Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 132 Borrow a space to farm (65)

Because most of the characters I recognized were returned to the teacher, and I basically didn't read newspapers and books in writing. In her previous life, Jiang Jing's main sources of information were radio, TV, and listening to other people's gossip.

So Jiang Jing was mainly afraid of the sudden change of place.

Fortunately, after the many words in her mind were reflected one by one, she understood what space is.

Qingjue Space is an independent small world.

It is the cave house left by the immortals in the past.

In this way, Jiang Jing understands that this is the Immortal Cave, and the spiritual liquid in her palm flows out from this Immortal Cave for her to use.

Now that her body has been transformed by the spiritual fluid, she can enter the space.

She can put things in the space and grow things in the space.

"This Immortal Cave Mansion is mine?"

Jiang Jing was overjoyed, she grabbed the ground around her, the soil was real.

"I want to go out."

Jiang Jing appeared in her room, holding a handful of soil in her hand.

It's not that she's dreaming.

She thought about the space in her heart, and the next moment, she returned to the space.

She really gets a space.

After she was overjoyed, she carefully read the words transmitted to her mind from the space.

She can enter and leave the space at will, but the space cannot be used for nothing for her, and she needs to send vitality into the space.

The amount of vitality sent into the space every day cannot be less than ten vitality points.

One vitality point is equivalent to the vitality of a chicken. When she kills a chicken, the vitality will be absorbed by the space, and she will get one vitality point.

There is another more convenient way, which does not require her to kill living things, but to plant things in the field.

What to plant is up to her. After the plant is full, the space can get about ten vitality points every day, and she does not need to send another vitality to the space.

If the things planted are not enough, or if they are not replanted in time after harvesting, she needs to kill living things to make up for it.

There will be no penalty for sending less than ten vitality points per day, and the space will be closed after the accumulated vitality points owed reach one hundred until the missing vitality is replenished.

If there is a surplus of vitality points, two hundred vitality points can be exchanged with space for a drop of spiritual liquid.

Knowing the rules for using the space, Jiang Jing immediately left the space, took some corn kernels, soybeans, sweet potatoes and other things that could be planted, took a hoe, and entered the space to plant.

If you don't work hard, you won't be able to do it. The vitality value will be counted from today. If you don't work, you will have to owe ten vitality points.


"Sister Wei is here." Seeing Yuhua coming, Wei Zhao greeted him out of the room, "Come in, the room is warm."

Xi Hua entered the room, untied the basket, and put it on a chair beside her.

Because of the familiarity, Wei Zhao spoke more casually, "I said I will give you a big backpack to take away, you don't want to carry a backpack everywhere."

"Convenient." In the absence of better alternatives, Yuhua felt that the dense bamboo basket was very convenient and practical, freeing his hands.

It also has a lot of backs, and it is hard to tell from the outside how much it is inside, and it can well cover up her taking things out of the space.

"Here you are." Knowing what Wei Zhao wanted to ask, Yu Hua handed Wei Zhao a paper bag.

Studying medicine with Du Laoqi gave her a new way to make money, selling pills.

The benefits of being a teacher came out, she didn't need any other excuses for selling off-the-shelf medicine, she just said that she was a medical student and the medicine was self-made.

The half root of ginseng she gave to Du Laoqi as a teacher apprentice gift was made into Du's Shenrong pill by Du Laoqi, and half of the made thirty pills was returned to her.

She didn't have much use for keeping it, so she thought about exchanging it for money.

The price given to Wei Zhao was 120 yuan per pill, and he could sell it as high as he wanted.

The price was set by Mr. Du, who said at least this price should not be sold cheaply.

When he came back again, Wei Zhao actually sold it. Of course, before selling it, he was appraised by Dr. Kang, whom he met last time, and said it was a good hanging medicine.

The first person to buy it was Haizi who bought her ginseng last time. The effect of taking the pills was better than the last time ginseng decoction.

People who can afford the 120 yuan pills are definitely not ordinary people. As for their status, Yu Hua didn't ask.

The pill spread, and soon someone from other places came to buy it.

Wei Zhao quickly sold all twenty-five pills.

However, what Xi Hua brought today was not Dushi Shenrong Wan, but Yunsheng Wan made by herself.

From this point of view, she sold Zheng Jinghong five yuan a pill, which was too cheap.

She didn't think there was anything, if it was left until now, with the friendship between Zheng Jinghong and Wei Xingyu, she might give it away directly.

She made a total of 80 Yunsheng pills, took 20 pills for herself, and sold 30 pills to Zheng Jinghong. Today she brought 20 pills, and the remaining 10 pills are going to be kept for emergencies.

She didn't sell all the Du's Shenrong pills, and kept five pills in her hand. After all, Yunsheng Pills are aimed at women, and Dushi Shenrong Pills can be taken by both men and women.

Wei Zhao opened it, and inside were twenty longan-sized Chinese medicine pills. He thought to himself that it was the sister of the Wei family who treated this expensive treasure like a hawthorn pill and just wrapped it in a paper bag.

He still confirmed the sentence, "Is it also made by a hundred years of participation?" Business is business.


Wei Zhao picked up the black bag on the table, opened it, took out a large stack of money from it, and handed it to Yu Hua, "Two thousand four hundred yuan, you count."

Seeing his smiling face, he didn't make less money from it.

Yu Hua quickly counted, "The number is just right."

After clearing the money and goods, Wei Zhao took out two finely crafted wooden boxes from the cabinet by the wall.

The inside of the wooden box was divided into ten compartments with wood chips, and each compartment was padded with a thick cotton cloth. Wei Zhao put the pills into the ten compartments one by one.

Call another box and put it away as usual.

It can be seen from this that Wei Zhao is very good at doing business.

It is enough for most people to take ten pills.

Xiaojun came in from the outside, "Miss Wei, you are here."

"Go." Wei Zhao pointed at Xiaojun and scolded with a smile, "You are almost 20, you are so kind."

"Brother Wei, I'm only eighteen, and I'm still close to nineteen. I'm sorry, isn't it that sentence, the master is the teacher, and the strong is the sister."

"All right, you can be your sister Wei's little brother. Hurry up, bring what you got to your sister Wei."

"I'll go right away." Xiaojun turned around and left again.

Wei Zhao said, "Yesterday Xiaojun came back from the south and brought a batch of seeds and some fruits. The fruits are not easy to store. Today you came just in time, so I won't have to find someone to deliver them for you."

Wei Zhao's people traveled to more places, and Yuhua asked him to help him buy some seeds and seedlings from various places. Fruits from different regions can't be interpreted as self-growing, just buy them to taste something fresh.

After a while, Xiaojun came back, carrying two wicker baskets.

"Miss Wei, I bought tea seedlings as soon as I saw them. It's not easy to carry on the train. I only bought ten seedlings of two varieties,"

Xi Hua took all of them.

In addition to these, Yuhua bought some other things.

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