Marvel: God-level foodie

Chapter 196 Invasion of the Solar System

"We already have a lot of vibranium guns and energy defense armors in stock, and with the batch we have built now, it shouldn't be a problem to use them for a short period of time. For some mutants with special body shapes or abilities, the scientific research department has also independently developed many special weapons. .”

Hearing Samuel's words, Johnny was relieved. Loki had failed to activate the space gem, so he would probably bring the Chitauri fleet here through other methods.

What the Security Council is doing now is to race against the clock to make all the preparations before the Chitauri invaders come.

The Security Council is tense, not only in the scientific research department and the industrial manufacturing department. The secret base of the Security Council in the underwater world has also been ordered by Johnny. All the special service members who are training diligently are withdrawn to deal with the next emergency. event.

"What happened to call us all back?"

"I don't know either. Originally, we were preparing to hunt a giant deep-sea beast, but we suddenly received an order..."

"Could it be that someone wants to do something to our Security Council?"

"Hehe, do something to the Security Council? You may be thinking too much, unless you are out of your mind, you will think of trouble with the Security Council."

A large number of secret service members were recalled, and everyone felt an unusual atmosphere and began to speculate.

Soon, a 'hearsay' spread among the Security Council, and of course, it was limited to the Security Council.

"The earth is about to be invaded by alien civilization!"

As soon as this 'grape news' came out, there was an uproar in the Security Council Bureau, which touched the nerves of countless people.

"Are there really other civilizations?"

"Foreign civilization? Like the Asgard that appeared before?"

"Invading the Earth? You can't kill him!"

"An alien? Great! After training at the base for so long, I finally have a chance. If I perform well, I might be able to get a personal interview from the director!"

"What are you thinking? With your little ability, if you ask me, it's not bad for the director to meet me!"

"Indonesia, what are you talking about? How about we practice?"

The news that the Chitauri was about to invade the earth was naturally revealed by Jonny on purpose, the main purpose was to see the reaction of the Security Council agents.

The results obtained made Jonny very satisfied.

Facing the powerful foreign civilization, many Security Council agents not only did not have any fear, but on the contrary, they were full of fighting spirit. Many people became excited and seemed impatient.

"Director, information from Tony's side."

In front of Johnny, a piece of information from Natasha was presented.

With Johnny's guidance, Tony returned to Stark Industries and found the Century Science City model that Howard had left behind. Through the model, Tony quickly discovered the secrets and obtained the new elements that Howard had researched.

When Howard researched the new elements, the technological means were not enough to support him in manufacturing the new elements. By the time the technological means were reached, the Security Council's Rubik's Cube Energy Technology and Vibranium Technology had completely eliminated the role of the new elements. , therefore, Jonny did not pay much attention to the development of new elements and has been shelved in Stark Industries.

Now, this special new element has become Tony's life-saving straw.

After some troubles, the small Ark reactor with palladium element in Tony's heart has been replaced by the new element. Without the continuous poisoning of palladium element, the blood toxins in Tony's body were quickly eliminated.

The energy provided by this new element is more than a thousand times greater than the energy contained in palladium, and it will not cause any poison to the body.

Tony was so happy that he also made some improvements to his armor, adding a lot of black technology, making it much more powerful.

"This kid has a good understanding. He found the things left by Howard so quickly. He is just in time to catch up with this incident. Let's inform him to return to the Security Directorate."

After reading the information, a smile flashed across Johnny's face and he gave Natasha instructions.

After getting the new element, Tony was very excited. Unexpectedly, just two days after he was so happy, the notice from the Security Council arrived, which made him a little depressed.

Soon, all the Avengers appeared in front of Johnny.

In the meeting hall, in addition to the Avengers and their party, all the senior officials of the Security Council were also included.

"This time, what we have to face is a powerful force in the universe called the Chitauri Fleet. They were once a bandit force in the universe, specializing in burning, killing and looting. They were later conquered by Thanos. He became Thanos's lackey. This time, the person leading the Chitauri forces was none other than Thor's younger brother, Loki, the God of Conspiracy..."

Seeing everyone gathered, Qiao Ni explained the ins and outs of the incident to everyone in detail.

After listening to Johnny's story, everyone looked serious. According to Johnny's words, the other party's technological civilization is much more powerful than Earth's, and it is already considered a powerful interstellar civilization.

"Before, Loki tried to open the Cosmic Cube, open a teleportation channel through the Cosmic Cube, and land directly on Earth, but I stopped him. However, with the technology of the Chitauri fleet, using space to jump and travel across endless distances, it should be impossible. It’s been too long, and according to my estimation, the Chitauri fleet will definitely arrive in the near future.”

Johnny's words were calm, but the information he revealed made everyone feel a sense of pressure.

The unknown star field and the powerful cosmic forces are a very severe test for the earth.

"But don't be nervous. In terms of technology, there is still a gap between the Security Council and interstellar-level forces. However, our power has far exceeded theirs. What I am considering is how to kill them all."

When Johnny said "catch them all", a glint flashed in his eyes.

This is Johnny's purpose.

A lot of preparations have been made, what Johnny wants is to annihilate the Chitauri.

And of course, there's the Mind Stone.

Not only did he not get the Space Stone, but he also folded the Mind Stone on Earth. This should be a big surprise for Thanos, right?

Somewhere in the deep and silent solar system, the space fluctuated violently, and then was slowly torn apart.

The torn space became larger and larger, and then slowly consolidated, forming a huge stable channel.

Immediately, in the passage, a huge fleet slowly appeared and emerged from the space passage bit by bit.

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