Fantasy Clock~Dream Ruler~

[Chapter 41] Scattered pointers reminisce about fantasies (1)

Haibin City, also known as "outer island", is an island city that lives alone in the sea.

The archives I had seen before flashed into my mind at that moment.

At first, the city blueprint was drawn up in the 1850s and it was decided to build an artificial island. However, the former survey team found this hidden island in the ocean at the original construction coordinates, and found that there were local aborigines on the island. This is a village dominated by the religious organization "Mother's Anonymity", which is named after the Virgin Mary.

Shelved for some reasons, the project was restarted 20 years later by the Core Research Association, and has rapidly grown into what it is today as a premier scenic tourist city.

After completion, Seaside City is divided into 11 districts from A to K. Among them, the former site of the name of the Virgin was built in the F area of ​​Haibin City, Hailin District. At first, believers carried out routine religious activities such as praying and offering sacrifices as usual, but after Su Guokai, Feng Chenghuan and other three broke into the old site, and after the original stone of the world entered the hands of nuclear research, all believers in the name of the Virgin disappeared, as if evaporation.

Xia Yinci and I once visited the former site of the Name of the Virgin, and met the tea cat there by chance. At the time we mistook her for the caretaker of the ruins, but she was actually there looking for clues to the name of the Virgin.

Later, in the collective nightmare incident, the Virgin Mary used Su Guokai's name to break into the headquarters of the Core Research Association and snatch back the World Stone that stores the memory of the world. From this nuclear research confirmed that the name of the disappeared Virgin still exists in a corner of the seaside city. In the follow-up, I learned that the name of the Virgin has expanded to multi-dimensional reality through the special synchronization rate of Rong Tan Street.

The new site of the Church of the Name of the Virgin was established in the newly built K District in Haibin City the year before last, and activities were carried out in the name of other religions. It is precisely because of this situation that Dream Stealer came into being, and became the medium for participating in the domination war in the name of the Virgin, and existed throughout the 98-year history of the domination war in the dream calendar. At the same time, the collective nightmare phenomenon that occurs every seven years is also the result of the name of the Virgin Mary behind the scenes.

During the three months before the doomsday, although the name of the Holy Mother hid and disappeared under the surface of the water, it is certain that they are definitely planning an unknown conspiracy.

"There is a problem... these guys must not be allowed to enter the nuclear research headquarters!"

Feng Chenghuan suddenly left the window, his face finally showed a nervous look, as if he had foreseen an extremely terrifying future.

Just as Feng Chenghuan was stepping towards the door, the experimenter beside him was breathing more and more quickly, and bent down while clinging to his chest. Instinctively, I stretched out my hand to hold the other person's body, but I heard a strange "clack" sound from his mouth. The weird atmosphere made me let go of my hand, and the next second he raised his head suddenly and laughed out loud.

"But, we're already in? The security level of nuclear research is really low!"

As soon as the words fell, the other party quickly unbuttoned the white coat, showing the time bomb tied around his waist with flashing numbers.

"...All of this is for the teaching."

The other party grinned fearfully and approached us with open arms.

As if the timing had already been pinpointed, the countdown was approaching zero in a visible manner, and the few seconds left did not allow us to take any precautionary measures.

At this moment, hurried steps suddenly rushed towards the back of the opponent, a pair of white jade arms quickly tightened his neck, and easily choked out his breath with a little force. The ice-blue long hair fell down, and the girl put her hand on the man's back and threw him out of the window in one fell swoop. The opponent's body weighing more than a hundred kilograms was immediately thrown into the sky dozens of meters away by this incredible force.

The countdown counted down to zero, and the gunpowder burst into smoke, causing deadly sparks to ignite. The shock of the explosion immediately swept into the room. Feng Chenghuan reacted quickly and retreated to the bottom of the window sill, while Xue Xueer pressed my shoulders and hid by the wall and lay down. Lin Yu was pulled to the other side by the tea cat in the same posture. The heat wave wrapped in sparks quickly ignited the wooden tables and chairs in the meeting room, and Chen Xue, Black Cat, Chart and Watanabe Kaede all scattered to one side to avoid dodging.

——I have to check Xia Yinci's situation.

I can't vouch for the same situation in other rooms.

The flames rushed to the choking gas. I tilted my head and visually measured the distance between myself and the door, and took three steps and two steps to break through the fire gradually spreading from the square table, breaking through the black smoke and rushing to the corridor outside the door.

"Su Ruoyang!"

I didn't have time to pay attention to the voice behind me, leaning on the wall, turned around and walked in the opposite direction, brushing past the nearby people in white coats.

Who is the experimenter of the nuclear research and who is the believer disguised as the name of the Virgin, it is not clear now, only people in white coats wrestling together, piercing each other's abdomen with surgical blades, sputtering out death blood flower. I pushed the wall away from the corner of the corridor, thinking hard about where Xia Yinci would go at such a time.

At this moment, the words in the memory jumped to the ears across time.

"Merciful and gracious Mother—you have brought life to this world and created thousands of gripping stories."

It was as if thousands of believers were chanting spell-like words. The solemn voice came from the downstairs of the Nuclear Research Headquarters, impacting everything nearby with majestic momentum.

【Creator! Please, in the name of the Holy Mother, bestow upon this world the end chapter. 】

In an instant, the fate of the world that runs through the eternal cycle of reincarnation rang in the depths of my brain.

From the first reincarnation, the name of the Virgin has chanted such a mantra to welcome the end of the day.

I suddenly remembered the wish of the name of the Virgin, which has never changed since hundreds of millions of years ago. What they look forward to is the end of the world, standing in the completely opposite direction with us. I hurriedly searched for Xia Yinci's figure, but the second half of the sentence in my memory has already resounded in the reality in front of me——

"Creator! Please, in the name of the Holy Mother, bestow upon this world the end chapter."

The voice fell, and the ground began to shake. The walls all around broke suddenly, and the glass cracked due to the heavy pressure. The crumbling ceiling fell down, engulfing my vision.

Everything has not yet been answered, and the violent impact is the first to involve consciousness into nothingness.

There was a strange sound of "beating and falling" in my ears. I raised my head suddenly, as if waking up from a long dream.


The darkness disappeared without a trace. My field of vision seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, and the surrounding scene made me feel strongly unreal. The meeting room, which had lost color in the fire just now, appeared in front of me intact.


The girl beside me stretched out her hand and shook it in front of my eyes, as if to confirm whether I was awake.

Chen Xue quietly lifted the lollipop that had been torn off the packaging, and stared at me for a long while. Suddenly stuffed sugar into my mouth while I was not paying attention, which made me suddenly turn my attention to her.

"This is... what's going on? What about the name of the Holy Mother?"

I looked sideways at Chen Xue blankly and asked vaguely.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm helping ANIKI regain consciousness! The final meeting is about to begin~ cheer me up!"

"The last meeting...?"

I repeated Chen Xue's words, and the weird feeling in my mind gradually touched the answers to all my doubts.

This seeming abnormality is called "déjà vu".

what is going on? I remember seeing my father last night, but I can't remember the conversation between us. I vaguely feel that this sense of déjà vu from the future has something to do with him.

At this time, Feng Chenghuan walked into the conference room without saying a word, scratched his neck and came to his old position. He took off his white coat and threw it on the clothes rack beside him, and slowly turned his gaze to us.

"Experimental project HELLO NEW WORLD, number P-424242, there is still one week before the deadline for the experimental project."

Words that were exactly the same as in the dream broke into my ears.

I suddenly found the answer to the question, stood up in a panic, and urgently stopped the final report meeting that Lin Yu didn't interrupt.

"...Xue Xueer, the content of your plan may need to be changed!"

Xue Xueer, who was about to take a nap, immediately woke up when she heard this, and looked over with wide eyes in surprise, and Chen Zekai also cast a puzzled look at me.

"How do you know the content of the plan? Xue Xueer, didn't you say you left Su Ruoyang a surprise, why did you tell him?"

"I didn't! Didn't you tell him?"

I was taken aback when I heard this. It turned out that the combat plan that was almost crazy to the commanding heights was a surprise to me, but it was a pity that there were no surprises but no joy.

"In general, I had a prophetic dream, dreaming about things that were going to happen within an hour..."

"...a precognitive dream?"

Lin Yu seemed to have just woken up from a big dream, and quickly got up and walked towards me.

"All in all, we don't have much time left! The global live broadcast event... I'm afraid it will have to be held tomorrow night at the latest!"

"Su Ruoyang." Feng Chenghuan called my name and asked unhurriedly, "Talk slowly, what's going on?"

"It's too late to explain to you in detail! The name of the Holy Mother may have grasped the secret of the rough stone of the world. I should have realized this earlier-the end of the world that will come every ten thousand years is not only related to the reset of the outside world, but also to the computer itself. It’s also dealing with how the world will end. Our enemy is the world itself, because the end of the world is a juncture that our world must pass through.”

According to the principle of deceiving fate, we must let the "end of the world" come early, and hold the global live broadcast event as soon as possible, so as to change the fate of the world in the continuation of time. In other words, we can reverse the future only if we have passed the "end of the world" node in advance. Otherwise, even if we stop the name of Our Lady today, the end of the world will happen in other forms sooner or later.

"Xue Xueer, Chen Zekai, Watanabe Feng, and Chart, please be responsible for the announcement, venue arrangement and other affairs of this live broadcast event!"

"No... I don't even know what the live event you are talking about!"

Charte was moved by the current atmosphere, and his tone of voice became visibly anxious.

"Xue Xue'er will explain her plan to you later! In short, we can only implement this plan while understanding the situation."

Not just Chartres. For anyone present, we can only act while gathering intelligence. Because the name of the Virgin will break into the nuclear research headquarters in an hour, turning it into ruins, and even razing the whole world to the ground.

"Black Cat and Xiao Lulu, please start the emigration plan ahead of time, and send those people from the fantasy continent to the cracks in the dream..."

"However, the other parallel worlds are not fully prepared yet...?"

"According to the current situation, we have no way to consider starting the immersion mode at the same time. First let the residents of the fantasy land gather at the transfer station between the dreams, and then figure out the rest. Those who investigate the name of the Virgin, please gather all your troops at the gate of the Nuclear Research Headquarters.”

After I finished speaking, I glanced at Feng Chenghuan hastily, but he just nodded at me lightly, as if he had given me the right to command.

After leaving the room, I went to the lounge on the third floor to find Xia Yinci, and took her to the underground experiment center.

"No matter what happens outside later, you can't leave the experimental center for half a step!"

According to my understanding, this is the only place in the nuclear research headquarters that requires multi-factor authentication to enter, and it is said that the room structure was designed according to the principle of "shelter that can resist attacks" when the experiment center was built. In short, this place itself is the best defensive fortress, and letting Xia Yinci stay here is the safest choice.

Xia Yinci blinked her eyes and stared at me blankly, then nodded obediently like a hamster looking for food after a while. I raised my hand to caress the back of Xia Yinci's head, and we leaned closer to each other's foreheads. She couldn't help closing her eyes, and put her little hands hidden in the sleeves on my back.

"Su Huohuo..."

Xia Yinci suddenly called my name, and I felt her hug me even harder.

"You want to know what happened, right?"

Touching her soft black hair with fingertips, she gradually lost her way in the sea of ​​hair. She suddenly opened her clear eyes and smiled reassuringly.

In this instant. Feelings like an electric shock surged from her forehead against hers. I crossed the bridge between minds, waded across the sea with you. So each other's minds are connected with each other on the distant shore.

"It's okay!" Xia Yinci gently pushed me away, clenched her small fist and pulled me down, "Go! Su Huohuo, you must win!"

"Yeah. We'll definitely win."

The entrance of the Nuclear Research Headquarters. Young people wearing military camouflage uniforms and equipment stood in front of us with Feng Chenghuan. Lin Yu and I were lined up close to the entrance of the alley. The mercenaries beside them all carried Type 95 automatic rifles on their shoulders. Many of them were criminals who escaped from the Dream Prison before, and now they have joined the nuclear research armed forces in a new way. The tea cat stood at the end of the line, leaning against the door and yawning lazily.

Although the composition of the entire team has different reasons for each of them. But all are waiting for the name of Our Lady, the common thread that unites us.

On the other hand, Chen Xue has led the rest of the mercenaries to the new site of the name of the Virgin in K District, and rescued Su Huilin while launching a surprise attack on the new site.

"Look over there! Sure enough, there are a lot of people coming out from the Nuclear Research Institute!"

"It's normal... I just saw the news leaked by an insider on Weibo, saying that the Nuclear Research Institute has received a warning letter of a terrorist attack!"

"No wonder so many armed forces are called up with great fanfare! But how can nuclear research provoke terrorists?"

"The big tree attracts the wind! After all, the series of "Dream Ruler" is so publicized, it will definitely attract the attention of bad-hearted guys! There are many people who want the core technology of nuclear research, right?"

It seems that the news Xue Xueer used as an insider to spread the news played a role, and the word that he received a terrorist attack warning quickly spread among the crowd. After being driven away by the army, many people who passed the nuclear research headquarters gathered in twos and threes not far away to discuss with us. But none of the topics held negative opinions on nuclear research. On the contrary, quite a few people expressed their support for nuclear research, or they were loyal fans of nuclear research.

It's just that this group of so-called loyal fans didn't even know the existence of nuclear research before the release of "Dream Ruler". It should be said that it is indeed an era above traffic.

In short. The conspiracy theory of the name of the Virgin cannot be allowed to take advantage of it, nor can the appeal of the live broadcast be affected by the battle with the name of the Virgin. At present, as long as the public firmly believes that nuclear research has a solid armed force, they will not give up participating in tomorrow night's live broadcast because of concerns about safety issues. This is the battle entrusted to Xue Xueer and Chen Zekai. After all, in the Internet age, getting involved in public opinion is itself a war of another meaning.

It didn't take long before our target audience finally came into view.

Many people in concealed clothes occasionally gathered together to chat and whisper, looking in our direction from time to time, and their behavior was obviously not like ordinary communication. Immediately afterwards, many religious figures in black robes mixed in, and they were operating within a certain distance from us.

Probably aware of the armed defense at the gate of the nuclear research headquarters, the name of the Virgin is currently hesitating whether to confront us head-on.

"Hey! Since you have mastered the power to dedicate the end to this world, why do you deliberately go to our site to gather? I don't think you are just trying to provoke us?"

Suddenly, Feng Chenghuan yelled loudly to the crowd of people in black robes through a loudspeaker.

The believers of the Name of the Virgin obviously did not expect that we would declare war on them in public. They all looked in the direction of the Nuclear Research Headquarters for a while, but no one answered Feng Chenghuan's question. But of course we are not without scruples, rather we are very concerned about public perception.

——The words Feng Chenghuan yelled were actually lines from the game "Dream Ruler".

"Hey, that person over there is the person in charge of nuclear research!"

Unrelated people joined in the fun, completely unaware of the danger coming.

"You're not mistaken, are you? You actually acted as Lin Zhiyu at the moment when you received the explosion warning letter!"

"I like Lin Zhiyu so much, take a quick video and upload it to station B!"

"Remember to send me a copy when the filming is finished."

Lin Yu's right eyebrow twitched unconsciously, his cheeks turned red, and he raised his hand to touch the tip of his nose at a loss.

At the same time, the army began to instruct the surrounding people to evacuate. Many people still held their mobile phones high and reluctantly obeyed the command to evacuate Rong Tan Street. Only the believers in black robes remained where they were, and they did not attack the nearby crowd as they passed by. They just stood opposite us like puppets, staring at us through the brim of their hats.

When the crowd had all left, an elderly nun walked out of the black congregation unhurriedly, like a ripple created by a wooden stick stirring up sewage.

"You're right, Feng Chenghuan. It's impossible for us to make a special trip here just to provoke you, just to visit you along the way."

The nun gradually came closer to the field of vision, and the believers gathered unknowingly to form a strange formation.

"I used to see my friendship for many years—I wanted to remind you so that my old friend can die clearly. It's a pity that you already knew about our actions in advance, and it seems that you even mean to hinder us?"

"Don't get involved with me!" Feng Cheng fancied that all irrelevant people had evacuated, let go of his worries and said bluntly, "You want to use the special synchronization rate of Rong Tan Street to spread the end of the world to everyone layers of multidimensional reality, thereby destroying the universe as a whole, right?"

Hearing this, the nun smiled without saying a word, walked to the center and suddenly raised her head, revealing an extremely distorted smile. And this is exactly the same as the smile I witnessed in the dream just now, and the memory from the precognitive dream immediately began to shake.

"It's about to start!"

I loudly reminded the soldiers in front. Even though I don't know how the name of the Virgin will launch an offensive. If possible, I don't want to take someone's life at a time like this. Even in the name of the Virgin Mary.

As soon as the words fell, the nun raised her arms forward, waving as if to greet us, but in fact it was an order that had already been determined. The movement of the robe spread all the way to the back row, so the believers waved their staffs and slammed the ground heavily, chanting incomprehensible words, and approached our army mightily.

Each time you tap the ground, you take a step forward. Although we don't know what's going on, we can feel the weird atmosphere.

This place is not entirely a dream, and the extremely delicate synchronization rate between reality and dream remains. It is reasonable to say that even if all the believers are rulers, it is impossible to use the dominant ability freely. But they raised their staffs in unison and pointed at us. Immediately afterwards, the tip of the staff suddenly gathered intense light, like a beam of extremely dazzling light from a magic energy cluster cannon.

"Level 1 defense for all staff!"

Although the soldiers had never seen such a scene, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and set up riot shields. In the next second, the condensed wave energy hit the solid explosion-proof shield head-on, and 70% of the beam of light was ejected to the surrounding buildings, suddenly piercing through the wall and poking a huge hole. At the same time, he unknowingly forced back the soldiers who were blocking in the front row, created several cracks on the shield, and swept into the gap between the shields in one go.

The ground cracked instantly with the leaking wave energy, approaching the entrance of the Nuclear Research Headquarters. Everyone almost instinctively dodged to the two sides, only I noticed countless flower petals fluttering in this purple beam of light.

"Get down!"

As he said that, Lin Yu hugged my shoulders and lay down on his side, while I stretched out my hand to grab the petals scattered from the beam of light, and fell heavily to the ground.

No time to take care of the pain in the back. I hurriedly spread out my palms, the petals exuded a blue-purple light in my palms.

Sure enough!

The staff of this group of believers contains the power called "Flower of Annihilation"! Even though it is only the tip of the iceberg compared to the ability to destroy the world controlled by Su Huilin, I have more reasons than anyone else to recognize that the origin of both is related to the Flower of Annihilation. In other words, the name of the Virgin is the flower of annihilation separated from Su Huilin's body.

In the nuclear research headquarters that was turned into ruins in the prophetic dream just now, it was the believers in the name of the Virgin who gathered the power in the staff to cause that level of destructive power.

After finally escaping the fate of destroying the world, the world returned to the past in this way, blooming the flower of annihilation.

"Hey, why is the Flower of Annihilation under your control!" I almost yelled at the nun, desperate to get her attention, "What did you do to Su Huilin?"

At this time, the attackers of the first echelon of the Name of the Virgin seemed to have exhausted the power stored in the staff, and the formation began to change rapidly.

The nun seems to have heard my cry, she put her fingertips together unhurriedly, and stood up as if she wanted to delay the time, but I still couldn't help but wait for her explanation.

"Are you talking about the princess who is as beautiful as Sleeping Beauty in fairy tales, the princess who can't wake up from her sleep?" The nun told the girl's beauty in a reverent tone, and said quietly, "I always feel that The ending of Sleeping Beauty is a cruel tragedy. If I were a prince in a fairy tale, I would never offer my kiss to bring her back to the cruel reality, and let her face the world that will tarnish her youth. Or, in other words, I was not that self-righteous prince, but a witch who put a sleeping spell on the princess, just wanting her to live in a carefree dream forever, forever."

"What the hell do you mean!"

"If you ask me this, don't you still not know the truth of this world? Our reality is just a dream of the Creator, and the Creator who created this dream is actually sleeping in another dream within a dream."

Creator? A dream within a dream?

I can't understand what the other person's words mean. Obviously we are discussing the issue of Su Huilin, why the other party's description is inclined to the Creator.

Or is it just a poor topic change?

"These guys... mistook Su Erin, who has the Flower of Annihilation, for the creator of this world."

Lin Yu, who was beside me, clung to my ear unexpectedly and dropped the words. In an instant, I realized what was going on with this sense of deviation with the other party. In a certain way, our amount of information surpassed the name of the Virgin. They didn't know the existence of Xia Qianyan, so they regarded Su Huilin, who was suspected of possessing divine power, as the creator.

"We are the witches in the story of Sleeping Beauty. Let the Creator sleep in a dream of happiness, and present the last chapter for this world on her behalf." The nun once again showed an extremely distorted smile, and folded her hands happily in prayer , "Through the teachings in the "Raw Stone of the World", we stimulate the power of the annihilation flower in the main body of the creator, and we are fortunate to share the gift of the creator, and finally we will complete the final chapter of the world for Tian Xingdao."

In the beginning, Su Huilin was charged with the mission of destroying the world one day, but now she can use the flower of annihilation in her body as she likes, and the mission has naturally shifted, and as a result, the believers in the name of the Virgin have brought the end to the world. In this way, the world returns to its original determined ending.

Only then did I wake up. Our enemy is not the outside world, let alone the Creator, but the world itself.

Our world has been calculating how to end from the beginning of its birth. Its end is the end of its own decision, the inevitable fate of the world. So even as Xia Yinci said, "The world is doomed to perish, but our demise is not a predestined future." But the enemy we must face is still this world that is about to be destroyed.

Bathed in anticipation of the end, the nun raised her hand and commanded the believers behind her to raise her revived staves into the air, implying that disaster would come.

"... What if the Creator actually desires to return to reality deep down in his heart?"


Focus on me. The nun seemed to hear the Arabian Nights, and her hands stopped in mid-air.

"Your actions are entirely based on your own subjective conjectures, and you are just satisfying your own selfish desires!" I said, shaking my head from side to side, and changed my words with a wry smile, "No, or it's just the opposite! You are just obeying The will of this world, looking forward to being destroyed together with this doomed world, does not have any will of its own! Like the string dolls of the world, it is only a concrete symbol of the end!"

"Really? But you keep talking about freedom of will, but you are actually trampling on our will wantonly."

As soon as the words fell, the pattern like a magic circle reflected the shape of a flower, and the petals were unscrewed from the tips of dozens of staffs. The nun raised her old hand and slowly pointed to the game poster that stretched almost across Rong Tan Street.

"Look at those inexplicable video games of yours, trying to kidnap the will of the world from reality to the imaginary world of fantasy. Who is leading the world to the end of losing their will?"

The flower of annihilation withered silently, and the scattered petals suddenly turned into an arrow-like shape, scattered from the air and flew towards us. The tea cat immediately rushed to Lin Yu and me, and pulled us to lean over to avoid the flying arrows aimed at our vitals. The posters on the street, together with the walls behind them, were damaged through and through.

"Obviously we should have come to the end of death within these 7 days, but you have brought countless noises to the world's routine final movement, hindering our struggle against the world."

"Resist?" Lin Yu couldn't help raising his rifle and aiming at the nun standing in the middle of the believers, "You are just following the trajectory of fate, have you ever resisted?"

"Isn't destruction the greatest struggle? This world is not worthy of our dependence, and betrays our cognition at any time. But we are born in such a world, and all people, including the Creator, are suffering a cruel fate .That being the case... We, who were born from the Creator, will be destroyed with the Creator. Even though we are dead, this is our most essential struggle against this world, right?"

"What nonsense!"

Lin Yu gritted his teeth and mustered up the courage to pull the trigger. The sound of the gun suddenly blasted away all the surrounding voices. The petals in the air swirled to form a natural shield, blocking the incoming bullets. At this moment, the nun clasped her palms together, and about a dozen believers escaped from the original defensive formation in response. They released the energy from the tip of their staffs as a shield, and approached our soldiers with firm and crazy steps.

"All of this is for teaching!"

The believers yelled familiar words like a collective demon, and lifted their black robes to reveal the time bomb hidden under them. It was too late to say the words of reminder, and the countdown counted down to zero almost at the same time, and an extremely violent impact suddenly set off, bringing sparks and knocking the soldiers in front together with their shields into the explosive airflow.

"These guys!"

To order so many believers to carry time bombs to stay in the team, this group of people is determined to die together with the world today!

"Today is our usual Sunday. Countless days like this we have prayed in dim churches, hoping that this fragmented world will be destroyed as soon as possible, so as to return to our original."

"Original? No, there will be no chance to start again in this world." Feng Chenghuan's tone became sharper, he slowly raised his hand to the communicator next to his ear, and said fiercely as if biting every word "In addition, since you voluntarily gave up your precious lives, we don't have to give you the right to go to the new world."

The bodies charred and blackened by the explosion were like puppets soaked in mud. Following Feng Chenghuan's waving order, the soldiers quickly set up their guns and began to shoot at the believers. The believers at the back of the formation quickly changed the direction of their staffs, and put the tips against each other, and the released flowers of annihilation were transformed into huge shields, blocking the hail of bullets in the front row.

The nun stared blankly at the fierce light of bullets erupting in front of her, as if she would not be shaken in the slightest until the end of the world.

"We are not returning to the original world. Hundreds of millions of years, more than a thousand reincarnations, no matter how many times the world comes back, it will always have a similar ending. All the accumulations of thousands of years have repeated the same mistakes, and all the lives born have returned to zero. This meaningless nothingness is by no means the end we were hoping for."

While she was speaking, the believers in front raised their staffs against the sun, and the magic energy that was almost turbulent in the world gradually gathered to form a crimson beam of light that soared into the sky. The blue sky was immediately torn into two halves by the bright red light. Like nothingness stained with blood.

"In the beginning, there was only "I" in this world, and we were originally a whole of thousands of people. It was the Creator who split thousands of lives from his own expanding consciousness, and gradually evolved until now. You and I stand together Everyone has their own opinions here. As the world develops, the differences in life expand, causing conflicts and wars. Only when the world returns to its original state, we will all return to the consciousness of the Creator and continue our lives.”

The heavenly punishment-like beams of light turned into thunderstorms that swept across the earth, flattening everything they passed by, and spreading over with the destructive power of violent bombing. Feng Chenghuan quickly issued an order to the communicator next to his ear, and several hovering helicopters approached from the east avoiding the beam of light, and the machine guns violently dragged out the golden magazines and fired at the black believers.

The believers fought against the hail of bullets and desperately propped up their staffs. The gathered magic energy was transmitted from the tip to the ground, and a huge crack suddenly formed and gradually expanded outwards. There was a loud sound like a rock collapsing in their ears.

In an instant, dark red flames shot out from the cracks in the ground, matching the red light in the sky.

Ten thousand years ago, one hundred thousand years ago, one million years ago, ten thousand years ago... Countless reincarnations and fallen cities that ended in this way unfolded such a picture of hell in front of her eyes.

"There is only one life in this vast universe... Such a lonely ending is definitely not the future the Creator expected!"

The girl stands alone at the end of the world. Even so, who is still waiting.

"What she was waiting for was never the end of loneliness, but redemption!"

I desperately shouted loudly towards the front. But the words that responded to me shattered my remaining hopes.

"The end of the world is the redemption she is waiting for."

In an instant, the flames bursting out from the cracks in the ground suddenly engulfed my field of vision, and the scorching temperature wrapped my body into a scalding heat wave. Before I could shout out the burning pain, my eyes were once again pitch black.


Consciousness passed through the gap between reality and dream, and I found myself back to the past an hour ago in a daze.

"Level 1 defense for all staff!"

The soldiers in front of them took a defensive posture, quickly set up riot shields, and received the wave energy gathered not far ahead.

"Hey, give up the defense! These guys are fighting us with their lives, and there are more than ten or twenty people behind with time bombs!"

"How do you know?" Lin Yu showed doubts, but suddenly sensed the clue, and asked hurriedly, "Is it another precognitive dream? How many consecutive precognitive dreams have you had?"

"I don't know, I can't remember... In short, do as I said! This group of believers came here with the determination to destroy the world today, and they don't care about their own lives at all!"

Regardless of failure or success, the name of the Holy Mother is ready to risk his life.

The wave energy gathered during the conversation intensified, and the soldiers who had already forced back and blocked were about to sweep into the gap between the shields. Lin Yu quickly turned around and gave the tea cat a wink, as if the tea cat had been instructed to immediately step on the ground and jump into the air, stepping on the shield in the front row and crossing the light beam in an extremely dangerous posture, swinging its right leg like a sharp blade towards the tea cat in a blink of an eye. The believer standing alone at the forefront and directing, instantly tore apart the opponent's body.

At the same time, Feng Chenghuan pointed the communicator of the headset and began to instruct the troops to be fully armed. After giving the instruction, the tea cat quickly shuttled among the believers and quickly came to the center, waved its jade hand around, and the palm of the palm immediately formed the shape of bullets, wrapped around her waist like raindrops, and immediately went to the center with the hands she pushed forward. Shooting started in all directions, and the believers set up their shields one step later. Those who approached the tea cat were all hit by bullets and fell to the ground.

In the next second, the beam focused on the direction of the tea cat and fired. The tea cat stepped on the shoulder of the dead body and rushed into the crowd, and the explosive force of its arms almost instantly killed all the believers who passed by without their shields.

The soldiers raised their automatic rifles and fired at the believers in the front row. The helicopter hovering in the sky crossed into the field of vision, and the continuous gunshots blew up the furious wind.

The tea cat killed the blood and quickly approached in front of the nun, and kicked the opponent's head fiercely, and the violent air current instantly lifted the brim of the black robe. But this fatal kick was received by the opponent Shi Shi, and turned to hit the tea cat's heart with the staff that gathered the flowers of annihilation. Hit the vitals with unstoppable momentum.

Between the lightning and flint, the fired cluster cannon unexpectedly collided with the silver light of the sword. The girl spun the giant sword to break the light beam, distanced herself from the nun, and flicked her legs tentatively to prepare for a further attack.

"Your figure is breathtakingly beautiful. You must be one of the gods who won the war of domination, right? If it is not a last resort, we really don't want to offend the respected dream madman."

"Then can I ask you to leave?"

As the tea cat spoke, he raised his elbow and instantly pierced the chest of the believer who was sneaking up beside him. Immediately afterwards, she easily grabbed the other man's neck, lifted him into the air, and watched the nun tilt her head lazily.

"Sorry, sorry we can't agree."

The nun bowed her head respectfully and pointed at the tea cat with a double grip on her staff.

"I see."

As soon as the words fell, the tea cat immediately tightened its grip, easily snuffed out the man's breath, and threw him to the ground. Then she spun the huge sword that required the joint efforts of several adults to lift and approached the nun.

"Let go of your worries and fight against the dream madman. In fact, you may not be the one who will win. After all, your power to control all things comes from the fanatical beliefs of us believers!"

A distorted smile appeared on the nun's face in an instant, and she missed the giant sword swung by the tea cat sideways, and pointed at the tea cat's face with a flower of annihilation.

But just when the light beam was bound to meet the tea cat, she dodged downwards at a speed that was impossible for the naked eye to catch, and raised her huge sword and slashed at the nun's head. The nun was forced to transform the gathered magic energy into a shield The shield blocked the killing blow.

"Hey, I might be considered a half-god, but I'm not a dream madman~ What I rely on is definitely not your beliefs. If you have to go back to the source, then I might be a god above you?"

The nun stared at the tea cat with a fierce look on her face, and waved to the believers behind her. Almost at the same time, several figures of suspected dream stealers suddenly appeared at the entrance of the alley, manipulating the scalding smoke to enter the battle. Feng Chenghuan hurriedly looked towards the end of Rongtan Street, rushed to the communicator to issue the next instruction, and saw a huge tank pressing into the narrow street of Rongtan Street, with the muzzle pointing directly at the outside of the street, ready to rush in to support Pirates in the name of the Virgin By.

The hail of guns and bullets filled with gunpowder smoke suddenly launched a battle between modern armed forces and medieval magic with the pagans who manipulated staffs.

But when the battle intensified, the nuclear research headquarters behind it took the lead in changing, and the cracks spread from the inside to the outside wall, climbing all the way to the entire floor in an instant. There were seemingly invisible gunshots in the hall, and I suddenly realized that an abnormal situation seemed to be happening inside the nuclear research institute. The world will never give up its established destiny easily. If there is a lack of absolute intelligence, it is very likely that other forms leading to the end will be neglected.

"Lin Yu, I'll go inside first to confirm the situation, and I'll leave this to you!"

I hurriedly dropped the words without explanation, turned around and ran into the hall without leaving any gaps.

I approached the source of the abnormality along the cracks extending on the ground, but I found myself getting closer and closer to the underground experiment center. The pervasive sense of uneasiness made me involuntarily speed up my pace, but the elevator was severely damaged and could not be used, so I had to follow the stairs Come to the basement. When I opened the door to the safety exit, the experiment center was already in complete disarray, with traces of great destructive force everywhere.

At the blind corner of the door I turned, the figure that appeared in my field of vision suddenly made me feel mixed.

"Xia Qianyan...?"

To be precise - it was Xia Qianyan who occupied Xia Yinci's body. At this time, her long silver hair was disheveled, her eyes flashed with an indescribable arrogance, only her clothes still looked like Xia Yinci's just now. She grabbed an experimenter's neck with one hand, and pressed him firmly against the wall, with such force that cracks gradually appeared on the wall where her knuckles touched.

As if noticing my existence, the girl's eyes turned to the side, and she glanced at me provocatively. She put down the man's body and casually waved her hand to pat his cheek, but just such a movement caused the man's head to immediately twist into the wall at a strange angle, deeply embedded in the gap in the wall, already It is a state on the verge of separation of the head. He looked straight at me with eyes that seemed to be asking for help.

I fought back the nausea that surged in my stomach. The silver-haired girl had already come to me in an instant, raised her hand to grab my neck, and lifted me into the air.

"Su Ruoyang, we finally met again❤" Xia Qianyan stretched out her slender index finger and slid across my cheek very provocatively, her fingertip stopped on my chin, she said lightly, "Xia Yinci's body really has a hard time controlling her strength? She must not have been exercising properly, her strength is not only weak but also difficult to control."

The familiar words also happened at the headquarters of nuclear research. The only difference is that this time Qianyan is attacking me.

"However~ I have to express my admiration for one thing~ Do you know that this child's willpower is many times stronger than her untrained body! Occupying her body is really not easy~"

Breathing was losing every minute, I instinctively grabbed Xia Qianyan's arm, trying to break free from her strange strength. But the death-like sense of despair just intensified, blocking my breath and drowning my breath.

"Hey ❤ Su Ruoyang, do you know why I came here? can't talk now~ Then answer my question by shaking your head or nodding!"

It's hard for my brain without air to think at all, I can only follow Xia Qianyan's words and react instinctively.

"I really don't know~ I, I just thought that the world was about to die with me, and I felt a little lonely in my heart, so today I made an exception to connect to the external search signal. Later, I inadvertently remembered that Xia Yinci seemed to replace me once. After answering the call from the outside world, if you want to verify this matter, you pester you outside to ask a few more questions~ In the end, guess what he slipped up? He actually said that he met Xia Yinci some time ago!"

I tried my best to break Xia Qianyan's fingers, and my thoughts fell into a vortex of regret. I never thought that things would go wrong in this link.

"It's a pity~ I have always liked your existence very much, Su Luoyang! But now, it seems that I made a wrong decision not to deal with your threat earlier~ Before you came here, I After spending a little time, I finally have a basic understanding of your battle plan~"

Xia Qianyan gently let go of the hand that was resting on my chin, stretched out to the side and beckoned slightly, and the planning book that fell on the ground was pulled into her hand by her. She opened the first page of the planning book with one hand, and with a disturbing smile on her face, she suddenly met my gaze with those breathtaking eyes.

"The key to the plan is your new world, right~ um... Then I just need to kill you to stop your stupid plan and make you understand your rebellion during this time, right?"

The plan slipped from Xia Qianyan's hand and fell to the ground alone. Xia Qianyan gradually tightened the strength in her hands, and her breathing suddenly became extremely difficult. I desperately kicked the wall behind me, trying to regain the life that had slipped away from my breath. Suddenly, Xia Qianyan let go of her hand unpreparedly, and her body slid down against the wall due to loss of support. I coughed desperately, greedily searching for air.

Xia Qianyan raised her toe and kicked my shoulder, causing my eyes to turn to her direction. The eyes of the girl in front of me are no longer the look of the creator, but more like the dream maker Xia Qianyan who will always pull my heartstrings.

"I'm not worth your wasting time, Su Luoyang."

The girl knelt down and gently hugged my neck, her demeanor was so gentle that it seemed as if it would melt away with her dripping tears.

She leaned close to my ear and whispered softly.

"Enough is enough. Thank you for your company during this time. Please return to your own world."

Speech made waves and returned to silence. The girl's warm tears dripped down my ears and slid down my cheeks. I suddenly seemed to be swept into the unfathomable bottom by waves of sorrow.

"Wait...! It can't just end like this—"

Words clogged his throat, and severe pain greeted his heart.

The girl didn't wait for me to say my last words, her tight fist had already pierced my chest.

And I couldn't tell whether the heart-piercing pain in my chest was for the girl or for myself. I only know that the figure of the girl is blurred in front of my eyes.

No, it's over like this.

I involuntarily stretched out my hand towards the girl's sad face. But consciousness kept slipping through his fingers. Like a pot of loose sand in the palm of your hand. It's like a light that can't be touched no matter how hard I try. The dizzy vision is distorted and strange, and it is the first to fall into a desperate darkness.

The hour hand turned again. towards the past.

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