Endless Silver Machine

Chapter 4 The fugitives set sail (4)

The girl took Ling and Leilu to Corel's room and left.

Leilu tried knocking on the door.

"Kelel, are you here? I am Leilu from the student union. Although I have not met you directly...do you have any impression?"

After waiting for a long time, there was no response, as if there was no one in the room from the beginning.

Leilu looked at Ling at a loss. Ling also had a headache for such a stubborn child.

"Ku Leier, you should know that this kind of wooden door can't stop me, right? If you don't open the door again, I will use force to solve it."

"Classmate Ling, don't use threats!"

"This is actually the most effective method, isn't it?"

Ling didn't know if what he said had any effect. If Corel had thought about the other companions living here, she would have succumbed to her own threats.

Because this place is different from the school building of Shimozuki Academy, but is surrounded by ships. Corel has no place to hide.

Ling and Leilu no longer struggled with the question of who was right and who was wrong. They only focused on paying attention to any movement coming from across the door.

After a long wait, the wooden door of the room finally opened quietly.

Corel, wearing a light pink petticoat with half of her face hidden in a scarf, was standing behind the door.

She didn't look at the two people outside the room, but stared at her feet unnaturally.

"Very good……"

Leilu finally breathed a sigh of relief. She was just worried about what would happen if Corel really didn't give up the resistance and Ling entered the room with force.

Maybe Ling is just talking about it and won't actually do it... Leilu and Ling have spent a lot of time interacting with each other because of the overlapping work of the student union and the discipline team, and they also have a certain understanding of Ling's style.

"I'm sorry...Senior Ling, Senior Sister Leilu..."

"Can we go in?"

Corel had no reason to refuse the two people who had already come to the door in person.


Ling and Leilu walked into Corel's room. There was nothing special about the room, but they could feel that it was indeed the girl's private space.

On Corel's bed, a white furry creature bounced on the pillow. Its body was as cute as a marshmallow.

Ling recognized it at a glance as the magical beast Mao Yu who had been picked up by Corel from outside Shuangyue Academy when she was about to die and had been treated by Luo Luo. However, she didn't know why it hadn't grown up after so long.

"Kyle-san, that is..."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Leilu just asked casually, and Corel hugged Maoyu away from the pillow as if she was afraid that her senior would be angry.

After Mao Yu was put into the arms of her master, she became obedient.

Leilu and Ling smiled bitterly and sat down opposite Corel, looking at the layout of the room.

After a short silence, Leilu spoke carefully.

"Classmate Corel, can I ask you something about your family?"

This topic didn't matter to Ling who didn't know the inside story. She just gave Leilu the opportunity to ask questions first.

The only person here who understands why she asked this is the person being asked the question - "Seraph" Corel.

"It's not a matter of concern..."

"The Student Union has information about you, so I also know your identity... I want to come here to see you for this reason."

"Is it because I am a six-winged elf?"

Corel, who sat down with his hands on the edge of the bed, obviously didn't want to talk about this issue.

Leilu pursed her lips. She was the one who found it difficult to talk to her younger generation.

"Actually, my family was also among those who jointly declared that they would treat the six-winged elves differently..."

The words Leilu said as if talking to herself made Corel's shoulders tremble slightly.

Ling saw this subtle movement in her eyes. She just sat aside and listened quietly to the conversation between Leilu and Corel.

"Sister Leilu, you don't think so, right? That has nothing to do with you..."

"No, it has something to do with me! I won't say that just because I was not directly involved, I can absolve myself from responsibility. If Corel-san thinks so, why are you here now when you were not directly expelled from the race?"

"I just..." Corel's tone seemed bleak, "I just want to prove myself..."


"I have never hated my identity, but I want to prove that the six-winged elves do not have to be excluded..."

This is the reason why Corel did not hide that she is a six-winged elf from Frost Moon Academy and Aika. She can calmly accept the identity that belongs only to her.

One of Leilu's worries can be put aside. At least Corel has no concept of revenge against the elves.

She came to Corel, who had shrunk her shoulders, and gently hugged her body.

"Perhaps I am not qualified to say this as the perpetrator, but the elves no longer reject the six-winged elves."


"The Elf King proved that magic costumes and natural elves are not in a contractual relationship with each other. The past misunderstandings about magic costumes no longer exist. The six-winged elves have led the entire elves out of the cross-border war. They are the real heroes. "

——So, even if you and your family return to the elves, you will no longer receive any strange looks.

Leilu could feel Corel's mood at the moment. This mood was neither joy nor anger, but something calmer.

Even if Corel is told about the current situation of the elves, it is impossible for her to return to the elves calmly.

It is not difficult to change the direction of rumors. What is difficult is to eliminate the existing barriers between the two groups of people.

"Classmate Corel, I am here to apologize to you..."

This is an exchange between the next generation as perpetrators and victims, both of whom stand on the same level.

Leilu has a reason to apologize to Corel, and Corel also has the responsibility to accept Leilu's apology.

"...I also want to tell you this fact. In this case, you don't have to take risks to make so-called proofs, right?"

And these words were the words of Corel’s senior, Lelu-senpai, conveyed to her.

Corel hasn't cried yet, but she just has the urge to cry loudly in Leilu's arms.

Ling stood up from the chair and prepared to leave the room.

Until now, Ling had only left space for the two people who depended on each other, but she herself had not said anything.

"Classmate Ling?"

"I just came to see if Corel was injured when she helped Charlotte leave August."

"Senior Ling, please wait a moment..."

"We will all stay here tonight. If you have anything to say to me, just come to me then."

Ling walked out of the room and closed the door behind her back.

Before she even uttered her question, she already knew the answer.

Even if that were true, Ling couldn't get angry now.

Maybe it's because Corel's experience has affected her mood, or maybe it's been too long and I've forgotten how to be angry.

Tonight, Corel should come to her room to confess the mistakes she has committed. Let’s leave this kind of problem to think about at that time.


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