Fringe artists in the entertainment industry

Chapter 62 62 Shocking works of art! (Seeking for further reading)

Chapter 62 62. Shocking works of art! (Seeking for further reading)

In the warm sunshine of early winter, the snow on the road has been warmed by the sun and become soft, turning into transparent water droplets and seeping into the moist ground.

In the spacious and bright exhibition hall, dozens of elderly people brought by Chen Li'an, who are also models for this film festival, are looking at themselves in the photos in a daze.

There is a white rope in front of each photo. They stretch out their wrinkled and old hands to pull the rope, as if they are connected to the photo.

It seems that I never imagined that I would appear in an art museum in this way.

In their previous decades of life, art had never been related to its own production, but at this moment it became art itself.

Although I don't understand what photography art is, looking at my vivid and meaningful face in the photo, the corners of my eyes become moist without knowing it.

Uncle Li, who lives in the same courtyard as Chen Li'an, looked at the fear and confusion in his eyes in the photo, and he also fell into confusion at this moment.

What were you thinking at the time? I am worried that my poor health will cause trouble to my family.

What people worry about most when they get old is becoming a burden. After checking his body at the fake doctor, Uncle Li couldn't help but worry. If he hadn't brought his wallet with him, he would have paid for the oral liquid at that time.

These old people in the exhibition hall formed a strong conflict with the images in the photos. At this moment, Chen Li'an turned a photo exhibition into a performance art of great practical significance.

Inside and outside the photos, there is a strong illusion and a small reality.

A thin rope connects the two main bodies of the space together. In addition, in the glass cabinet erected in the exhibition hall, there is an expressionless and indifferent Chen Li'an, forming an indescribable installation art.

No, this is not accurate. This is more like a conceptual art and a performance art.

Everyone who came to the exhibition hall was deeply shocked by this scene. Looking at the old man thinking in front of each photo, they all felt the strongest and most intuitive emotional impact.

Gong Li, Mr. Zhou and Yang Lizhou, director of the art museum, who had seen the photos in advance, were once again shocked and speechless.

It turns out that what they saw was only half of Chen Li'an's works!

No! Less than half!

These old people who came to the scene are the soul of this exhibition!

There were many photographers in the audience, and they were most shocked. This is an unprecedented form!

Such a strong and intuitive artistic expression made their hearts seem to have been baptized. The camera hanging around their necks was gently raised and the shutter was pressed against this scene.

Ma Xiaoqing, a dilettante photographer who also came to see the exhibition, looked at this scene in shock and couldn't help but swallow her saliva. She couldn't imagine that the creator of this great work was taught by her in order to seduce him a few months ago.

A very absurd idea came to Ma Xiaoqing's mind. If she had not been interested in it, the work in front of her would not have been born.

If you think about it this way, in a sense, am I also the creator of this work?

Bai Qing, who was walking among the crowd wearing a hat, glanced at Chen Li'an, who was standing in a glass cabinet in the center of the venue, watching silently and coldly, with all kinds of memories in his heart.

Chen Li'an has always told her that the person he fell in love with was not the real Chen Li'an, but a fictional performance artist. But at this moment, Bai Qing was sure that the person he fell in love with was Chen Li'an.

Looking at these works, Bo Qing felt as if he resonated with the soul of Chen Li'an in the scene, and could feel the sadness in his heart when he created this work.

The most famous East Village performance artists in the capital also came to visit this film festival. The impact Chen Li'an's works had on them was devastating!

They have been shouting, telling the injustices of society, and the suffering of marginalized people, but they have never thought that they can change everything through art.

Chen Li'an's works turn these elderly people who are almost forgotten by society into art themselves, making them the center of art and focusing everyone's attention on these people.

Shift the focus on art to real people in society, rather than bullshit behaviors and concepts!

Zhang Heng recalled his several performance art performances, and it seemed that the concepts conveyed were only his own thoughts, which were completely incomparable to the scene he saw today.

Especially when Zhang Heng saw someone taking the initiative to take the rope from the old man's hand and connecting himself to the photo, the impact was even stronger!

Everyone, everyone who visits can participate in this performance art, become a part of the art, and feel the concepts that the author wants to convey more deeply and intuitively!

Zhang Heng looked at it for a while and said to his friend: "I want to feel it."

Rongrong, who was holding the camera and taking pictures, was stunned for a moment and then said: "Okay, do you want me to take pictures for you? This Chen Li'an is really awesome!"

Zhang Heng shook his head and walked towards an old man who was thinking.

Chen Li'an, who was isolated from the entire space by an isolation cabinet in the center of the exhibition hall, was observing everyone, like a cold, emotionless camera.

Cheng Meiren stood a few meters away and wanted to get closer but didn't dare. She felt an indescribable seriousness and heaviness in the entire exhibition hall. Everyone was immersed in the same emotion, but she seemed to be an outsider. .

Why can't I feel their frequency? I just feel that there is something inexplicably awesome about it, and then there is no other feeling.

Is your artistic quality too low? Cheng Meiren couldn't help but reflect on whether she had really become a vase by acting too much.

In the corner of the exhibition hall, Zhang Guorong was wearing sunglasses and did not dare to walk around. He leaned against a trash can and smoked a cigarette while watching the scene in front of him.

He kept mumbling that Chen Li'an was possessed by a ghost. Why was he so artistic and detached all of a sudden?

The Iron Bull brother who called him brother seemed to be his hallucination, a false memory!

Just when Leslie Cheung was doubting himself, he suddenly heard several people talking about Chen Li'an.

"The name Chen Li'an is so familiar. It seems that there will be works by him in this year's art exhibition!" An old professor from CAFA frowned and said to several people in the same group.

A famous painter from the Artists Association also nodded and said: "It seems to have such a name. The oil painting seems to be called Dream."

Another person in the same group recalled Chen Li'an's oil painting at the exhibition and nodded: "That painting is not bad. It seems to be a brand new style. There is no obvious shadow of other schools in it, but it has its own unique style!"

Yang Lizhou, the curator of the art museum, said curiously: "I'm really curious because of you. I really want to go and see it now, but this exhibition is also very good. This little guy is a born artist!"

"Yes, today's exhibition will definitely leave an important mark in the history of Chinese art! This kid has accomplished something that others cannot achieve in a lifetime in one step."

Among all the people present today, there are also a few very special ones, art critics from Europe and North America.

They came here for the National Art Exhibition, but they unexpectedly saw Chen Li'an's film exhibition first.

Several white-skinned guys in suits and ties, who looked more like reporters than artists, wandered around the venue, using their cameras to completely record the grand occasion.

Chinese art, which has never become mainstream in the art world, may have a new opportunity this time!

Chen Li'an.

Several people firmly remembered this name, and they pressed the shutter at the same time on the artist in the scene who was still observing indifferently, recording the image of this artist who was about to suddenly emerge.

Perhaps the next time I see this artist will be in the international art world

I stayed up late and wrote another chapter, and I will update another chapter tomorrow. I felt sleepy, so I went to sleep.

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