Red sand dust

Chapter 253 Suffering on behalf of others

At the beginning of the new year, the cold is gradually disappearing, but the evenings in the Kingdom of Wind are still so cold that people shiver.

As soon as they stepped out of the warm room, the cool breeze blowing against their faces made Daimaru, Nighteye and Chiro's exposed skin tighten immediately.

"Let's find a place to have something to eat..."

It's not long since nightfall, there are still some pedestrians passing by on the streets of Sunagakure Village, and the food shops on the roadside haven't closed yet.

"Drink some hot soup to fill your stomach and warm your body at the same time!"

Daimaru's proposal was supported by two companions.

"Do you want a treat?"



Nighteye gave Daimaru a thumbs up appreciatively.

It is really difficult for Daimaru to treat guests to dinner. If he hadn't been so busy during this period, he had indeed helped a lot, but the frugal Dawan might not have been willing to pay for it.

"Extravage and waste are shameful. Don't order randomly..."


The little kunoichi didn't take Daimaru's advice to heart at all, and was only thinking about what to eat later.

"Qian, what do you want to eat?"

“Barbecue and juice!”

"What a strange taste!"

Yemu looked at his tall companion who was a little distracted,

"That's great. I've never seen you worry about gaining weight. No matter how you eat, you won't lose your shape..."

"How can there be..."

Qian smiled and said,

"Practice is also very hard at ordinary times. If you don't eat more high-calorie food, your body will not be able to hold on..."

"Envy, why can't I..."

It's not like Yeme has never tried to improve his diet, so that he can grow up as quickly as possible and become more like an adult.

The result was very sad. The food she ate did not make Yemu grow taller, but had a tendency to grow horizontally. The little girl was scared and stopped hurriedly.

In the ninja world, the differences in personal physiques are really huge. Even between siblings, there are many differences.

A year ago, Temari was obviously much taller than Kankuro and Gaara, but now, Kankuro is almost catching up with his sister Temari in height, and Gaara has almost reached a period of rapid growth. It is obvious that the two younger brothers are coming from behind. Temari's strong big sister style, I don't know how long it can last.

In a fairly good barbecue restaurant, three people sat around the oven, enjoying the food leisurely.

Yemu was probably really hungry, he ate and drank so much that his mouth was full of oil, like a greedy child; Dawan had an average appetite, and after he was full, he drank the hot tea at hand.

"Professionals who do this are just different and much better than me..."

Daimaru exhaled a breath, feeling a little regretful in his heart. He had practiced tea art for a long time and thought he was pretty good, but it turned out that he was still far behind the technicians in the shop.

Qian wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully, chuckled and said:

"Comparing your hobbies with other people's ability to support their families, has your arrogance grown to such an extent?"

"Just saying it casually!"

Daimaru asked noncommittally,

"I am full?"

"about there!"

Qian nodded.

Compared with Yeme who was devouring food, Chi, who was eating slowly and leisurely, was obviously more concerned about his image. From the braided hair that she usually takes care of, it can be seen that her love for beauty has been deeply rooted in her bones.

In fact, it is not impossible to balance training and dressing up. Excellent female ninjas are all elites with both beauty and strength. They are the best who have won the reputation of genius with diligence and wisdom.

"Probably, I am just a superficial person who judges people by their appearance!" 』

At this thought, Daimaru couldn't help but laugh.

Isn't there a word called phase comes from the heart? In most cases, a person's temperament and image actually reflect his attitude towards life and daily life style.

Daimaru is a person who believes in being consistent on the outside. Innate conditions are difficult to change, and acquired efforts can be seen and touched. People who don’t even care about their own image either don’t respect themselves or neglect others, and they will probably not be a bother. Guys people like.

Of course, neither Yeme nor Qian are qualified to be called geniuses now, because there were several pioneers who set the standard of genius too high. But it is undeniable that these two girls who have followed Daimaru for nearly a year are obviously much better than ordinary genin.

"What are you thinking about?"

Sensing that Daimaru was looking at Qian who was grinning at him in a daze, he asked strangely,

"Is there oil on my face?"

"No, I just feel an indescribable weird feeling in my heart. I bullied you until you cried when I was a child. I probably didn't expect to be able to sit together like this..."

"It's a bit strange to say that..."

Yemu swallowed the meat in his mouth, took a big gulp of juice to press down his somewhat stretched stomach, and then breathed a long sigh of relief and said,

"The bad guy who walked on the street and the children nearby didn't dare to approach him, turned out to be a famous star in the village..."

"I used to be the king of children, and I would bully whoever I wanted. When I grew up, I found that I was no longer the boss, and there were quite a few people who could bully me. This gap was quite uncomfortable..."

Daimaru said with a smile.

"After all, you're still the same irritable guy who harbors bad intentions. You just restrained yourself because you couldn't beat people as much as you did when you were a kid, so you restrained yourself, right?"

"You have too many worries!"

Daimaru shrugged and replied casually.

As we get older and make mistakes, no one will excuse themselves by saying, "It was just a child."

I can't afford the price of acting recklessly, so I have to learn to grow up.

"Those children selected by you will probably have an instructor with a bad temper..."

Yemu smiled and said narrowly,

"You can teach others openly and openly again. If you are stricter, you might even get praise for being serious and conscientious!"

"How can a boss personally attract hatred? Of course, his subordinates do it for him and carry all the resentment. Only then can he be considered a qualified minion!"

"You mean... let's come?"

Yemu opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at Daimaru who nodded naturally, his heart suddenly filled with resentment.

Yeme and Qian, who boarded the pirate ship, were not only hard-working helpers, but also the unlucky ones who took the blame!

"In addition, because it takes a long time, I have applied for a long-term assistance mission for you, level C, which is a little compensation!"

As a chuunin, Daimaru was in charge of too many important things that couldn't be separated. It was impossible to team up with Yami and Qian for missions in a short time. If the team is not disbanded and reorganized, Yeme and Qian will not be able to take on the mission alone.

As for Yinfeng, there is even less hope. He is busier than Daimaru.

In view of this, Daimaru simply asked the village to carry out the next directional task in the name of his assistant, and asked the two of them to come over to help take care of some trivial matters.

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