Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 1058 Koi is a blessing or a curse (10)

"...It's all what the third brother said. The third brother said that when he and...you got together, the fortune teller said that if you live well, the third brother's fate will be suppressed by you. The more you live, the more you live." No, the better the fate of the third brother..."

Chen Shou bowed his waist and smiled as he answered Zi Hua's question.

He answered and observed the expressions of his three younger siblings.

He just went out for a walk, but when he came back, his home was turned upside down and no longer the same home.

Unless he saw his father, his eldest brother and his eldest son lying on the bed with broken legs and groaning, he couldn't believe that it was his third younger sister who interrupted them.

He knew how strong his third brother and sister were.

After discovering the strength of the third younger sibling, the family became more convinced of the fact that the third younger brother's fate was suppressed. If the strange way can be suppressed, the third younger sibling's strength can physically suppress the third younger brother.

The third brother and sister are only fifteen years old and their strength is almost as strong as that of the eldest brother. If they grow up for another two years, they will not be strong men.

At that time, he decided to use her hard and not let her strength grow any longer.

Fortunately, he had the foresight and never beat or scolded his third younger brother and sister, otherwise he wouldn't be able to save his legs now.

His son's leg was broken, of course he felt distressed and hated, but when he heard a storyteller in the town, he said a word, "He who knows practical things is a hero", he will not only not hate, but respect him like a noble with.

The person Zihua wanted to question was Chen Shou from the beginning.

Among the three brothers of the Chen family, Chen Fukong, the eldest, was a big man with a stupid mouth and a poor mind. He listened to whatever Ma Cuifen and Chen Yougui had to say, and he didn't ask for anything they didn't tell him.

The second child, Chen Shou, is different. He doesn't work if he can, and if he can't hide, he's also cheating and cheating. He is wise and can speak well.

When outside the hospital, Chen Yougui asked Chen Shou to ask for a doctor, just to show off in front of outsiders and not to actually ask for a doctor.

He wished that the third daughter-in-law died of a serious leg injury, so why would he ask a doctor to treat her.

Chen Shou understood the meaning of his father's words as soon as he heard it, so he didn't really go to the town to ask for a doctor. I ran out of the village and slipped around, and turned back home from a remote path.

"...The third younger brother came back last month and said that he had already exchanged letters with the prefect's lady. If he can be admitted as a scholar this time, he may be recommended to Luzhou Academy."

"The premise is that he can't have a wife." Yu Hua knew how to do this.

Chen Wenlu wanted to be the son-in-law of the prefect's family, but he was already married. How could the official lady of the prefect's family be a concubine? Don't even think about it, Chen Wenlu can only be widowed.

He Li wanted to return the original owner's dowry, but the Chen family didn't want to. The original owner's dowry, the big ones and the ones that were not easy to exchange for money, were taken by other members of the Chen family, and the money was spent.

Although Chen Caiyu made the Chen family earn a lot of extra money, but Chen Wenlu spent too much, and the Chen family has not been able to save much money.

Of course the Chen family is not willing to reconcile.

Heli will also ruin Chen Wenlu's good reputation earned by entrusting his daughter to his teacher before his death.

It would be different if Song Yuerou died, it was Song Yuerou's fate and Chen Wenlu was innocent.

"My third brother is really nothing." Chen Shou scolded Chen Wenlu, "He always said that he got married so that the teacher could die in peace. The teacher was seriously ill and could not let go of his daughter, so he married the teacher's daughter and went home to be his sister. They are raised like a couple, not a real couple..."

The original owner didn't know that Chen Wenlu said this to the outside world.

It's not a real couple thing, though. The original owner was only fourteen years old at the time, and according to the customs here, the marriage was too early.

Taking Weishan Village as an example, women generally start talking about marriage after the age of sixteen. After the marriage is settled, they go out and get to know each other well. It is normal for women to marry at the age of eighteen or twenty.

There are also those who get married at the age of fourteen or fifteen, but very few, and those who care a little about their daughters will not let their daughters marry so early.

Marrying a girl when her stature is not enough is a consensus that it is easy to have dystocia. Those who take their daughter's life seriously will try to prevent their daughters from conceiving and having children before the age of eighteen, that is, before their stature has grown.

Only those families who exchange their daughters for money will marry their daughters so early.

Song Sheng is a scholar, and his daughter was married at the age of fourteen. If it spreads out, his reputation will be damaged.

Moreover, it wasn't that the Song family would be left without Song Sheng's death. Song Yuerou also had her mother, He Zhenniang, and younger brother Song Ming, so she wouldn't have entrusted her orphan girl before her death.

The reputation of a scholar is sometimes much more important than his talent.

Chen Wenlu was also a scholar. Marrying a fourteen-year-old wife at the age of seventeen would make people feel that there was something fishy in it. Did the two of them do something they shouldn't have done in private, so they used the marriage to cover it up.

Or maybe Chen Wenlu was coveting the Song family's generous dowry. Song Sheng is not a poor scholar, he has a small fortune, and his dowry will not be small, while Chen Wenlu is from an authentic farming family, which is not comparable to the Song family.

So there is a condition for this marriage, that is, the marriage will not be consummated before Song Yuerou is sixteen years old.

It made Song Sheng and Chen Wenlu's reputation better for a while, and one of them accompanied their daughter with a generous dowry, just to let their daughter live a good life for the rest of their lives.

One was to fulfill Teacher's wish of watching his daughter get married before he died, and got married ahead of time.

This is how outsiders see it.

But with the memory of the original owner, Yuhua thinks there is something in it that doesn't make sense.

Song Sheng was a strict father to his original owner, and there was no tender moment between father and daughter. When the original owner fell ill, Song Sheng barely bothered him. It was He Zhenniang who invited the doctor. Of course, helpers did the boiling and feeding of the medicine, and He Zhenniang did not have to do it herself.

When the original owner's younger brother fell ill, Song Shengneng stayed by the bedside and personally administered the medicine.

It doesn't make sense for Song Sheng not to let the original master learn how to read and write. He Zhenniang is literate and can read and write. If you really love your daughter, why don't you teach her to read to understand things.

The original owner still read some characters, she learned it secretly. Song Sheng's private school was opened at home, and there was only a wall between the residence and the school, which were close to each other.

The original owner eavesdropped and learned whenever he had the chance, because calligraphy practice is easy to be discovered, and the original owner is not very good at writing.

Song Sheng is dead, I just hope the answer is not buried with him.

"Third brother and sister, can you let me go out and invite a doctor back?" Chen Shou pointed to the sky and swore, "I will never report to the official."

"A doctor is invited, and a family of three has a broken leg. What do you say to the outside world?"

"The pigsty at home fell down, and all three of them lost their legs."

Chen Shou is a talent, seeing his resolute expression, Yuhua will believe it.

Fearing that Yuhua would not agree, Chen Shou added, "Doctor Sun is strict with his mouth, as long as he pays enough for the consultation, Doctor Sun won't say anything if he sees something wrong."

Yu Hua waved her hands, "Go." After the healing, the leg became easier to control. They also have to suffer the slow knife that the original owner received.

If you don't obey, please interrupt again.

After getting permission, Chen Shou hurriedly went to the doctor, and before leaving, he did not forget to tell Chen Erkui to tear down the pigsty.

Four seedlings today~~I guess this is the last time, the record of seedlings is complete

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