huang Sha couldn't help but murmured to himself,

"We can attack the enemy unscrupulously, but it is difficult for the enemy to attack us..."

This kind of situation has not never happened between ninjas, but it was the strong crushing of a few super powerful ninjas.

This is the first time that the Aerial Team has suppressed the enemy without the ability to fight back. The most important thing is that such flying ninjas can be trained in batches. As long as you have money, resources and people, you can quickly expand the team. .

"How about finding a target to try?"

Fu Yi suggested after thinking for a while.

Although Daimaru spoke eloquently, if he didn't show it on the battlefield, he still wouldn't be convincing enough.

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