Red sand dust

Chapter 277 Elite Cadres

Daimaru explained with a smile:

"If the air force is successfully established, it will be a sure thing to expand it into a complete force. After being promoted to Jonin, I will become its leader, but there are so many people that I cannot manage alone. In the end, I still have to promote a group of people. Middle-level cadres will come to assist. As for who to choose, my opinion as the boss will definitely be very important..."

"You mean..."

Chiwa Yeme asked unexpectedly,

"Can we also be given special approval to advance?"

Daimaru nodded:

"Many unimaginable things can be changed at special moments. For example, it is very possible for me to become a Jonin in the future. The village just granted me this qualification in advance; the same goes for you, as long as you are confirmed to be qualified. That position. Although the village today is a bit chaotic, it is also a good opportunity..."

After the Kazekage Fifth Generation is in place and everything stabilizes, this kind of special promotion will definitely become less and less.

This is just like during the war, it is easy to be promoted through military exploits. The Sunagakure Village, which is in desperate need of development, is lacking people everywhere. Except for Gaara, Temari and Kankuro, those "remnants of the previous dynasty" whose identities are too sensitive, others There will be no shortage of opportunities.

Especially for areas like the air combat unit, which no one else understands very well, Daimaru can basically make the decision with one word as long as the demands are not too excessive.

"I can nominate candidates, but in the end they probably still need to be tested..."

"But, the cadres of the air combat unit can't fly. Isn't it bad?"

"That's why I thought of letting you try wingsuit flying. However, your worries are justified..."

After all, most of the members of the experimental aerial team are low-level tool men who lack talents in other areas, so they were selected by Daimaru for training.

If you want Yemu and Qian to become the cadres who manage them, they shouldn't be too distracted by their flying abilities. Elites should have the card of elites.

Daimaru thought about it for a while, and then he probably had some idea in his mind and said:

"I will think of ways to improve the tactical capabilities of the air combat force. Leave this to me. You know this is the case, just make more preparations..."

Of course, a complete air combat force cannot only include fighter jets and bombers. Early warning aircraft, reconnaissance aircraft, and jammer aircraft are also indispensable.

Character fighters that charge into battle can be trained in batches, but heroic units such as arbiters and prophets are the core. With Yemu, who has super visual perception and polarizing killing ability, and Qian, who is proficient in illusions, he can definitely develop into this kind of role.

According to the development direction of Yeme and Qian, it is enough to directly customize special flying equipment and let them focus on their own strengths.

Below, thirteen students have fallen to the ground one after another.

After all, he had just graduated from the ninja school and was still a backward student who was eliminated. His strength and talent were relatively limited, and he did not have much chakra. He would not be able to drive the wing suit armor for a long time.

Daimaru ordered Yami and Qian to find everyone and gather them together.

Looking at the young men with dirty faces and dust all over their bodies, Daimaru waved his hand:

"So far today, your performance is really beyond words. If you still feel a little ashamed, go back and think about your mistakes. When the training ends tomorrow, I hope you can make some progress. You look good. , I can also explain to the village that I have spent such a high price and cannot waste it all on you..."

Next, Daimaru didn't say anything more, jumped on the puppet Ghost, and flew in the direction of Sunagakure Village with Yeme and Qian.

Before the thirteen students could think about how to get back, star puppet lines that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye were connected to the wing armors that they had not yet removed, pulling them slowly into the air, and spread out in a fan shape on the slant of the puppet ghost. below.

"Daimaru, I think their performance is pretty good. Are you doing this to discourage them too much?"

"We only have less than three months, we can't afford to waste it..."

Daimaru replied somewhat helplessly,

"Their performance at that time will directly determine how strong the village's support is for me. Do you really think that after spending so much money to train the air team, those big shots won't feel bad?"

The cost of training an aerial combat ninja is much higher than training an ordinary ninja. A lot of the profits from the mission share obtained from the Leaf Village have been invested in it.

The expansion of the air force team will require a large amount of resources to be invested. If the village cannot feel that it is worth the money, it will be difficult to predict the future.

"You are about to be promoted to Jonin, are you still so tirelessly trying to improve yourself?"

Daimaru smiled and replied:

"The Sand Ninja are so direct, with limited resources, and they have to fight for everything. You have been with me for so long and have helped a lot, so you can't just sit back and ignore it; there are also those young people below who have mediocre qualifications. Since I am their boss, naturally We need to find a way out for them..."

Daimaru was not a good old man who wanted to teach others, and he had no intention of planning a future ninja path for them, but he also did not want to trick them for his own selfish purposes.

If the Aerial Team ends up in an awkward position, Daimaru can just take Yami and Sen back to do missions to earn money, run his own puppet workshop, and wait for Gaara to take over. He can still get ahead, but it's just a little more difficult.

And where will these young people who have pinned their hopes on Daimaru go?

Only by tricking the village into continuously investing money and making the sunk cost of establishing an air force so great that no one can bear the responsibility will they naturally grit their teeth and persevere.

"You must have realized that the training of aerial combat ninja is extremely expensive. The interests involved are astonishingly huge. The jounin qualification is also very hot. If you want to be promoted to chuunin, you can't relax..."

Just as he was talking, he was almost approaching the edge of Sunagakure Village.

Daimaru immediately hid the group of people and puppets, and then silently entered the airspace of Sunagakure Village.

"You just flew in without opening the barrier?"

Nighteye looked at the Suna ninja patrolling the wall below in surprise.

"I have informed the village that the barrier will be temporarily released in this direction..."

"No wonder!"

Barriers and well-arranged defensive traps may not be able to prevent the invasion of super-powerful ninjas, but they can detect enemy attacks, allowing the ninjas guarding Sunagakure Village to quickly mobilize to surround and kill the uninvited evil guests.

"Tell me, if we show up now, will we be very impressive?"

Standing on top of the puppet ghost and looking down at the entire village can really give people the illusion of being in control.

Below, Gaara, who was about to say goodbye to the Konoha ninja, looked up at the empty sky...

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