Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 13 Old Diaoye (Part 1)

The round wooden pier is probably an offering table. It is said to be a wooden pier. In fact, it is very hard and immortal. It is probably a rare stone and wood that exists in the form of a semi-fossil. On it is carved a yellow leather statue of a god wearing human clothes with an expression. It's extremely weird, mysterious and a bit scary.

The fat man didn't care what was on the wooden pillar. He only wanted to explain to me that he had grown so fat to prepare for infiltrating the enemy in the future. I waved to him and stopped talking. It seemed that we had entered a building. The Shangui Temple is dedicated to Wong Tai Sin. This can be seen from the patterns on the wooden altar table and the swaying clay statues in the stone hall.

The collapsed clay statues in the stone hall are similar in form to the City God's sacred stove in ordinary temples. Both sides are full of animal-like figures of seducers and tormentors. Behind the offering table is a clay sculpture of a yellow-skinned spirit. There are many bizarre inscriptions and graphics preserved in the hall. , the graphics are nothing more than horrific scenes of yellow-skinned men turning into spirits and eating people, and most of the inscriptions contain weird content that is difficult for me to understand.

The stone gate sunk deep into the earth and rocks, and the messy and dilapidated condition of the temple all indicate that natural disasters such as landslides occurred here before, causing this stone ghost temple to be half buried underground. However, the passage in front of the stone gate was obviously dug out later. Yes, I wonder why the tunnel diggers went to all the trouble to dig out this ancient temple? Are they looking for something important? What can be found in the ghost temple in the barren mountain? I really can't think of any of these, but it is precisely because of the gradual increase in unknown things that my determination to find out has increased invisibly.

Yanzi is superstitious and has a natural fear of the legend of "Ghost Yamen". She wiped a dusty stone bowl next to the log pile with her gloves. The bowl was filled with dark brown condensation, which made her Remembering the legend of mountain ghosts drinking human blood, she began to suspect that "Huang Fairy" had deliberately introduced us to this mountain ghost temple. The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became.

Fatty and I don't believe that Xiao Huangpizi has such arrogant reactionary arrogance, how dare he make trouble on Tai Sui's head? So he said to Yanzi nonchalantly: "You want to lure us into an ambush? How about you fucking resist it? Besides, although Huangpizi is smart, he is only a beast after all. How can he exaggerate the power of cow ghosts and snake gods in this way?" This tendency is dangerous, and you must know that the iron fist of the proletariat can smash all reactionary forces."

In the end, Fatty and I came to the conclusion that people in the mountains are too superstitious about Wong Tai Sin. It seems that when watering a tree, one needs to water the roots, and to educate people, one needs to educate the mind. Machines will rust if they are not rubbed, and people must change and cultivate if they do not learn. This shows that our thinking The education work is not enough. Yanzi should be made to realize that yellow skin is just yellow skin, and it will not become a spirit even if it is put on human skin.

Yanzi was so angry that he cursed: "You two little turtles are talking about little trains. Let me tell you what you two are good at. It is said that people who enter the ghost government office will be caught by mountain ghosts and drink their blood dry. Look at this." The stone bowls under the wooden altar table are all stained with human blood. This is a bloody fact. Why am I superstitious?"

I wonder if mountain ghosts drink human blood? This thing is so evil. Is there really such a human tragedy? I lowered my head and looked at the stone bowl that Yan Zi mentioned was used to hold human blood. Sure enough, there was a large stone bowl under the log altar table. In the Northeast, such extra large bowls are called sea bowls. This stone bowl also dates back many years. It was very worn and the edges were torn.

I wanted to see if the dark black residue in the bowl was human blood, so I lifted the stone bowl, turned it over, and knocked it on the ground. A lot of black and purple powder came out of the stone bowl. I looked again. The statue of the yellow-skinned spirit on the arch table suddenly realized. He waved his hand down and made a gesture of reaching out to behead him. He said to the fat man and Yanzi: "This log pier is not an offering table, but a guillotine. It must be a chicken head." It is used for chicken blood. You can see that the edge of the wooden pillar is densely covered with knife and ax marks. When the chicken head was chopped off, the chicken blood must have been poured into a stone bowl to be offered to Wong Tai Sin. Why did I say it was chicken blood? Because What is offered in this stone hall is Huangpizi. Huangpizi does not eat people. It is definitely a rumor that Huangpizi likes to eat chickens. It does not eat chickens. It does not steal chickens to eat chickens, but only likes to drink chicken blood. "

What I said made Yan Zi nod her head, and her analysis was reasonable. This kind of custom did exist in the early years, which made her believe that this stone temple was just a temple dedicated to Wong Tai Sin a long time ago, and not some mountain ghost drinking human blood. "Ghost Yamen", Yanzi is only afraid of mountain ghosts, not Huangpizi. After all, every hunter in the mountains has trapped Huangpizi. She calmed down and her brain became much easier. She no longer wanted to drag us away. When she saw Huangpizi, When she was eating the stone bowl from which Pizi drank chicken blood, she suddenly remembered an ancient legend that had been circulated for many years. She said that she wanted to mention Wong Tai Sin Temple. There seemed to be such a temple in Tuan Shan Zi in the past.

Many, many years ago, there was a vein of gold under Tuanshanzi. During the day, people dug holes in the mountain to dig for gold. At night, they camped by the Chaganha River at the foot of the mountain. Because there were too many people, lights were lit in the camp at night, which illuminated the area. The valley is very clear. People who are looking for gold veins all believe in Wong Tai Sin. They think that the gold in the mountains belongs to the Great Immortal. When they dig it, it is Wong Tai Sin who shows mercy to the poor people who are suffering. They are all grateful and often go to Tuan Shanzi. Worship at the Wong Tai Sin Temple there.

That temple existed before and had been abandoned for many years. However, it was precisely because the Wong Tai Sin Temple was built in a special location that it just faced the open camp at the foot of the mountain. That place is now the Tuanshanzi Forest Farm, where gold diggers ate and lit fires to keep warm. , is equivalent to offering some incense to Wong Tai Sin. Because there are too many people digging for gold, Wong Tai Sin enjoys "thousands of tables of offerings every day and lights thousands of incense sticks at night" in the temple. How can any god have such a good thing? treatment? As a result, the mountain god found out about this, and he was so jealous that he caused the mountain to collapse, killing many people. From then on, the Wong Tai Sin Temple was gone, and the golden veins in the mountain were also gone. Another theory is that someone dug out a bronze box in the mine. The box belonged to Wong Tai Sin. Mortals must not open it. After opening it, the mountain collapsed. No one knows what is in the box. Anyone who has seen it knows. Everyone died.

Finally, Yanzi said: "This is all a matter of my old life. I don't know if it is a legend hundreds of years ago. If this place is not a ghost government office, it is designated as the Wong Tai Sin Temple built by people who dug for gold veins in ancient times."

I nodded. This sounded quite believable. I didn’t expect that this inaccessible deep mountain forest had gold veins dug out and prospered for a period of time. If I hadn’t seen the Huangpizi Temple buried underground with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have thought of it. I dare to believe it, but of course I don’t believe that the landslide is related to the anger of the mountain god. I don’t believe that the mountain collapsed after digging a copper box in the mountain. An earthquake is an earthquake. Why must it be far-fetched and add some sensational elements?

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